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Netherlands Will No Longer Sell Cannabis to Tourists

damn it. first the mushrooms now the weed. about 12 years ago i wanted to go to amsterdam for senior high school vacation. my mother said hell no cuz she thinks i was going there to stick needles in my arm, get prostitutes, and smoke weed. i just wanted to go so i could smoke weed and check out the scenery
. i ended up goin to cancun. now bye bye to my amsterdam dreams. o well
living in Amsterdam I've noticed that the majority of people living here don't smoke or perhaps occasionally do; it's never a big deal. The novelty of marijuana is non-existent, and the problems one finds in obtaining it in other countries, also is non-existent. The policies here in Amsterdam are the right way to go, the political parties that now have a majority in Holland are right wing, conservative parties, they're the ones pushing for this ridiculous policy. I'm pretty sure it won't happen however, heres one thing I've learned about the Dutch culture (not trying to generalize) which is; whats good for their economy, or pockets, always wins. The interests of coffeeshops are too strong in this city, I've worked with tourists before and I'd say about 95% of the tourists do smoke some marijuana. so what would happen with all this tourism? Anyway give it four years and another political party will win, thus not allowing for this policy to take effect. trust me it wont happen.

This is the translation of a letter sent to the coffeeshop unions in the Netherlands, I am proud to translate this good news....

Dear folks,
The big news today is that the new Tolerance Policy will become active from July 1, 2011, and will be valid until June 30 2015(!). The AHOJG criteria are already avaiable onwww.openbaarministerie.nl The good news is not much is going to change.

The most important conclusion is that the AHOJG crtieria have not been complemented with the Weedpass and the Distance Criteria. Nothing changes in this area.

The announced additions will not be part of the national regulations for coffeeshops.

This means that all the evil measurements from The Hague, including weedpass and distance criteria, can only be implemented on a local level. This means the weedpass and the distance criteria will probably not make it in Amsterdam. These announced measurements, that would lead to a coffeeshop wipe-out in Amsterdam, can only be implemented through local legislation by the City Council.

The City Council already spoke out against the weedpass and the distance criteria, like the Mayor, who will be held to execute and maintain the new Tolerance rulebook. This is also included in the Opiumlaw art. 31b.

Especially the long term of the new Tolerance regulations stands out, 4 years going! This is a first, and appears to be a signal that The Hague decided that de introduction of the weedpass and the new distance criteria and everything else Justice Minister Opstelten comes up with is to be decided on by individual City Councils. The City Council has toe execute or deny new measurements. The Mayor has to uphold the rules in the end.

This means in Amsterdam there will be no mayor changes.

The 5 plant rule stays intact.

I salute you, MR. Maurice Veldman,

Legal rep. for the BCD and THC.

Translation: Nol van Schaik.

Translation by :
Earl Howe
This is so stupid... government again doing what it does best: shitting on The People.

Aticcc: there's nothing "right wing" or "conservative" about being authoritarian. Policies like these are just simply inherent in big government.

I bet Muslims in Holland will be happy about this.

I planned to go to Amsterdam again to legally smoke weed for the first time...
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This is the translation of a letter sent to the coffeeshop unions in the Netherlands, I am proud to translate this good news....

Dear folks,
The big news today is that the new Tolerance Policy will become active from July 1, 2011, and will be valid until June 30 2015(!). The AHOJG criteria are already avaiable onwww.openbaarministerie.nl The good news is not much is going to change.

The most important conclusion is that the AHOJG crtieria have not been complemented with the Weedpass and the Distance Criteria. Nothing changes in this area.

The announced additions will not be part of the national regulations for coffeeshops.

This means that all the evil measurements from The Hague, including weedpass and distance criteria, can only be implemented on a local level. This means the weedpass and the distance criteria will probably not make it in Amsterdam. These announced measurements, that would lead to a coffeeshop wipe-out in Amsterdam, can only be implemented through local legislation by the City Council.

The City Council already spoke out against the weedpass and the distance criteria, like the Mayor, who will be held to execute and maintain the new Tolerance rulebook. This is also included in the Opiumlaw art. 31b.

Especially the long term of the new Tolerance regulations stands out, 4 years going! This is a first, and appears to be a signal that The Hague decided that de introduction of the weedpass and the new distance criteria and everything else Justice Minister Opstelten comes up with is to be decided on by individual City Councils. The City Council has toe execute or deny new measurements. The Mayor has to uphold the rules in the end.

This means in Amsterdam there will be no mayor changes.

The 5 plant rule stays intact.

I salute you, MR. Maurice Veldman,

Legal rep. for the BCD and THC.

