SUBOXONE WITHDRAWALS Second week, how much longer will this last?

dude. im not asking for your opinion. im telling you what happened to me. sorry if it doesnt make sense to you. thanks though.
hey bpayne

I was in the same situation as you back in March. Decided to use suboxone recreationally for a while because it was so dirt cheap and a pill would last me a week. Fast forward a few weeks and I went from being high all day off 1mg to railing 8mg and not getting high at all.

The withdrawal sucked the most because of the akathesia. I could not sleep for a couple weeks at all, I felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin and run into a wall. This lasted 2 weeks. Afterwards PAWS showed up and even the most innocuous situation seem fucking tragically sad. I'm told this effect is even more pronounced with bupe than full agonist opiods.

After about a month of that BS I was feeling back to normal. It seems like itll last forever though. The hardest thing is not taking more bupe, especially when your dealer lives across the hall. Good luck.
Thank you everyone for your experience and helpful words, something weird happened last night, well usually when I have just codiene syrup I can drink half the bottle at around 4 pm and I wake up fine and not sick it isn't till about 2 or 3 next day when withdrawals start creeping back in for me, this surprised me due to what I thought was codienes short half life, but I was glad it would help me for so long, well anyways a buddy gave me an Opana er 20 mg, yesterday, and I railed maybe a quarter of it, and did this with the knowledge that the time release should keep me not sick for at least 12 hours, anyways, this was around 5:30 pm, well I woke up around 9 this morning sick as fuck, why would the codiene keep me not sick from 4 pm till 3 pm the next day, yet opana ER had me waking up with my legs hurting even worse than before, does anyone have any insight into this?
u snorted it so you destroyed the ER

also the codiene works longer perhaps cuz sometimes codiene syrups are extended release

i know tussionex (hydrocodone syrup) is time released

i dont think regular lean (codiene n promethazine) is time released but maybe it is

either way time release or not, usually snorting drugs allows them to hit quicker and also leave ur body quicker therefor making u WD quicker
Be careful with that Opana as well. It has horrible withdrawals itself.
yes I have done much research on the subject and am finding just to use small amounts to stave away withdrawals is my goal,. man I can't wait for this sickness to be over, it seems like some of the symptoms have dissapated but the Legs which was my Worst symptom is still going strong, I just need my legs to stop hurting and feeling like they want to jump out of my skin, dude I would trade most of the other symptoms just for my legs to be better because then at least I could get a good nights sleep. The codiene syrup I've been using is Cheratussin AC, which I can get over the counter at mom and pops pharmacies here in North Carolina, it has been a Godsend however I have been cut off by the pharmacist for getting it too much, so I have to have friends go in and get it for me. it is not Time release, it contains Codiene and guaifenesen and total codiene amount in the whole bottle is 230 mg, half of it keeps me good till well into the next day, and I know it is immediate release, with a half life of only 3 hours why does it do this, when the opana er has a half life of 5-9 hours and the timerx matrix in it is suppose to be unstoppable even when crushed. I just dont know why I woke up sick this morning when if i had taken the much weaker Codiene I know that I wouldn't have
I've read that there's a product callled Hylands rest leg relief. People swear by it. I never suffered RLS but I can imagine how bad it sucks. Potassium is another good way to treat it, bannanas would be a good choice. After jumping off sub, it took about 3 weeks to notice a big improvement. Imo, lopermide would probably hold you just as well as the cough syrup. You may be feeling slight wds in between doses of the stuff. IDK.
Since it has been only like three months, it shouldn't be much longer if you stick to not using Suboxone. Personally, I went 14 days in between prescriptions from the doctor--still was withdrawing just as much as day one. I think if you stick to a 7 day period without Suboxone, you will see a great change in how you feel

general rule of thumb; everyone is different
we can only make educated guesses on the result of your drug use, but everyone's body is different

Oh jesus. I am about to go off of Suboxone. I'm on 1mg a day now. I started taking Subs in June. Doc had me up to 16mg but I would only take one 8mg pill a day. October was when I switched myself down to 2-4mg a day. Now I'm at 1mg and I'm thinking about creating even lower doses (creating a liquid and taking sublingually/orally).

Sometimes I wonder if switching to shorter-acting opiate would be better. Ugh. Long road ahead.
People always acted surprised by the fact that others get withdrawals from tiny amounts of suboxone but yes, it does happen. When I jumped off after tapering down to .5mg, I had been on that tiny dose for over a week and when I stopped I still had withdrawal symptoms that lasted close to a month. They were never bad and were a nuisance at most after the first week, but as with anything with such a long half life, its going to take awhile for your body to readjust to it not being there anymore.

I was literally snorting a grain of sands worth a day for the week before I stopped, and the withdrawals from that kept me from sleeping more than a couple hours a night for a good week. Restless legs, chills, diarrhea, etc. Granted the severity of it was so minimal compared to the w/d from dope, but don't underestimate the power of subs.

