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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(DMT/50mg) - First Time - Alien abduction

This thread is unbelievably interesting....I've read every word of your posts blight12 and could read them all day long! Keep talking! This is fascinating.

I haven't been on bluelight in a fairly long time, and haven't thought about it in a while, but lately some synchronous events and thoughts I seem to have little obvious control over (almost as if I have temporarily gone into a daydream and my hands have done the work without real conscious forethought) have lead me to keep finding and reading things akin to this. I have always had an interest in metaphysics, the nature of existence and our spirituality, and I certainly feel (for many, many reasons) that I am to awake one day, to put it bluntly. I really can feel it...I feel like I am aware of something but not aware of what it is, but that it will click in time. It's a very strange feeling, but one that I definitely notice.

blight12, how do you feel about Salvia Divinorum and the female entity I precisely and infallibly encounter upon inhalation of combusted Sage? It happened the first time I broke through - an exceptionally beautiful woman in a blue dress, who appeared to be comprised of a brilliant light made herself very aware to me. When I returned home, I later read that many people had also seen this same "woman in blue, with a definable aura/glow" which startled me onto a very interesting path.
^ Thanks for the kind words. When i first started this journey, I was like everybody else thinking this stuff was crazy, impossible, for silly kids, nerds or insane people. However, for some reason when I awoke, i read things, and crazy stuff just made sense, it spoke to me, i just believed it or at least to some extent with no real reason why or any logical basis around my strange acceptance of whatever it was. Then some other things, perhaps stuff more easily believable instantly struck me wrong and I knew it wasnt correct. Basically I was given the intuition to guide me and show me which directions lay truths and which directions where fruitless, and we all have this ability, if we listen to it. Intuition is hard to explain. You just know, simple as that, it instantly makes sense, defies all your logic and you just KNOW. Im sure some of your read something in one of my posts and something just stuck, you just almost maybe accepted it before your ego/logic might have kicked in and demanded you dismiss it, insisted it was wrong, even though it just FELT right, for even just a few seconds...

Goto learn to trust the GUT. Its real, its your higher self nudging you in the right direction.

Anyways, to your question. There are two primal forces that make up everything existence, all matter and all spirits, you, everything. These two forces or energy are often called the divine feminine and the divine masculine energy. In hermetic training, where analogies are used to allow some kind of frame of reference for training purposes, the divine feminine is often referred to as the magnetic fluid (fluid meaning energy) and the masculine being called the electric fluid. For great explanations on these read initiation into hermetics by franz bardon.

In your higher spiritual state and as a multi dimensional being in the higher dimensions there is no male or female. We are all androgynous, physically, in a full form we exhibit the qualities of both male and female and both male and female qualities are required to create a complete being on the higher level.

That being said however, every being does have its roots from the Source as either a Divine feminine being or a divine masculine being. So, from a perspective of their being gender in higher dimensions in terms of spiritual qualities you might have more of or lean more towards, yes gender exists, but there is no physical gender, only gender in terms of your spiritual personality or "qualities", abilities, strengths etc.

Anyways, from my understanding so far, its almost 90% likely this female entity is you experience is yourself, your higher self, your true self, and therefore if it is you, are therefore a divining feminine being, your lucky thing. And doesnt matter if you are male or female here on earth, doesn't imply anything about your divine energy roots. We have all lived countless lives as male and females.

Now explaining the difference is hard, and no you cant relate it to male and female qualities as we know them. In fact, here on earth the male is generally accepted at being the stronger the leader, the more powerful, but in terms of the two divine energies, the divine feminine is "practically" on a basic level of understanding, much more powerful, because the feminine force is the creative force, it is pure creative energy, whereas male energy is more of a controlling, guiding, supporting force for the divine feminine. As a basic example, lets say powerful beings where needed at some planet for assistance, what is often sent will be 1 high level divinine feminine being and 2 to 3 masculine beginnings to support "her". This is the most powerful combination. No one is better, both are required in combination for everything to work, "she" wont succeed without the others there to assist.

