Opiate Withdrawal.

Steva1986- Life is hard. The pills often make it feel better than it is. A few months of pharmaceuticals and we start to forget about the bad parts. Unfortunately they sll come back when you quit the drugs.
Some of what you're going through is undoubtedly PAWS, but some if it may just be life and you've forgotten just how depressing life can be.
Get outside during daylight and go for a walk every day in your own neighborhood. As Erikmen said the exercise is very helpful, but so is the sunshine on your skin. It also creates a sense of neighborhood and family if you see your neighbors daily. All of that can come together to fight the daily depression you're feeling. AND it helps to pass time when you're feeling like crap.
Working nights must be really hard. Great job on your 35 days. Congrats!
Thanks squeaky ive actually felt fantastic today had a really hard demanding job today down the docks got the blood pumping i can honestly say feeling the best i have in years thanks for the responses guys
I’m going to say something that you may not want to hear or even believe, though it is the truth...
I had worked my way up to 15 vicodin a day easy and had some of the others in that line , even fentenal , when I realized I was feeling and acting like a junkie...
Before a bunch of surgeries that led me to pain pills I was clean and sober for 20 years...
I did it with AA though I read and studied the Bible the whole way...
I had tried to stop the pills but got really sick like a junkie. 2 or 3 times I tried...
I took pills for 10 years then I decided to ween myself down and •••••••
I put all the faith I have in Jesus Christ to help me•••
I waited and was ready to get sick
and never got sick•••thank you Lord•••
How much faith in Him do you have•••
Experiment and let me know
God will bless you

Jesus said
Your faith will heal you
There’s certainly space for God in anybody’s recovery. As far as I can tell it doesn’t matter how you get through, as long as you make it to the other side.
Congratulations Monsirrr. Quitting a long term habit like that must have been a monumental task.
Hi guys been almoat 50 days now i have my life back every now and again i feel a bit depressed but i believe that could be paws and my job is so tiring im worki g 6 12 hour night shifts a week and dont get much sleep but apart from that i am back thanks to everyone for there replies and i do believe in god i believe i am truly blessed to have my life back thanks again
I can't make it a whole 24 hours without getting deathly ill from taking my oxy. I want to stop taking them so bad but No one will help me because they are prescribed to me and I'm not a heroin addict. I've tried cold turkey but it is impossible.
Have you spoke with your doctor about a taper programme that will be the most comfortable for you with least withdrawal i know its hard i tapered down from 900mg codeine daily to 60 mg in three weeks then stopped you can do it believe in yourself you will get there do you not have any family members or friends to help you i know the support from my wife helped massively just to here her say you are doing really well kept my spirits up it made me believe i could win and i have keep your head up you will get there
I can't make it a whole 24 hours without getting deathly ill from taking my oxy. I want to stop taking them so bad but No one will help me because they are prescribed to me and I'm not a heroin addict. I've tried cold turkey but it is impossible.

Heres what you should do. If you take one pill every x amount of hours, take that one pill and cut it into quarters (cut it in half, then cut the halves in half). So day 1 take 3/4 your dose at your normal times. Do this one or two days. Then go to 1/2 your original dose for one or two days. Then go to 1/4 your dose for one or two days. Then jump off. You will have massive depression at first, racing heart, high blood pressure, you will cry, and be cold and sweaty, and feel love like you and emotions like you haven’t felt in a while. Keep at it and youll make it!

note - if you have medium to very high doses you will need to taper slower.
PattiCake68- that sounded like a solid plan. Did you try it. Please let everyone know. All of us are constantly looking for good working advice and we’d like to know if that is working for you ;)
God I hope someone is still active on this thread. Been addicted to DHC (dihydrocodeine) for a year and a half. I?m very ?mood? dependent on how I take them. One day I can manage on 4/5 and others I need more. I don?t usually exceed my prescribed dose ( 2 tablets 4 times s day) but I cannot take them spread out. I have to have about 4/5 with my morning coffee then I?ll take a couple more in he afternoon. So yesterday I woke up and I?d had enough. I said screw it im going cold turkey - huge mistake. I didn?t taper or plan it out. I have 2 kids and a husband who works. The withdrawals started about midday yesterday and got worse and worse. Vomiting, shaking, sweating, the worst cramps, severe diarrhoea almost every 15 minutes. Just the worst pain, but I was determined. Moving on to this morning after managing only 1 hours sleep, I was on the toilet with unexplainable diarrhoea whilst aiming for the sink with my vomit. I also took my ?time of the month? without even realising it and long story short I wound up lying on the bathroom floor in a ball covered in my own sick, blood and feaces ?? I?m so ashamed but I knew my daughter was due home from nursery and my son from school so I showered quickly and yes I caved! I took my pillls. I couldn?t let my children see me like that. I feel so lost. I want off them so badly but with so many responsibilities I don?t see how. I?m not a big drinker at all but have a big charity event with my husbands work this weekend at an all expenses paid luxury hotel. I?m also going to be speaking at this event and it?s very important to me (ironically this charity is for a local church that feeds homeless addicts every morning) ...... so I?m back to square one. Have taken 5 and honestly feel fine now! From what felt like death to my ?normal? in just a few hours. I feel exhausted though but not unwell. Guys what do I do? I?d love to be clean. I go to bed every night terrified I won?t wake up and see me kids again cause I?m scared these pills are damaging my heart and I?ll have a massive heart attack. I love a few drinks on very rare special occasions which will be this weekend (I have no confidence without a few and won?t be able to speak if I don?t get some Dutch courage) so I?m terrified I?m going to die on Saturday night from being on these and drinking. Even though I won?t be getting really drunk I?m still terrified. I hate this life. I hate that I can?t live a normal life without medication. Does tappering really help the withdrawals or is planned cold turkey the only real option? Any help would be so appreciated.

