hiding track marks from girlfriend


Feb 25, 2011

so im posting this... i quit IV a few months ago, but this week i bought some heroin (quite a few bags) i smoke it, but i did end having a couple of shots since wednesday, okey so my point making this thread how could i hide my track marks from the girlfriend and family, i been shotting up past 4 days and my girlfriend only noticed a few hours ago before she went home (she stopped at mine for a few days) and she noticed them while we was cuddling... now we had a fall out and she wasn't talking to me, just saying how can she trust me anymore as i did promise her i wont IV anymore, she hates me doing heroin fullstop but i do smoke it as she doesn't really mind (even though deep down she does).

so i wasn't planning on IV, now i got myself in shit... any ideas what i can do to hide the marks? dunno what to do... i don't want to loose her, or stop taking heroin, so please no comments stop heroin blah blah....

Be honest and tell her you relapsed and then proceed to beg her not to leave you.

i don't want to loose her, or stop taking heroin, so please no comments stop heroin blah blah....

What you want and what the reality is are two different things.

I wont say stop doing heroin, so I'll say tell your girlfriend that you don't intend to stop injecting heroin.

You're being selfish and only thinking of yourself and what you want. True love & respect would be telling her the reality of the situation rather than looking for ways to deceive and make a fool out of her.
yup.. Be honest and beg for forgiveness. If you try to hide them you won't be fooling anyone but yourself.
i love her loads, and she loves me... when we first got together like a few weeks after she found out i was an ex-heroin addict, i relapsed in november and i have been using it off and on since, i mainly buy it a couple of times a month and i smoke it, she was abit shocked as im not the junkie stereotype she may of thought, i no she doesn't like it because heroin is frowned upon in my town even though everyone else likes to get fucked up on social accepted drugs such as cocaine, speed and ecstasy... it annoys me! yeah heroin addicts do steal or whatever they can to feed there habit, i have never been like that... its not like im hurting anyone smoking it in my bedroom to chill with, my girlfriend really doesn't mind that, i don't no why i did want to IV again, i guess so i can save more heroin while smoking it just goes so quickly... its not something im going to do again (i hope) as i really did let my girlfriend down.

i still want to smoke it, i just don't no if she can trust me again to buy it now i broke her trust, i just dunno what to do.

i no deep down i should stop, and it is something im planning to do... im just enjoying myself right now, i smoke weed everyday... and use heroin as a "treat".
It you do not wan to quit heroin, and she is willing to tolerate you smoking it, then it sounds like there is a simple compromise that you two can come to. But if she is just ignoring how much it bothers her then this will most likely cause problems too.

As terrible as I am with relationships, I know that it is usually beneficial to have open and honest communication. I'm not sure your discussion needs to be done in a "begging/groveling" manner. You made a promise and broke it, that doesn't make you a terrible person. But it is helpful to be honest with another person in a relationship.
yeah i am honest, i learned the hard way with my ex's, and its what my current girlfriend also said about, i did used to use heroin with my ex for a while but this got abit over the top of me and i ended up with a habit, spending all our rent money on it and being paranoid like hell about her, we ended up splitting... i was single for a year before i got with my current girlfriend... because i got myself clean and i wasn't ready for a relationship, now im in one i just have to remember about it, and not think about myself all the time... she is scared of loosing me this is why she doesn't say anything about me smoking heroin, even though she has already said she is scared of me getting a habit again, thats why i limit my use to a couple of times a month and stick to smoking it (even though i have been shooting up recently).