(Quick footnote, the female here on earth has been suppressed and put down for very specific purposes. There is absolutely a reason why it seems to be a male dominated world. A divine feminine being awakened and at full power is a force to be feared, not something the bad guys here want to risk, so the countermeasure is always to suppress the female, make them think they are weak, make society tell them they are weak and they will be, because you are exactly what you believe you are, belief is everything, your world is what you believe it is, so always think positively, fake it if you have to)

Just lastly, to clarify the whole meeting yourself thing. How does that make sense. I mean, how does taking Salvia and meeting yourself make sense, more sense then simply meeting some other being thats significant to you? Firstly, your higher self wont let you get into contact with anything else until you are ready, so that almost always ensures a real experience is either your higher self or "guides".

But to understand this you need to understand a basic core concept of how things work on the higher spiritual levels. As your true full complete multidimensional being, you are something that is capable of things you cannot even comprehend with a human brain, and therefore you always function how im going to explain next, which is difficult to comprehend.

On this level, to actually experience creation and take part in the universe, lives, planets events and everything, you have to actually split yourself into thousands of smaller versions of yourself that you send out to different places, times, planets, universes etc to experience and take part on your behalf. Each of these parts of yourself is its own unique being with its own "self" and value and karma and eternal existence, but also part of your whole self, constantly feeding back your experience to your full self which lives as all of its parts and also as a separate being. This i am still struggling to get my own head around.

Your full being, is not capable of inhabiting a physical body, prob only about 0.1% could, to put i in perspective, so while you are you here in this physical body, you are also part of another separate greater being that IS you but also separate from you, that you could meet and converse with as a separate being, even though you are the same being. WTF? Yeah, it boggles my mind but thats how it is.

The fact is that you will often hear about your higher selves with an S, because there are a ton of you, existing right now, in different times, different planets and different dimensions all at the exact same time (time doesn't exist but lets leave that can of worms for another day). Ive heard of a ton of people who have met multiple versions of themselves doing different things, with some being in ships above the planet carrying out certain tasks, some on other planets, some actually being evil or dark beings, etc.

Basically, to understand this you must understand that this is how god or the source of everything experiences creation, through little pieces of itself, broken down and broken down again and again forever and the smaller pieces all feedback "experience" to the greater and on and on and eventually all information and "experience" (which is the currency of the spirit) leading back to the source, so we are all simply small pieces of the same source being and energy, existing simply to experience its own creation, itself.

But thats really high level shit, and makes everything seem a bit pointless so i try not to think on that level, however there is a big lesson here. And that is that the only thing that matters is experience, and having it, not what it is, if its good or bad, that doesnt exisit, because experience is how a spirit or being "grows". And this is the answer to those people who ask "how god can let evil things happen, pain and suffering etc etc". The answer is that he doesnt, in actual fact, everything you have experienced in this life you literally planned for before incarnating, specifically to experience and go through, you yourself literally PLANNED to experience every single painful unpleasant thing that you have. . Now thats a liberating thought, at least for me. Because it means I am in control, not at the mercy of some random fate or cruel god. Everything is happening for a reason and everything is planned right down to the tiniest detail, by the real you.

Because there is no good or bad, pain etc, there is only experience and what lesson your higher self might learn from having it added to its whole, a life of suffering here is so insignificant, to your higher self, its just crazy, its like a single millisecond in a life of a thousand years. Why you planned for this life you will never understand until you reintegrate and are made aware of the greater picture and plan behind this life and everything else. But to put it simply, whatever you experience is for a purpose and was planned for and is necessary. This is an absolute truth. So just realize its all so insignificant in the greater scheme of things, embrace it, learn from it, and move on stronger and wiser, dont let it make you bitter or negative and destory you or trap you in guilt or regret. You will have the answers to the why of it all very very soon.

Anyways, the point is, there are many yous, and of of the main goals of spiritual advancement is to get in touch with your higher self directly for help and guidance. Once you do this you hit the jackpot because once you can communicate with your higherself you can ask for thing's, for help and it can be given directly. Until you ask for something you cannot be helped, because your free will cannot be infringed upon, as a separate being with free will, even if its to help you. But if you excercise your free will and simply ask for something directly, obviously something that is of benefit to you and your spiritual advancement, you will get it. Now understand that should you have cancer and ask for it to be healed and it doesnt, it means its there for a purpose, either as experience, a lesson or as a way to shed Karma. What we think we need is usually nothing close to what we actually need, so dont be disheartened if you dont get your physical requests granted.