Translation: Nol van Schaik.

Translation by :
Earl Howe

This really does look like good news! =D<3%)
Does Holland have anything that other european countries don't have? I mean.. I've already seen alot of windmills. Besides, staring at windmills is no fun unless you're high.

Hahaha that was very funny!

So it seems that nothing will change. Unlike the US, the local laws can overrule the federal laws. If the Civil War was won by the south, it would have been a much better place. It wasn't about slavery until nearer to the end, the real fight was on state's rights.
i wonder how many jobs will be lost. sure the coffee shops probably don't employ all that many people, but the people who go to amsterdam to smoke weed are probably motivated enough potheads to see the sights and shit. i mean, when i was smoking pot i wouldn't take all the time and energy to go there too smoke weed considering you don't really get fucked with much in the states unless you're selling it.
but ya, have fun with all the money you lose guys!
i wonder how many jobs will be lost. sure the coffee shops probably don't employ all that many people, but the people who go to amsterdam to smoke weed are probably motivated enough potheads to see the sights and shit. i mean, when i was smoking pot i wouldn't take all the time and energy to go there too smoke weed considering you don't really get fucked with much in the states unless you're selling it.
but ya, have fun with all the money you lose guys!

Can you read?
The Hague decided that de introduction of the weedpass and the new distance criteria and everything else Justice Minister Opstelten comes up with is to be decided on by individual City Councils. The City Council has toe execute or deny new measurements. The Mayor has to uphold the rules in the end.

This means in Amsterdam there will be no major changes.

As for " don't really get fucked with much in the states unless you're selling it."

Come to Fla., a couple yrs ago a young male was given 11-29 for 0.5grams of pot- 1 joint. The prosecutor wanted him to turn over his dealer and when he refused the judge gave the max. 11 months 29 days in jail for 1 joint.
to reduce orginised crime? paa! 8) how rediculous! now when you walk the streets of a'dam and some freak comes over and says " u wanna buy any weed?" you will no longer ignore the stupid person or say "mate they sell it in shops here." people will end up buying off these shady dealers, getting robbed of their money, or buying contaminated cannabis filled with tiny glass particles ripping your lungs to shreds. oh thanks a lot government! you just lost a lot of tourism and a huge part of your culture while harming a lot of innocent and peaceful people!:|
Crap, i had plans to visit Amsterdam this summer.

Oh FFS, I guess reading comprehension is at a all time low.


NEW AHOJG rules: NO WEEDPASS UNTIL June 30st 2015 !

in Dutch>
Nieuwe AHOJG regels: Geen Wietpas en afstandcriterium tot 30 juni 2015 !
Zojuist ontvangen van het secretariaat van de BCD, Amsterdam>

Beste mensen,

Het grote nieuws van vandaag is dat het nieuwe gedoogbeleid op 1 juli a.s. in zal
gaan en tot 30 juni 2015 (!) van kracht zal zijn. De AHOJG criteria staan al op
internet (www.openbaarministrie.nl). Het goede nieuws is dat er niet veel zal

De belangrijkste conclusie is dat de AHOJG criteria niet zijn aangevuld met wietpas
en afstandscriterium. Alleen de burgemeester is exclusief bevoegd ex art. 13b
Opiumwet consequenties te verbinden aan niet naleving van de AHOJG criteria. Daarin
vernadert niets. De aangekondigde maatregelen maken tot 30 juni 2015 geen deel uit
van landelijke regels voor coffeeshops. Alle boze maatregelen uit Den Haag
(inclusief afstandscriterium en wietpas) kunnen de komende vier jaren dus
uitsluitend op lokaal niveau worden gerealiseerd. Dat betekent voor de goede orde
dat de wietpas en ook het scholenafstandscriterium in Amsterdam het naar alle
waarschijnlijkheid niet zullen halen. Immers, Deze aangekondigde maatregelen die in
Amsterdam tot een kaalslag zullen leiden kunnen alleen middels lokale regelgeving
door de Gemeenteraad worden vastgesteld. En de gemeenteraad is tegen een
afstandscriterium en tegen de wietpas. Net als de burgemeester, die ook in de nieuwe
gedoogregels is aangewezen om deze te handhaven. Dat staat overigens ook gewoon in
art. 13b van de Opiumwet.