If you use them recreationally you shouldn't be using them more than a couple times a week (spread out). The half life of bupe is so long that any more than that, and it will start to accumulate in your system and before you know it you're going to start getting sick without it.
Yeah Those withdrawals from the Sub eventually went away, but Sadly I ended up back on Tramadol again. at least it's not suboxone. lol, I haven't taken any Tramadol in about 2 months at this point but I have been using Kratom everyday. I guess down the ladder is better than up it?
I just started my Suboxone taper, been on it for 8 months. Lifesaver, no doubt. I was stuck in a relapse pattern which lasted for years. 2 weeks on, 2 month break, 2 weeks on, 1 month break, 1 week on 3 month break. Also this included at least 3 beers a day, usually 2 or 3 more than that.

Anyways, so my doctor suggested that I split my 8 milligram dose into two, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I did notice some discomfort for a few days but it wasn't too bad. Obviously its going to be tougher when I start actually reducing the dose, but like I said I am going to do this very slowly.

I didn't realize so many were using this recreationally.
So, what is th consensus on whether opiates help sub w/d do you guys think. I am right now in the shitty process of running out of subs. I knew this would happen eventually. I'll get more in a wk or so, but have a very demanding job in the meantime. I took 60 mg oc yesterday and felt really bad. I'm getting vics today n see what happens. Right now I'm using ativan-helps a bit. I am so sad to be taking opiates again after like 90 days or so. I am definitely geting off the subs when I get some more to taper with. Theeen, I plan on using kratom and tramadol (I do have chronic pain). Wish me luck-CS.
Same for me lucid

dude. im not asking for your opinion. im telling you what happened to me. sorry if it doesnt make sense to you. thanks though.
Im on my third week i took dust specks i broke 1. 8mg into 35 pieces its been 17 days since last crumb im shitting freezing sweating and on 14 days with no sleep
Take a percocet. I dont care what anyone says. Ive done it it HELPS. Just dont take them long enough to get ADDICTED TO OPIATES AGAIN..
The sub will STILL KEAVE YOUR SYSTEM. Dont suffer yourself to death
Seriously, if u were using sub to kick opiates, the opiates are out of your system. U can now use a min amount of opiates like norco or something to ease your sub withdrawl. The sub will still leave your body.
Just b CAREFULL not to over do it with the opiates. Obviously.
I can't agree more. I'm seeing a Doctor who helps people stop smoking, quit sugar and help with suboxone withdrawals using micro elect current in pressure points in the ear. Well I don't smoke anymore ( 1 pack a day for 25 yrs) but the wds are horrible, I havent had a sub, (was on a 1/4 strip a day ) to nothing in five days. The blurriness , shakes and my God the stomach cramps. How long does this last. Mind you I've been on suboxone for two years
(This post is written in the 3'rd person,
So it isn't necessarily about the individual posting it) Hi guys. I am new to this site and wanted to share a story to, hopefully, prevent anyone from hurting themselves. This stuff can be dangerous, no bullshit! People may think I'm trolling or whatever, but I'm only here to inform and pass along a story of one of my buddies. SWIM discovered lope a few years ago, and found it helpful to get rid of wd's, but also found that enough of it could make him feel fairly good if not taken too frequently. Eventually, he went on Sub's for his love of opiates and didn't have to mess with it anymore. He'd been off subs for about a year, and got squirly about 1.5-2 months ago. He messed around with lope again for about 2 weeks or so, starting off with about 100mgs (with no tolerance), and went up from there. Like anything else, he had the mentality that if a little feels good, a lot will feel excellent. So, one night, he bought a bottle of 200 with the intention of taking 100 pills twice over the course of a week or so. However, with his addict mentality, he ended up downing them all (yes, he realized how dumb it was at the time, but is in that "fuck it. Watever is going to happen is going to happen," place. Add this to extreme depression, and you've got a volatile combination. Now, there are those people out there who will say that it doesn't cross the BBB, and doesn't do anything but cure diarrhea, but they've obviously never tried it at a high enough dose (don't knock it until you've tried it) because by the end of the night, he was slurring his words very noticeably and having trouble keeping his eyes open. He'd been here before with real dope, so he thought nothing of it and went to sleep. When he woke up, he thought he was still dreaming,
because he didn't know where he was and was confused as hell. Turns out he was in the back of an ambulance heading to the er. When he asked what was going on, the paramedics told him he had od'd. Impossible he said, because he hadn't taken anything. Took a few minutes to realize that it must have been the lope, because they told him it had taken 2 shots of naloxone to bring him back. Fortunately, his girlfriend had found him when she did, be cause the high dose had triggered a full blown NSTEMI heart attack. All the narcotics tests had come back negative, since they don't test for lope, so at least he didn't have to explain another drug related hospitalization to his family. He spent another 4 days in the hospital under observation, because they couldn't figure out what had caused the heart attack in the first place. They ended up deciding that it was triggered by a seizure since he is also epileptic. He is home now and back to 100%. Fortunately, his gf had found him right after it had happened and there was no brain damage (he had stopped breathing almost entirely for a little while). So, the main point of this post is to warn everyone that otc does not mean safe. SWIM's story will be posted in any other lope related threads, not to double post the same story but to warn people. He realizes that this was a downright idiotic move on his part, but as he said, depression+ addiction + not giving a damn = recipe for disaster. Therefore, he would like to skip all the criticism, because he knew it was dangerous but just didn't care. So, the moral of this story is BE CAREFUL with this stuff. just because it isn't regulated by the DEA doesn't mean is not dangerous. He would almost recommend sticking to real dope that you are familiar with and know the right amount to take (this is not 100% safe by any means, but not necessarily 100% more dangerous either). If you are going to take the plunge, start small and give yourself a few days in between each use. Lope had a pretty long half - life (19 hours), so you may end up taking more than intended if taken too close together. THIS POST IS NOT WRITTEN BY A TROLL TRYING TO START AN ARGUMENT. JUST SOMEONE TRYING TO POSSIBLY SAVE LIVES! Also, please don't take this post down for appearing in more than 1 thread. I want to reach as many people as possible and tell SWIM's story to warn them. So, to everyone else in the same boat as him, stay up and BE SAFE!
Hi guys, I'm new to the site and I just wrote The above post before reading the rules. I didn't realize we weren't supposed to say SWIM, so I'm editing and reposting my story. I'm sorry, and I don't mean to make 2 almost identical posts right next to each other. I just want to get this out there because I almost died from it just over a month ago. Please feel free to delete my first post, but I'm begging you to leave this one up. It may save a life!

