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tried getting cheratussin ac

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Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Cvs said they didn't carry it and walgreens said its store policy not to sell it. I'm gonna try another walgreens
CVS won't do it, go to a small local pharmacy or a cash one. It's an exempt narcotic.
yeah you won't find it at most walgreens, cvs's, walmarts, riteaids, and other assorted chain pharmacies, the key is to google pharmacies in your area and find the ones that are really small family owned or at least independent operations, a quick look at they're website should determine that, then call and ask "do you carry Cheratussin AC, Over the counter?" don't forget to add the "over the counter part" If they do then your good, head down there with ID and pick up a bottle.
A local pharmacy would be one that isn't a chain, in your town only. A cash pharmacy is one that won't take insurance it's cash for everything. At the end of te day even for exempt narcotics, it's pharmacist discretion. CVS makes enough money that they don't need to sell the shit without a script. Interestingly though they will sell anyone rigs.... HR to the fullest.
All the pharmacys by me (phoenix arizona) r mostly chain pharmacys

How do the lil pharms stay in business when there's much bigger ones out there?
In FL cash ones sell bottles of narcotics with no scripts for a slight mark up. The local ones offer delivery and other services for free to try and stand out. Google your area, you are maricopa county right? Look for ones in the middle of nowhere or in a smaller neighboring county.
Ya maricopa. I'm on my phone right now lookin I just googled pharmacy and my area code 85304
It shouldn't be too hard to find a place willing to meet your needs, you just have to do a little digging the first time. Once you find a place you're good, it just sucks finding that place that will hook you up.
only useful for a high if you are new to opiates. also
with all that guf. crap in it. You can really only drink half a bottle
without having lots of stomach discomfort.

Half a bottle(120mg codeine = 18mg hydrocodone)

even then its not the same as pure hydrocodone
which it self is a weak opioid.
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yeah i live in illinois and i get a whole bunch of use from codeine....been using opiates for about 15 years now, everything from morphine(does nothing for me) heroin(dont shoot, does nothing for me) hydromorphone(kinda liked it short lived) hydrocodone(LOVE IT!!) oxycodone(LOVE IT!!!!!)fentanyl(NASTY NASTY DRUG OD LIKED 3 TIMES and only od'd does nothing else for me) methadone(like a longer lasting version of fentanyl YUCK) and codeine(just like hydro but i have to take like 10x the amount i.e. i take 120mg of codeine where i would take 15mg of hydrocodone LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!) BUT i digress......i have read all of the illinois compiled statutes on the distribution of controlled substances in licened facilities and have located a pharmacy that sells it.....basically by law you have to sign a log book and produce an id and can't get more than one bottle ever 4-days BUT the will not sell it to me anymore....the last time i went in there the pharmacist told me he "had his orders not to sell it to me SPECIFICALLY)......i am not a regular user of opiates mind you.....through hard won experience i have learned all about over using opiates and the side effects that come with it and i feel blessed to be able to enjoy them like i do....there is nothing in the statues about "pharmacist discretion" and all that that amounts too really anyway is their ability to discriminate against someone......i don't go to the er and try to get pills....btw i know that wouldn't work anyway...and on the street these thing are way way to expensive around here....i'm poor too so buying them makes me feel like shit cause it cost me around <no prices> dollars to get a vic high anymore BUT it's almost worth it when i ain't had it in a while, you know what i mean, i love and cherish my relationships with the drugs i enjoy, thats why you hear/see me get angry in post where i talk about the drug war...it's like there keeping me away from a soulmate in a way......sorry im getting off of topic, i justed wanted to post my experience with cheratussin so other people know its out there, not everyone has to be a noob to enjoy it, and it's pretty damn hard for some of us, even following the law to a T, to get it.
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Why not just ask your doctor for a prescription? Unless you're just wanting to get high, either way it's not much of a buzz..
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