i will talk to her, and see what she has to say... i won't be begging her forgiveness because i deserve it for letting her down, i hope we can get past this, i just don't no what goes on in her mind!
Well unless you wear longsleeves for days, or even weeks, theres not really any way to hide tracks! Maybe try some concealer/foundation type of makeup? Lol. I would try that if you really are desperate enough to need to. but, it sounds to me like she already knows whats up so why hide them when she already knows? You are lucky she even accepts you smoking it, most people who have a problem with someone using has a problem with it all around and in general, not so much just by their method of ingestion. I am in the same place as you- i am married and absolutely ADORE my husband, hes the best thing thats ever happened to me and truly the most perfect person for me but he cant stand heroin and its been a problem for him his whole life because of his mother (maybe you really do marry your mother? hmm.) so it really comes down to which is more important to you of the two..believe me i KNOW just how hard that is- its easy to say who you love is more important to you, but our brains have an actual ADDICTION so its not always just about logic and whats "right" or best. But even still, it does come down to that. If you really want to keep your relationship, you are probably going to have to either quit or, if you are lucky, compromise. if she really doesnt mind it that much when you smoke, consider yourself lucky enough for that and take what you can get, and keep the harmony between you two. but it sounds to me like she is just TOLERATING you smoking it because its obviously the lesser of the two evils so to speak, so she will probably get fed up with you just smoking it too sooner or later. but take advantage of this compromise of being able to keep both around, while it lasts, because from experience, it very likely wont. Even if it does, honestly a relationship is just not the same when heroin is involved..people compare it to being cheated on because it is so all-consuming and it can actually replace the person you are with and take top priority, from right out underneath you. I am struggling in this situation as we speak just like you are....so just try to appease her and make her more comfortable about the situation, and though maybe not as intense or as great, smoking it is still a high all the same so settle for that. and when she ends up hating that, then deal with that bridge when you get to it.
Don't fuckin hide tracks from your g/f man thats just not good. Your family ok i can see justifying that (god knows i have 8) ) but your g/f no :\ . It's a shitty way to have a relationship when you have to sneak around like that and she will probably figure shit out anyway.

So yeah beg forgiveness and try and not fuck up again.
nice words dollheart, so we did end up sorting things out she does want me to stop heroin all together and she was mega disappointed in me for shooting it up, she is fine with it (to an extent) if i do it once or month or so (she is scared ill get a habit and it take control of my life again.) which i won't let it happen, i haven't used since friday which is good... i don't have a full blown habit like i used to, i just smoke loads more weed and stick to benzos when i don't use, i choose to spend my money on weed rather than heroin today, to prove to my girlfriend its not all about that, which im happy with myself for doing (it did cross my mind, save my cash and when i leave my girlfriends go score straight away on the way home) but i never did, and got weed while i was with her, keep her mind at rest.

well thanks for the comments, i just need to think of her instead of myself, i love her and she means more to me than what heroin does (even though i also have a love for that drug)

Ive been in a relationship with someone who tried to hide his Addiction from me(not Heroin).
Although we loved each other very much there is just no room for an addiction, no matter how much you try to control the situation and with good intentions, it will always make itself evident that it has your mind, heart and soul before anyone/anything else.
If you really love this girl you will put her before your addiction. If that means, sacrificing having her in your life, as a partner/girlfriend then that is real love as distinct from just wanting what you want, she quite possibly will end up resenting you for it and in a world of pain. Your Addiction will take you both down. Without a doubt.
Best of luck and take care of yourself. <3
nice words dollheart, so we did end up sorting things out she does want me to stop heroin all together and she was mega disappointed in me for shooting it up, she is fine with it (to an extent) if i do it once or month or so (she is scared ill get a habit and it take control of my life again.) which i won't let it happen, i haven't used since friday which is good... i don't have a full blown habit like i used to, i just smoke loads more weed and stick to benzos when i don't use, i choose to spend my money on weed rather than heroin today, to prove to my girlfriend its not all about that, which im happy with myself for doing (it did cross my mind, save my cash and when i leave my girlfriends go score straight away on the way home) but i never did, and got weed while i was with her, keep her mind at rest.

well thanks for the comments, i just need to think of her instead of myself, i love her and she means more to me than what heroin does (even though i also have a love for that drug)


You've had a habit so you know the score deep down, you don't need us to point out the obvious flaws in your plan. You can kid her, you can try and kid us and I think you're doing a good job of kidding yourself but hey, thats what addicts do best. You won't acknowledge the real truth about your situation until you're ready to, but regardless, good luck.
If you absolutely need to hide them, I recommend going to Target or something and go in their cosmetic section and find some liquid coverup of some sort that matches your skin color and put it all over your whole arms and blend it in, while covering the tracks.

Don't put it on your hands though. It shows too obviously.
i actually ended up wearing long sleeve tea-shirts, or hoodies to hide them, at least its not summer so its not obvious wearing a big jacket while it was blazing hot outside (how many times i had to blag my mum trying to hide them) i still have a little track mark on my left arm, last time i had a dig was friday... haven't used heroin since then, just weed, benzos and oh and some methadone :>

it is always on my mind though just want to score, if i had the money i would go score right now, i just love the feeling... the nod, the ich...

im not going to use often, like i have been past 2 weeks (like 3-4 times a week) compared to normally about 3 times a month, i did start to WD a little, felt like shit after i did use everyday for a while (i no that is dumb) but methadone helped me there....