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FDA approves Ecstasy : New treatment of Iraq war veterans with resistant PTSD

Not sending people overseas to get PTSD in the first place would be more effective IMO.

This is not a good thing.

I agree as far as the whole sending people into war at all. Personally i think 'if war is hell, why do we send so many good people there' however that cannot be changed. That's just how our gov't is.

I think it is a good thing, a hige advance actually if mdma is truly helping those with ptsd to recover. Let's keep an optimistic mindset everyone!
i could see this now...the bombs exploding over head, and all the soldiers can do is stare at the "pretty colors"...
I think that this may be a key to unlocking people's deep rooted problems.. But just because they are using as a treatment may not be the same as 3 double stack/ triple dipped Mollies.

That was what I used as therapy at local RAves. This did cause some rebound BiPolar, because it dumps all transmitter buildups.

So just as long as they aren't trading PTSD for Raves, way to go..

BTW Sodium Oxybate CIII= GHB CI
Desoxyn CII = Crystal Methamphetamine CII, (Amphetamines )4-MA, PMA, CI

See anything weird.... :)
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Sorry I am wrong with that... There are RCs, and even within the Listing of DEa Drug Classifications.. There are just so many contradictions.... My point was lost with that I guess..

Marinol Schedule CIII, Marijuana Schedule I, JWH 018 No schedules. You get my point?>
i mean its a great step forward...

...about 60 years late
Sorry I am wrong with that... There are RCs, and even within the Listing of DEa Drug Classifications.. There are just so many contradictions.... My point was lost with that I guess..

Marinol Schedule CIII, Marijuana Schedule I, JWH 018 No schedules. You get my point?>

oh yeah.
i wasnt mad at you specifically, i already posted that maybe a page or two back and no one seemed to notice.
Besides, that's missing the crucial point - the patient will have NO ACCESS to their MDMA.

If the only time they'll be taking it is when they're in a therapy session with their therapist, then WHY would anyone need a script for MDMA?

Jesus christ, I wish some of you would just fucking think before you open your mouths.

Who said anything about that? Obviously this would not be taken daily even if it wasnt schedule I, i just meant that the title was a lie. I just dont think the medical community actually want to heal people, they want you to take your meds twice a day, just to patch it up (Like benzos for PTSD, the current "solution")
Who said anything about that? Obviously this would not be taken daily even if it wasnt schedule I, i just meant that the title was a lie. I just dont think the medical community actually want to heal people, they want you to take your meds twice a day, just to patch it up (Like benzos for PTSD, the current "solution")

Anytime some sort of profit can be made, corruption will soon follow the trail of money. The pharmaceutical companies make billions off of trying to suppress people's emotional problems. I'm just glad that now we're working to erase the mistakes of the past and actually help people the best way possible.
I think this is awesome.
And my boyfriend should totally get on this. :D

Saying this type of treatment is bad just because we shouldn't have been in Iraq is kind of missing the point, in my opinion. They were there, we will always have wars despite better judgment, so I think it is a good thing to try to find new treatments, especially for combat related ptsd.
Am curious to how they are going to dispense this. Scripts would not make sense then people would start selling them. Then an end to a good thing.

Curious as well to the dose amount and how often. Hopefully this will be passed and some positive benefits come from it. Definite change of pace than throwing anti-depressents down everyone's throats!
^From the protocol:

This randomized, double-blind study will examine the safety and efficacy of MDMA-
assisted psychotherapy with 30, 75 or 125 mg MDMA in sixteen veterans, ideally but not
necessarily eight men and eight women, diagnosed with PTSD arising from their service
in the US armed forces. Supplemental doses of half the initial dose may be administered
between 1.5 and 2.5 hours after the initial dose was administered.

Prior to undergoing the first MDMA-assisted (experimental) session, all participants will
undergo three 90-minute preparatory (introductory) non-drug psychotherapy sessions
with a male and female co-therapist team. Participants will undergo three day-long
psychotherapy sessions after receiving an initial dose of 30, 75 or 125 mg MDMA, with
each experimental session scheduled three to five weeks apart. All psychotherapy
sessions will be recorded to audio and video.

The same team of investigators will perform all MDMA-assisted psychotherapy sessions
in their office. Participants will remain at the study site overnight accompanied by a
same-sex attendant. Participants will undergo three integrative psychotherapy sessions
after each experimental session, with the first integrative session occurring on the day
after the experimental session.

The blinded independent rater, who will not be present during any psychotherapy
sessions, will assess participant PTSD symptoms with CAPS, symptoms of depression
with BDI, post traumatic growth with PTGI-C and quality of life with GAF at baseline,
one month after the second experimental session and two months after the third
experimental session.