Vooral de lange geldigheidsduur van de nieuwe gedoogvoorwaarden van maar liefst 4
jaar is opvallend. Dat is nog niet eerder vertoond een lijkt een signaal te zijn dat
in Den Haag is besloten dat invoering van de wietpas en het afstandscriterium plus
al hetgeen Opstelten de komende tijd zal verzinnen uiteindelijk ter beoordeling van
de gemeenteraad is. De gemeenteraad moet nieuwe maatregelen vaststellen of afkeuren.
De burgemeester handhaaft de regels uiteindelijk. Dat betekent dat er in Amsterdam
niet veel zal veranderen.

De vijf planten regeling blijft van kracht.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Maurice Veldman


VINK VELDMAN & SWIER Strafrechtadvocaten

Now in English>

NEW AHOJG rules: NO WEEDPASS UNTIL June 30st 2015 ! ago
This is the translation of a letter sent to the coffeeshop unions in the Netherlands, I am proud to translate this good news....

Dear folks,
The big news today is that the new Tolerance Policy will become active from July 1, 2011, and will be valid until June 30 2015(!). The AHOJG criteria are already avaiable onwww.openbaarministerie.nl The good news is not much is going to change.

The most important conclusion is that the AHOJG crtieria have not been complemented with the Weedpass and the Distance Criteria. Nothing changes in this area.

The announced additions will not be part of the national regulations for coffeeshops.

This means that all the evil measurements from The Hague, including weedpass and distance criteria, can only be implemented on a local level. This means the weedpass and the distance criteria will probably not make it in Amsterdam. These announced measurements, that would lead to a coffeeshop wipe-out in Amsterdam, can only be implemented through local legislation by the City Council.

The City Council already spoke out against the weedpass and the distance criteria, like the Mayor, who will be held to execute and maintain the new Tolerance rulebook. This is also included in the Opiumlaw art. 31b.

Especially the long term of the new Tolerance regulations stands out, 4 years going! This is a first, and appears to be a signal that The Hague decided that de introduction of the weedpass and the new distance criteria and everything else Justice Minister Opstelten comes up with is to be decided on by individual City Councils. The City Council has toe execute or deny new measurements. The Mayor has to uphold the rules in the end.

This means in Amsterdam there will be no mayor changes.

The 5 plant rule stays intact.

I salute you, MR. Maurice Veldman,

Legal rep. for the BCD and THC.

Translation: Nol van Schaik.

Translation by :
Earl Howe

By the time that date comes up you can bet the farm the political climate will be different, so till then NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Interesting..... I lived in Germany for 4yrs, and stopped by Amsterdam and environs on occasion. Being that I was active duty at the time, I could only partake if I was on a 14-30 leave.....

That was in '06..... and it was starting to get kinda seedy then even. So I'm on the fence for this one.
I've lived in states with decriminalized/med marijuana, and the "club" or clinic concept does work well. Either way, I don't see any problem with the Dutch wanting to curtail drug tourism and crime.
I know that the neitherlands is one of the worlds largest flower and seed producers but this my point of view it's just another case of the goverment doing what they want and the people doing what they can it's a huge mistake that is there tourist attraction say good bye to there tourism industry say goodbye to hard working peoples jobs say good bye to people who have been growing cannibis for decades for these shops now there orders will be like 5% of what they were so they will loose most of what they have not to mention there just going to keep the hookers in the windows and hide the bud in the back yard that makes no good sense to a rational person especialy when we are talking about marijuana considering it's never killed anyone and 3500 people a year die from caffiene in the u.s. every year what the fuck is wrong with people open your eyes it's not cocaine or meth or smack so someone give me a GOOD reason why they would throw all that money away the world has officialy gone crazy but on a side note medical marijuana is in legistation for n.c. and has already been de criminalized for under an ounce and a half it's just a fine now so we are on our way to semi legalization in the bible belt and they shut down amsterdam wtf never another CANNIBUS CUP or are would only citizens of amsterdam could participate that would make for a dull ass competition oh well there goes another good thing taken away by the man
it's all about outward apperance and has nothing to do with anything real except a mask do they think they can just make people forget that they have been doing it for forty years or so now it not going to change there image to anything but a much higher homelessness rate because of hard working people thrown out of there home because the gov took there job absolute madness
fuck all christian democrat governments, look what they've done in germany: at the beginning of 2000 they almost legalised cannabis there, then the fucking christian democrats got in, everything got worse, now instead of legal dope they have 5 percent purity heroin at every corner.
i hate christian democrats.
oh no! now I can never smoke weed in the dam. what a loss. nah, its just a loss that I cant smoke THEIR weed. c'mon, dutch gov. have some dank pride. I hope sex will not be banned for U.S. tourists hoping to bang of a prostitute or two? Some of my, um, fellow americans, NOT ME OF COURSE, might never get laid if not for a dutchbang.