Anna xxx
DHC does not damage the heart in any way, nor any other bodily organ. However, the acetaminophen in them is quite damaging to the liver. If you're going to keep doing them, you need to start doing cold water extractions. Crush up the pills and dissolve them in a glass of cold water. Stir a lot, the water will be cloudy. Let it sit for a bit, the acetaminophen does not dissolve in water and will settle on the bottom, while the DHC will be dissolved in the water. Then drink the water, making sure not to drink the acetaminophen that's on the bottom. Doing this will at least prevent the damage to your liver.

Tapering certainly helps the withdrawals but you will always experience withdrawals, they'll just be less intense. Tapering is very difficult though because it's really easy to convince yourself to take more. The idea when tapering is to take just enough to not feel sick, but not feel high either. And you want to feel high, so it can be quite hard not to take just a little more.

The easiest way to get through withdrawals is to get some loperamide (immodium, the over the counter diarrhea medicine). Take 30mg when you're withdrawing. It takes a few hours to work, but it masks a lot of the withdrawal symptoms (not just the diarrhea). It also lasts a whole day or more. Take it once per day or even every other day, whatever you can stand, for a week. Don't keep taking it because it can cause withdrawals too and it actually IS bad for your heart to abuse. But after a week you should be pretty much past withdrawal from DHC so you can stop and you'll probably just deal with a little discomfort until your body normalizes.

Once past the acute withdrawals, you'll probably experience cravings and periodic discomfort for a while, this is because of Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS), which shouldn't last too long for you since you haven't been on opiates for as long as some. It might last a couple of months, this is normal.
I?ve personally done the Loperamide route and it definitely works. Go get the 400 pill count bottle from WalMart or Costco. It?s way cheaper. You may need to adjust the dosage if your DHC habit is too high. You can always taper off the Loperamide easily since there?s no high (unless you take a lot, like 100 pills at once, so never do that)
Getting smash hammered drunk helped me to a certain degree with Oxycodone withdrawl. However, I suffer hangovers which I am convinced were designed by Satan's gonorrhea infected, and decidedly unhappy butt-lover.

As such, I always felt the need to either continue drinking enough the following day to power the Royal Navy of times past, or felt an overwhelming desire to relapse in order to alleviate my suffering.

Depending on it's availability to you in your locale, I personally found my own formula (not my own I would imagine, probably an oft practiced remedy) involving Kratom as the primary reliever.

All of that being said, there's been a few times where I was in utter desperation, more around day 3 or 4 where I forced myself to go for a walk. I ended up precisely in a liquor store, with a vast jug of Vodka in my hands. Strangely, I mixed it with orange juice and a vitamin powder available in Canada called "EmergenC" (powdered, effervescing vitamins). I felt pretty damned shiny that evening, at least for a while. It took my mind off of things while I watched some war documentaries which mimicked my at the time desire to "blow shit up" whilst yelling loudly.
Personally I find alcohol absolutely awful for opiate withdrawal, it makes it feel many times worse, mostly because it greatly increases the restlessness and makes me even more emotionally unstable.

Kratom will certainly mask withdrawal but it's only because it, too, is an opiate. Like loperamide, you can use it to mask withdrawals for a week and then stop. And actually kratom is much safer than loperamide, it's just that it only lasts a few hours so you might need to redose a lot and kratom is additive too. Loperamide works for at least 24 hours on a single dose so it's much easier to not take much.
I've gone down 10 mg a month at the methadone clinic from 160-80mgs with no problems. I know once I finally stop breaking my tens into pieces as small as possible, it will suck, but is it as bad, as long, as moving to subs, then back up and down will it be easier due to the 17month wean?
Kratom might help opiate/opioid WD especially the red kinds 3 grams is a good dose for a first timer
Yes, although kratom is also an opioid so you must be very careful and use it only for the shortest time possible at the lowest dose possible.
Im back on the cold turkey train to hell. I used Loperamide this time to lessen the fall and it really worked, although I jumped off from much higher this time , 120 mgs /day oxy.
Im in day 7 right now. My body aches keep wandering from ok to pretty bad. Been taking way too much benzos for sleep, but at least Im sleeping. I had two more surgeries 10 weeks ago and I now have 20 screws in my back. And it really fing hurts...
Opiate free for the first time since rehab 2 years ago and then 4 years before that. I don't know how or why i did it but I just went my parents house for Easter and had only 1 take home left to last for a five day trip.... by day three I was starting to feel real feelings again... by day five I was crying about everything lol.... so I saw it as sort of maybe a good opportunity to quit since I had started the worst of the withdrawal. I didn't sleep for eat much for about five days.... wasn't as bad as I expected honestly, pretty easy this time. I took a little speed to lighten my mood and push me through the PAWs been a month opiate free feels great!