When each subject completes the follow-up evaluation after the third experimental
session the blind will be broken for that subject. Participants who had been assigned to
receive active placebo or medium-dose MDMA will subsequently have the opportunity to
enroll in the open-label study segment, or “Stage 2.” The open-label study segment will
follow a nearly identical sequence of events and procedures, except that there will be a
single preparatory session, and all MDMA-assisted psychotherapy sessions will be open-
label with an initial dose of 125 mg MDMA followed by an optional supplemental dose
of 62.5 mg.

The study will conclude with a one-year follow-up occurring 12 months after the final
experimental session in Stage 1 for participants who received the full-dose condition or
who did not enroll in Stage 2 after receiving either the medium or active-placebo doses in
Stage 1. There will be a preliminary examination of data prior to the 12-month follow-up.
Subjects who enrolled in Stage 2 will have their final follow-up 12 months after the final
open-label experimental session. At the 12-month follow-up, the independent rater will
assess PTSD symptoms, symptoms of depression post-traumatic growth and quality of
life (via the GAF), and participants will complete a questionnaire concerning self-
reported long-term effects of study participation.

There will be preliminary examination of the data before all participants have completed
the 12-month follow-up.

and p.s. I was wrong about the inert placebo and about a lot of other things. mi sori.
allow me to explain myself

MDMA, LSD, marijuana, and all other psychedelics, have definately changed the way i look at life, society and everything in general. The first few times i shared with MDMA were really eye opening - i didn't think that that level of happiness was even possible and i've become a much more fun-loving and socially acceptable person because that.

I do believe that exploring some of its medical benefits is somewhat a step in the right direction but it should be schedule II at best. full legalization would not end up good.

MDMA's dark side is the fact that it gives you a temporary induced state of false well-being. When your on ecstacy, you feel good for pretty much no reason.
Failed two classes ....no problem, I'm ROLLING!!
i have no friends and nobody likes me.... pop a pokeball and suddenly i love everyone and everyone loves me!!
I don't normally feel good so i need drugs to make me feel better!!

Lets say that MDMA was legalized and just about everyone is taking it. Fuck yeah, this sounds great, rolling all the time always happy in love with everything people holding hands kissing light shows blah blah. No matter where we live in, what kind of shitty-ass job we hold, and whatever else is going on in the world, we simply would NOT CARE about any of this - because we have our ecstacy!
Government raises income tax to 50%? Awesome, as long as my MDMA is still legal!
Food shortage? Eat a couple pills, that hunger will go away!
The roof on my house is falling apart.... no problem i looovvveeee the rain!
Wait, i don't even live in a house anymore... i like sleeping on the grainy sidewalk, feels good when im rolling!

If we always feel happy then there is no reason for us as humans to strive to achieve more and improve our non drug-induced state.
MDMA is just as much of an escape drug as heroin or cocaine or meth. they make you feel good when you would not otherwise.

The only way to bear a messed up society is to be messed up

PS. i think "opiate of the masses" was originally attributed to religion. but i guess it can be attributed to anything that gives people a false sense of security, like religion does.

Your argument is thoughtful but fallacious. Alcohol is legal. Yes, people use it to escape, and I can see your Brave New World dystopia beginning to form as well, but frankly there is a lot more than drugs to blame for that. We're generally numbed and dumbed with processed and innocuous stimulus all day long, and worse than any drug, it is the media that has encouraged a Huxley style USA. Regardless, we aren't talking about legalizing MDMA, we're talking about approving its use medically, something whose benefits can't really be denied. Props for having good taste in authors :)
only for war vets? what?
yeah it better spread. veterans aren't the only ones with fractured psyches. still, it's great to look at progress, even if it's painfully slow, it's going faster than we could have hoped for in any previous generation
Am curious to how they are going to dispense this. Scripts would not make sense then people would start selling them. Then an end to a good thing.

Curious as well to the dose amount and how often. Hopefully this will be passed and some positive benefits come from it. Definite change of pace than throwing anti-depressents down everyone's throats!
i believe MDMA/LSD psychotherapy involves the therapist giving the patient the dose, as well as preparation sessions and post sessions (if the study protocol was tldr :p )
Failed two classes ....no problem, I'm ROLLING!!
no. this is a person with PTSd or depression: I just won the olympics and "they're trying to kill me!" or "my life sucks:("

that's more "unnatural" (if we want to use that word) than MDMA's induced bliss. plus, we get happy "for no reason" all the time naturally

the emotional state of our brain depends on the chemical state. it may be "transient" in its acute effects, but the effects are as real as other "emotions" and if you doinitrite there are lasting effects that can profoundly improve your life (hence the use in therapy)

particularly, these people need a window where the MDMA allows them to consciously explore memories that would normally have them break down in tears or worse because of the trauma associated. once able to explore these memories, more meaningful therapy can take place. there are many other ways MDMA therapy helps as well, i'm just giving an example
Lets say that MDMA was legalized and just about everyone is taking it. Fuck yeah, this sounds great, rolling all the time always happy in love with everything
therapists are not giving anybody daily doses of MDMA. and you also shouldn't be taking daily doses of MDMA... that's coming from a huge druggy :)

