Can benzo's help with opiate withdrawal?

Found latley its a kind of 2 way street, low or a day or two short a small dose of whatever op8 i can get does wonders although is just as habbit forming, then come time to refill my benzos one or 2 extra to sort out the wd's from the first (keeping op8 doseage as minimal as possible though not too fussy about what i take) whereas i follow my valium allowance rather well now but sometimes i fuck up.
Honestly it really doesn't help that much I have tried everything and benzos just get you high in a different way it really doesn't treat any symptoms unless your an anxious person because withdrawal intensifies that. Your way better off using gabapentin that will curb many symptoms
For me, benzos were helpful with the insomnia. For the actual withdrawal, Gabapentin and Loperamide were extremely helpful. Just exercise caution with the Lope, since high doses are cardiotoxic, and people who've become addicted to it say it makes their opiate tolerance skyrocket. Your best bet, if you use these meds, is to taper off them once the worst of the withdrawal is past. Good luck, friend! ??
I had a friend who dealt with heroin w.d. with alcohol, but generally I don't think it would work for most people, and same with benzos. Since you don't want to quit cold turkey, I don't see the reason of not using subs for the w.d. since they are especially created for it.