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annoying sayings from non-drug users

"You could quit if you were really trying"
"You're so stupid, you're just a stupid druggie" (or something like that, no matter how much smarter you are or how much better you do)
"Weed just kills brain cells"
"He must smoke dope" (like others on here, hearing someone call weed dope is just annoying)
People calling getting stoned getting high, cause I believe getting high is only for hard drugs, weed gets you stoned, ripped, etc.
"Doing drugs doesn't make you cool" (the people that usually say it have no right talking about what's cool)
"Maybe you would have done ____ if you weren't always high!" (had to repeat that one)
"Yeah, just Don't worry about it, just go get high like usual"
"Just one hit can make you an addict" (I hear it way too often)
"I'm going to get addicted to drugs just to show you how easy it is to quit" (actually heard this one a few times)
"When I have a craving for junk food (or ____) I just do ____," (like just because they've craved chocolate or junk food now they know exactly how an addiction feels)
Whenever someone who's never been addicted to something thinks they have the answer and you're not doing it right unless you do what they say.
"He committed _____ because he was high on ____" (not because he had psychological issues or is just a messed up person, it was all because he was high)
"If we were harsher with drug users, they wouldn't do drugs"
"We should drug test them" (when talking about someone saying something crazy)
"Whatever drug you do is so bad, I only do ____, I would never touch that" or "I do ____, but I don't shoot it like you, cause that's bad" (Funny thing is you run into them years down the road and they're doing exactly what they said they never would)
"Yeah, well at least I'm not a junkie" (when people act like they're better than you cause society looks down on drug users)
"You obviously can't control yourself"
"Don't lie to me, I'll bet you sold off my ____ for drugs!" (Whenever anything of value is missing or moved)
"It's obvious that you don't care about any of us because you keep doing drugs"
"How would you feel if I did what you did?"
"He's completely addicted to marijuana"
"You're an addict because you choose to be"
"What if we told the doctor about this" (I get that from my parents a lot whenever we disagree about how to take meds or illicit drug interactions)
"What is so bad about your life that you want to be an addict?"
"You need to go to rehab"
"____ is the most addictive drug around" (news stories like that claim a lot)
"Just lighten up" (when you're depressed)
"What are you so worried about happening?" or "How can you be scared of that?" (When you have anxiety issues, and they think that it's all a result of some sort of rational thinking)
"I used to [smoke weed, drink heavily, did coke once], I think I know what I'm talking about" (like smoking weed a couple times makes them a drug expert)
"Marijuana, doesn't that make you [violent, commit crimes, stupid, crazy]" (basic reefer madness stuff, heard it from way too many young ppl)
"If you do _____(drug) for ______ years, you'll develop _____" (like when my grandmother tells me you'll develop schizophrenia if you smoke for 7 years)
"You know it's bad for you, why don't you just stop?"
"I once had a friend that smoked 10 ounces of weed a day, and he went crazy" (general claims about some "friend" that either did some inhuman amount of drugs and/or went insane somehow)
"It can't be that hard to quit"

Well that was a lot of stuff...thanks to adderall for making me a rambling beast.
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They arent really your friends
They are only using you for the drugs, thats all they care about.
You cant trust any of them. Theyre addicts and they will stab you in the back the first chance they get
ketamine?..."that shit's horse tranquilizer" makes it sound like some kind of barbiturate or benzo and not magical whatsoever
"I know someone who did magic mushrooms once and they thought they were a glass of orange juice..."
Women on online dating profiles:

- Coffee! Coffee, coffee, coffee
- Sex
- Wine is the best thing in the world
- Chocolate
- Travelling, always need to have next trip booked!

- drugs and drug users


Yeah, the idea that alcohol (wine) and coffee aren't drugs.

There'd be tons of things they say but oddly I can't think of many right now.

I guess rather than just things they say it would also be PERCEPTIONS of drug users like you mentioned, basically, people lumping anyone who uses any drug that's illegal all into one big category and saying you won't have anything to do with them cause they must all be degenerates.

However, if they get shitfaced drunk every weekend that's just fine of course cause booze is legal.
? you never have to do dope again, just come over and we?ll have a girl night and watch a movie instead?
Friend finds out about nearly a gram a day habit of over a year and responds with that hahah great plan Shelby thank you I never thought of that
because heroin (not weed) is dope, and the only people who don't seem to realize this are cops and anti-drug people
I actually only clued into this about year or so ago haha. Some day I’m gonna write a damn dictionary....first gotta get the tweakers to stop making new words with tho.....

few I am sick of
“they shouldn’t get free treatment. We don’t”
“they shouldn’t get any handouts, they need to work for it like everyone else”
“No way should they get free housing! If they want it they can get a job like everyone else!”(really? cuz employers don’t care that you just woke up outside in the damp and couldn’t really clean up with no where to do so right??)
“It’s only enabling them and they’ll just steal more anyway”
Etc asshats need to shut up and go read a book or 2. Maybe then they might get a clue and see how screwed up it is that they think that’s how people need to live. It’s just ducking sad.
Honestly, non drug-related people usually don't talk about drugs here. It's not a thing one would speak about here, and everyone tries really hard to be obnoxiously oblivious to the fact that it's happening all around them.

We Bavarians have a tendency to not talk about bad things, we just ignore them and pretend everything is fine. If something is negative or abnormal in any way, we just leave a short comment like "O, that's bad", and then pretend nobody said it. "Grantln" is OK and totally normal, which is complaining when there's not really a problem, but if there's anything serious, we're just going to ignore it and talk about something light.
If you ever say anything about drugs here it's the same old 'oh so you're an addict?' Kinda why I don't talk about my usage apart from here.
because heroin (not weed) is dope, and the only people who don't seem to realize this are cops and anti-drug people
Well technically the Dutch "doop", where you stole your word from, means "sauce".
Since neither heroin nor weed are sauce, it was originally used to describe gravy, or that good ol' Sauce Américaine. "Doopen" means 'mixing', so essentially any drug could be classified as "dope", since there will always be the drug mixed into your bloodstream. There's truly no actual rule about this, it more or less changes by geographical location.

But I digress.
highlighting all
The signs of drug addiction according am
Another agency, including weight gain and weight loss...
I actually only clued into this about year or so ago haha. Some day I’m gonna write a damn dictionary....first gotta get the tweakers to stop making new words with tho.....

few I am sick of
“they shouldn’t get free treatment. We don’t”
“they shouldn’t get any handouts, they need to work for it like everyone else”
“No way should they get free housing! If they want it they can get a job like everyone else!”(really? cuz employers don’t care that you just woke up outside in the damp and couldn’t really clean up with no where to do so right??)
“It’s only enabling them and they’ll just steal more anyway”
Etc asshats need to shut up and go read a book or 2. Maybe then they might get a clue and see how screwed up it is that they think that’s how people need to live. It’s just ducking sad.
Shit. I say a couple of these ones myself and I’m a drug fiend.
this one actually has some truth behind it. i mean obviously once youre clean, youre not an addict. but that monster-fiend version of you will always be there, in love with drugs, hiding in the back of your mind IMHO
I agree wholeheartedly.

Also, this.

"It is a shame your love for her wasn't enough to get you to quit."
That’s just malicious. I’m sorry if anyone ever said that to you. Tho the reverse can be said about the Sober person in this scenario. Instead of not loving them enough to quit (it’s a Damn demon your fighting ffs) it’s they didn’t love them enough to save them. Both are cruel things to say to either especially as both sides are probably already broken hearted from it all.