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Diazepam or Temazepam

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Apr 30, 2011

What do you think is the better? How do the two differ in terms of effect?

Thanks all.
Diazepam last a bit longer than temazepam, and is used more often for anxiety and panic relief, whereas temazepam is a bit shorter in its duration and is mainly used for its hypnotic effects...
It is very subjective and entirely depends what you are after!

Although primarily anxiolytic, many find diazepam quite sedating.. it has a very long half-life though (20-100 hours, haha, increases with repeated dosing as it accumulates in fatty tissue and is then released back into the bloodstream) and although it makes me sleep, I am most definitely still feeling it the next day. Temazepam's half life, on the other hand, is 8-10 hours and it's duration of action is only about 4 hours really IMO. Diazepam is the most common street benzo in the UK but they are usually Pakistani knock-offs with anywhere between zero and 15mgs of diazepam per "blue" (10mg pill) - usually nearer the 5mg mark I'd say, but it varies a lot..

A lot of people (including myself) consider temazepam to be one of the more recreational benzos - IVing temazepams used to be a big thing here in the UK (do NOT do this, especially the gel ones - led to a lot of abscesses and amputations..) Overall I find hypnotic benzos more recreational as I feel then more - anxiolytic ones just chill me a bit. It is a personal choice though, YMMV :)

Wow, I wrote a mini-lecture there, sorry! Procrastination ftw..
They feel totally different. Temazepam is a different sort of benzodiazepine. It is commonly used as a sleep agent (not typically prescribed for day time use), as it is a hypnotic agent.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temazepam

Valium is more of an anti anxiety drug whereas temazepam is more often a sleep aid, a tool to treat insomnia or trouble sleeping. Diazepam has a longer half-life, thus temazepam is out of your system faster. If you take it, give yourself a good 7-8 hours (where you don't need to drive, etc.) as it'll make you unable to perform such tasks (if taken at a dose that is not super low... ) *or, you should NOT be doing those tasks, even if you 'feel' like you maybe would be able to*

Check out the wiki info on temazepam - I find it pretty interesting - comparing the use and abuse of the substance across the globe. I am prescribed temazepam for sleeping - it works wonders! Tolerance builds fast. I'd never take it during the day if I want to function (and thus, I never do). I do however take all and any other benzo (am prescribed lorazepam, clonazepam currently and was previously prescribed alprazolam.) I have also taken diazepam via a friend -- I find valium to be the benzo 'easiest to function on while maintaining a certain glow' of the lot. Clonaz/loraz are great for day use as well... but those are not related to this thread ;).

Temaz is a bit 'heavier' in my opinion. It's almost like a VERY light opiate-like glow + benzo sedation (never found benzos 'fun'). Valium is just relaxing, plain and simple. However, valium won't (straight up) put you to sleep. Temazepam, for me, is not a 'take and go about your day' type benzo, whereas valium is. That's that!

Ok thanks for all your advise, my friend has both and im a regular diazepam user but never tried temazepam. I usualy take 15 - 30 mgs of diazepam through out the course of the day at work just to take the edge of a bit lol but from what your saying im guessing this cant be done with temazepam due to its sedating propeties. So Temazepam is more of a night time thing then?
Valium at high doses has me sleeping no problem, although I'm talking doses in excess of 50mgs, I have had Temaz a few times but not enough to really comment.

I currently use valium daily as an effective (self) treatment for anxiety but iot can make me feel a little tired at higher doses, I sus[ect nopt as much as temaz would though, I'm tempted to try a shorter acting Benzo but I'm in enoughy trouble with Valium:\

Ok thanks for all your advise, my friend has both and im a regular diazepam user but never tried temazepam. I usualy take 15 - 30 mgs of diazepam through out the course of the day at work just to take the edge of a bit lol but from what your saying im guessing this cant be done with temazepam due to its sedating propeties. So Temazepam is more of a night time thing then?

I'd say so - it can be fun in the day but probably not at work!

Check out the benzo conversion chart in my signature to see what dose of temaz is roughly equivalent to your diazepam dose :)
I can't really add anything to what has been said but can give you my opinion, which happens to mirror what has been said above.

Temaz is a definate winner in my opinion for sleep and chilling out. Vallium will take the edge off but for recreational value, unless you suffer from anxiety, it doesn't tend to do a lot. I tend to find with valium that it takes high doses to feel anything substantial and by this time you are a slurring mess unable to carry out the basic of functions, but feel fine mentally!
Diazepam hands down. Temazepam is overrated. Don't know whats up with all these people ranking these shitty benzo's so high. Like Xanax, and Temazepam - way way Overrated.
Not to mention, diazepam is more of a benzodiazepine that can be used for loss of inhibitions, sense of well being (euphoria), and social activities and lasts much much longer than temaz. Temazepam is a short acting benzo: very sedating, dream-like, blissful euphoria but short lived
Diazepam hands down. Temazepam is overrated. Don't know whats up with all these people ranking these shitty benzo's so high. Like Xanax, and Temazepam - way way Overrated.

I agree that temazepam is way overrated, but diazepam is even more so. According to Bluelight, temazepam seems to be the most recreational benzo (with CRAZY EUPHORIA and MAD SEDATION that will blow your mind!!!!11) and a lot of people seem to consider diazepam euphoric as well, but I think both are pretty ordinary. Diazepam is just about the most boring, basic benzo, with really only medicinal - including borderline-medicinal, like alleviating stimulant comedowns/crashes - qualities. Temazepam may have a little more recreational value, but basically, it's still a mild chill pill which only really works with alcohol or other substances.

Alprazolam I actually like.

Anyway, if you had to take one for recreation, I'd say temazepam has a little potential for having fun, whereas diazepam has pretty much zip.
This is such a subjective thing, as you can see - peope's opinions differ a lot. I think this thread has run for long enough now - it could go on forever with people offering different opinions, but I don't think there is much HR value in that :)

Riptaz, if you have any questions about closing this feel free to shoot me a pm :)
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