Rather ask for more wisdom, increased intuition, strength to deal with lifes issues, understanding, super intelligence maybe even. Those things can work. And you can ask for things right now. Simply say speak to your higher self out loud addressing it directly with your request. I have heard amazing stories from people doing this simple thing, dont dismiss it because it sounds to simple.

I have heard tons of stories of people simply asking for practical things, one of my favorites is people asking for brain activation and mental abilities, simply asking: "Please activate my brain to 100% or please increase my IQ and intelligence by as much as is possible and to my ultimate benefit at this point in time" and people have literally instantly doubled their IQ or become smarter or received spiritual and mental gifts and abilities that are rare or unheard of, simply by asking for them. By adding in "that is allowed at this time to my highest benefit harming none, ensures you dont get more then you can handle.

The prob is that you need to be asking for the right reason. If you ask right now, you will be heard but prob wont be given anything because your purpose for asking would be a problem. You might be asking for selfish reasons, to be smarter then your competition and gain physical worldly benefits from it. Therefore you would be denied. You might be asking just to test the idea, and not because you are really asking, which means you wont be given anything because your not really asking.

So for this to work, you need to be spiritually advanced enough to ask for super intelligence and genuinely not be asking for selfish gain, but rather to improve yourself spiritually, become a better person etc. What does that mean, how do you get there? Hell im not really sure myself. Personally I have not asked for a single thing yet. Mostly because im shit scared i will receive it, and mostly because im shit scared i wont, because i dont deserve it. Fear, fear is a progress killer, even though I have all the info, know what to do exactly, how to do it, im still terrified of most of it. Once you know its real, its scary, the implications of it, its overwhelming. So my current battle is fear, for others that dont have this issue can progress way faster because of it, ive been told this by my higher self directly through readings with trustworthy people.

BTW if you want to communicate with the higher self and actually get answers back, the best way for a normal person is via a crystal pendulum. It needs to be cleared, cleansed and dedicated to communication with your high self only. The problem most people have with divination is that unless you specifically request only your higher self to respond, any being can respond, and lead you astray or towards its own ends. For more info google "Higher self pendulum divination" etc things like that.

Personally I am scared of using DMT for spiritual purposes even though I know its real, but if you do this, do a session with only one purpose and pure intention behind it, which you demand in your mind and even say out loud, and that is to "meet and communicate with, and ONLY with your higher self and receive message or guidance or some kind of assistance from your higher self, with genuine intentions regarding your spiritual growth behind it, and then go for your breakthrough dose and see what you get. This way you should in theory, through your supreme free will (the ultimate law of this universe) block out any negative or not in your best interest influences from your experience and hopefully always ensure only real valuable results are achieved. Most people can only see their higher self, you usually cant hear your communicate until you have opened up more gifts, like clairaudience so dont expect a conversation, but maybe just a sign or just a look at your real self, the epic being your really are. Or ask it a question and ask for a nod or a shake for no! Simple. You mind find however its just really pissed off with you for getting high on DMT however if your intention changes to spiritual purposes and communication with it, that all might change. Intention is everything with DMT and the basis beyond every gift, try it next time.

Of course your higher self may ignore you completely should you not be ready or not have true intentions or simply just trying to get high etc. Your true intentions and whats in your heart will determine your results with all the spiritual stuff, you cannot fake it.

Anyways, i love being able to talk about this stuff. My friends and family are less interested lol. Any more questions? Challenge me :)
I just wanted to say that one of my own truths is that the universe, or "god", is experiencing itself in one massive moment through every living thing in the universe, at an infinite numbers of levels of depth. So, right on. :)

I feel like I could contribute more but now is not the time.
Yeah thats pretty much what my studies have explained to me. There is no time as we know it here. There is only the Now, everything thats happened or will happen has already happened. All your past lives and future lives are all happening right now.