p.s... oh, guess it went to page four lol
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awww yeahhhhh, I'm in psychology and RHS and I'm glad to see this news.
Might I add that the Iraqi's are all opium addicts, why not let our soldiers fight the mo fo's on PCP, methanphetamine, and coke? I'm sure they wouldn't mind... Or just legalize weed, and then no one would fight wars.
Seeing this headline seriously knocked the wind out of me. I'm still trying to find where it's going to say "JUST KIDDING!"
Seeing this headline seriously knocked the wind out of me. I'm still trying to find where it's going to say "JUST KIDDING!"

Well to be fair, the headline was wrong. The FDA haven't actually approved shit ... there's a 40 person study. That's all.

In fact, this whole thread is a load of hype over nothing all that significant really.
Great news! This therapy really does work wonders!

I am so happy to hear that this therapy will be given a chance. I truly believe that it can save lives. I know because it saved mine.

I am a 34 year old biochemist from Los Angeles. I also have had a very severe bout of PTSD. Growing up, I couldn't remember much prior to 10 years old. During my first year in college, I went home for the memorial day weekend. During that visit, my father (though I NEVER call him that anymore) tried to assault me. As I protested, he told me about all of the other times when I was a little girl. It was like a key opening the floodgates. All manner of horror snapped into focus in my mind all at once. From that point on, PTSD became a huge part of my life.

I spent years in therapy and tried all manner of antidepressant and mood stabilizer. I went through periods of feeling utterly hopeless and suicidal, but I got through it. When I was 33, a doctor put me on a medication called Lyrica for a physical illness and I had a VERY bad reaction to it. It made me see scary things and it kick started a vicious bout of suicidal depression. I tried therapy and different meds but this time, nothing helped. I researched suicide methods and I had a plan in place.
It was at this point that I remembered a paper that I had read when I was studying the chemistry of the brain. Since I was literally preparing for my final exit, I decided that it couldn't hurt to try one last thing.
I found a reliable source, and while in a safe environment with a trusted family member by my side, I took one tablet of MDMA.
I won't lie. It felt fantastic at the time, but the real surprise came when I awoke the following morning. The black cloud was GONE. The heavy depression and suicidal feelings evaporated. At first I wondered if it was just an afterglow from the drug (as I have seen some people suggest), but that wasn't it. I took that tablet a good 5 months ago and I am still free of that horrible black abyss that damn near consumed me.
My major caveat is that I only had to do it ONE TIME. I have not had a shred of desire to take another one. If for no other reason than that I respect the power of a substance that could perform such an amazing turn around in my life. Frankly, I shudder to think what MDMA could do to a healthy brain.
I sincerely hope that I never need to even consider having to try it again.

MDMA saved my life with ONE DOSE. I hope and pray that people can set aside their fear of "drugs" to do more research and find out how MDMA works and how to use it to help people who are suffering so terribly.
I can't begin to tell you what a difference was made in my mind. I wasn't looking for attention, I had a concrete plan to end my life and was days away from doing so. I had given every treatment and therapy short of ECT to break through and save my life. When all else failed, yes, I took it into my own hands. I am a biochemist and I researched this option thoroghly before I tried it, but I can honestly attest to the fact that MDMA saved my life and gave me back control over my own mind. Today the thought of suicide is the furthest thing from my mind.
Today, despite everything that I have lived through, and the horrible memories, nightmares, and triggers, I am alive. The nightmares are gone, and I can maintain control even when faced with some of my worst triggers. Lest you think that perhaps my life just got easier to manage, 2 months ago, I faced the biggest crisis in my entire life since dealing with what that monster did to me. I cannot stress enough that in the past, a crisis like that would have broken me down and fast. Despite the strain, the black cloud did not descend upon me. I had been thrown into deep bouts of depression over FAR less.
I don't know how long this will last, but today I realize that every day is a gift. Every day, is a day that I would not have seen.
I sincerely hope that the researchers are able to figure out how to help other people out there who are suffering. It breaks my heart to know that there are people out there dying because they don't have access to the miracle that I have been priviledged enough to experience. The monster who hurt me stole so much from me. MDMA helped me take back so much.

While I agree that black market MDMA can be dangerous, and that it can be habit forming in people who are just looking for a buzz, these are two excellent arguments for creating a safe, legal, and controlled way to allow sufferers appropriate access.
Thank you for letting me share. My only regret has been that I wish I didn't have to keep such a miracle secret. I feel like I am surrounded by people who are dying and even though the cure is in my pocket, I am forced to watch them drop like flies.

If there is anyone out there who knows who I could talk to or even write to, in an attempt to allow my experience to help other people who are suffering, please contact me at [email protected].
Thank you!