Hi guys. I am new to this site and wanted to share a story to, hopefully, prevent anyone from hurting themselves. Loperamide/Immodium can be dangerous, no bullshit! People may think I'm trolling or whatever, but I'm only here to inform. I discovered lope a few years ago, and found it helpful to get rid of wd's, but also found that enough of it could make me feel fairly good if not taken too frequently. Eventually, i went on Sub's for my love of opiates and didn't have to mess with it anymore. I'd been off subs for about a year, and got squirly about 1.5-2 months ago. I messed around with lope again for about 2 weeks or so, starting off with about 100mgs (with no tolerance), and went up from there. Like anything else, i had the mentality that if a little feels good, a lot will feel excellent. So, one night, i bought a bottle of 200 with the intention of taking 100 pills twice over the course of the next week or so. However, with my addict mentality, i ended up downing them all (yes, i realized how dumb it was at the time, but was in that "fuck it. Watever is going to happen is going to happen," place. Add this to extreme depression, and you've got a volatile combination. Now, there are those people out there who will say that it doesn't cross the BBB, and doesn't do anything but cure diarrhea, but they've obviously never tried it at a high enough dose (don't knock it until you've tried it) because by the end of the night, i was slurring my words very noticeably and having trouble keeping my eyes open. I'd been here before with real dope, so he thought nothing of it and went to sleep. When i woke up, i thought i was still dreaming,
because i didn't know where i was and was confused as hell. Turns out i was in the back of an ambulance heading to the er. When i asked what was going on, the paramedics told me I'd od'd. Impossible i said, because i hadn't taken anything. Took a few minutes to realize that it must have been the lope, because they told me it had taken 2 shots of naloxone to bring me back. Fortunately, my girlfriend had found me when she did, be cause the high dose had triggered a full blown NSTEMI heart attack. All the narcotics tests had come back negative, since they don't test for lope, so at least i didn't have to explain another drug related hospitalization to my family. I spent another 4 days in the hospital under observation, because they couldn't figure out what had caused the heart attack in the first place. They ended up deciding that it was triggered by a seizure since I'm also epileptic. I am home now and back to 100%. Fortunately, my gf had found me right after it had happened and there was no brain damage (i had stopped breathing almost entirely for a little while). So, the main point of this post is to warn everyone that otc does not mean safe. My story will be posted in any other lope related threads, not to double post the same story but to warn people. I realize that this was a downright idiotic move on my part, but as i said, depression+ addiction + not giving a damn = recipe for disaster. Therefore, i would like to skip all the criticism, because i knew it was dangerous but just didn't care. So, the moral of this story is BE CAREFUL with this stuff. just because it isn't regulated by the DEA doesn't mean it's not dangerous. I would almost recommend sticking to real dope that you are familiar with and know the right amount to take (this is not 100% safe by any means, but obviously, it's not necessarily 100% more dangerous either). If you are going to take the plunge, start small and give yourself a few days in between each use. Lope had a pretty long half - life (19 hours), so you may end up taking more than intended if taken too close together. I'M NOT A TROLL MAKING SHIT UP AND TRYING TO START AN ARGUMENT. JUST SOMEONE TRYING TO POSSIBLY SAVE LIVES! Also, please don't take this post down for appearing in more than 1 thread. I want to reach as many people as possible and tell my story to warn them. So, to drug lovers everywhere, stay up and STAY SAFE!