This is another thing i struggle with. I dont know how this works, how do you do things, progress, make plans if there is no such thing as time? How this functions practically i cannot imagine., but im guessing there is "time" its just not the same as here.
I have seen stories of a higher self, sending parts of itself to different times at the same time and "living lives at the same time". So maybe for it there is time in its own realm, but it has control over time in other lower realms, dammit, im not getting trapped into trying ro figure this one out again lol.

But thats the struggle with certain concepts in the higher dimensions. They are only explainable through the law of analogies in most cases, so we can have some frame of reference to show things might work, but cant really fathom anything properly until we return there, like ants trying to understand physics.
When I had a +4 2C-E trip, it suggested to me that free will is still possible because of a dimension higher than time, which I call in my head the "reality" dimension. Each slice of that dimension is an entire spacetime continuum, and the span of that dimension covers all possible configurations of the spacetime continuum, all possible complete realities. I seemed to experience this branching out dimensionally before me in an endlessly branching fractal that converged in me in the particular moment I was experiencing. It seemed that by making decisions I was altering my trajectory in this 5th dimension, so that my decisions were actually placing me constantly into new realities entirely, with new futures, and possibly new pasts (I speculate because the fractal branched out equally and opposite "behind" me.

I can't say that I'm sure that's the way it is, but it was one of those states that felt more real than normal life.
When I had a +4 2C-E trip, it suggested to me that free will is still possible because of a dimension higher than time, which I call in my head the "reality" dimension. Each slice of that dimension is an entire spacetime continuum, and the span of that dimension covers all possible configurations of the spacetime continuum, all possible complete realities. I seemed to experience this branching out dimensionally before me in an endlessly branching fractal that converged in me in the particular moment I was experiencing. It seemed that by making decisions I was altering my trajectory in this 5th dimension, so that my decisions were actually placing me constantly into new realities entirely, with new futures, and possibly new pasts (I speculate because the fractal branched out equally and opposite "behind" me.

I can't say that I'm sure that's the way it is, but it was one of those states that felt more real than normal life.
Fuck yes, that's awesome man.
I think that's the best I've ever been able to describe that. :)
When I had a +4 2C-E trip, it suggested to me that free will is still possible because of a dimension higher than time, which I call in my head the "reality" dimension. Each slice of that dimension is an entire spacetime continuum, and the span of that dimension covers all possible configurations of the spacetime continuum, all possible complete realities. I seemed to experience this branching out dimensionally before me in an endlessly branching fractal that converged in me in the particular moment I was experiencing. It seemed that by making decisions I was altering my trajectory in this 5th dimension, so that my decisions were actually placing me constantly into new realities entirely, with new futures, and possibly new pasts (I speculate because the fractal branched out equally and opposite "behind" me.

I can't say that I'm sure that's the way it is, but it was one of those states that felt more real than normal life.

Wow i like that, it makes sense. How that actually feels like as an experience is hard to imagine though. You often hear that some trips feel more real then real life, makes so much sense because this life is actually the abnormality, the wrongness, once we return or experience our true reality it must feel like going home, and far more real then anything here, and it instantly makes sense or feels natural, normal.
I've had a number of trips where it was as if I had woken up, except that the dream was this everyday life. It was the same sensation precisely as when you wake up from an intense dream and you still believe it for a few seconds and then the dream starts fading away and you can't imagine how you could have been fooled into thinking the dream was reality. And the reality I experienced once awakened felt normal, natural, and eternal.
I believe all these 'real life' experiences people have had that other people think are impossible. It's hard to explain to other people about these spiritual beings or dimensions. But for myself, I certainly believe this and live by it.
People do not only see them on DMT most accounts are from sober individuals at home, in thier cars or at work. These entities have been interacting with us for as long as human history has been recorded. Usually they are the instigators , but I believe that DMT somehow opens the door and allows us to instigate an experience. And if your next rebuttal is " there is only antidotal evidence " then let me stop you before you begin, there is a large amount of physical evidence from plaster castings of landing paraphernalia to video tapes, scoop marks and scars , and unexplainable implants. What is interesting is this same set of experiences happen both on dmt and in abduction reports, are they the same entities then ?