• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

When growing up, did you or any friends get new/nice cars bought by parents?

well i grew up through my teenage years with just my mum. she couldnt drive and i moved out before completeing my driving test because i couldnt afford it. my bro on the other ahnd did buy my mum car when she learnt to drive a couple of years ago. i did buy myself a 100cc scooter which i sold to my bro too. he trashed it though :( was a good peice of scooter aswell. love motorbikes!!
Nope.. couldn't afford the insurance, let alone the car and gasoline and what not. Bought my own after college.
WHen I was 18 me and my brother both drove my parents Honda Civic Hybrid. It was a nice car, but it sucked not actually owning it, as well as sharing it with my twin brother. I was never guaranteed a ride anywhere because my brother might have the car. THe summer after my freshmen year of college, my parents sold the civic and bought me and my brother cars. I got a 94 Toyota 4runner. It was like 1800 i think. I like it, it works for the most part.
When was 16 i went and got myself a job and i saved up and bought my first car :) a hatch back ford laser :) Her name was Rose and she did me proud! (until i smashed her up :()
My parents had money and could have bought me a new car but it was an unwritten man code that a first car must be a beater so that you can learn to work on cars. And it was also a given that the first car would get destroyed somehow, so why waste money on a car that's just going to get trashed. The same went for most of my friends. The only kid I knew that got a new car was an asshole that tortured animals and was a danger to his own family. His parents bought him a 280Z and when he wrecked that they quickly bought him a Triumph motorcycle. Rumor was that his parents had a large insurance policy on him and were trying to cash in. I don't know if they ever did cash in because I went in the military around that time and lost touch with the old crowd. Ihope they did though :)
My mom helped me choose a car. I chose the second one I stepped into because I love it so much. "Built Ford Tough".

I'm paying for it on my own. It was around $10,000. My stepfather co-signed the loan so that I could get it.

I would never buy my child a car, nor would I pay for the payments (unless, of course, circumstances were dire). I would help them choose a good, affordable car in the middle range ($4,000 to $8,000) and, before co-signing the loan, would have to give them the talk. It's the best way to teach responsibility.
My mum died when I was 18 and I drove her car around for the rest of that year. When my next birthday came around, my dad transferred the car to my name, the registration and insurance were a birthday gift, and the value of the car will come out of my eventual inheritance.

I like that my dad does stuff like that, he's happy to buy us stuff, give us money, but it means you really think about whether you need it/how much to take etc, because it's going to come out of your pot of money in the end.
My parents told my siblings and I that they would never buy are car for any of us, or even help pay for a car for any of us. Pretty much my parents raised us to work for anything that is worth something, even though they are solidly middle class. Any expensive item I own (music equipment), besides my laptop (graduation present), was bought through my own hardwork/money. I also have to pay for the majority of cost of university. I don't hate them for it, even if I see friends or acquaintances whose families make less money than mine get 10x the amount of stuff from their parents. Birthdays or Christmas they probably spend 60-80 dollars max, while I see people get handed hundreds of dollars, or an iphone, etc. Even for allowance as a kid I never got more than $5.00 a week. Honestly I'm kinda glad they didn't spoil me and gave me an non-materialistic view of the world. They do pay for my medical bills which I know costs them a bit of money, so I do thank them for that, as I know some people may not have the same ability as me to see say as many specialists I've seen this past year.