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Just left hospital: Do I have Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?

To Chainer,

You seem like an intelligent individual, but I disagree with your logic. CHS is often times accompanied by compulsive bathing, but not always. To quote my favorite animated show, the Boondocks, "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence".

Now, chs is very recent discovery, as there hasn't been the sheer amount of cannabis available to abuse (and yes, one can't deny 3 grams a day is ABUSE, not use...i accept that). That is to say, chs is not necessarily a new problem, simply a newly recognized problem. However, i am wary of doctors trying to pin random stomach pains accompanied by nausea on weed depending on how educated they are on the subject. I changed doctors because when i first introduced the subject of the possibility of chs, my doctor freaked out, stating marijuana is a horrible drug etc etc. Amazing how many idiotic / simply uninformed doctors there are...
To quote your doctor quote..."Grown men, screaming in pain, sweating profusely, vomiting every 30 seconds and demanding to be allowed to use the shower. It's a very dramatic presentation." Thats pretty much my morning every morning. This is not "priceless" quote, but a living hell for me. And please, do not say there have been less than 15 cases globally... I personally know two individuals who have been diagnosed with aforementioned disorder... fairly certain 13% of all documented cases probably wouldnt be located in the same town :/ Granted, both of these people have very similar (about 3 grams or more a day) lifestyles as me, but that only worries me further. I hope your right. I would rather not stop smoking the herb, sorry if my second post is again a rant :/
if its a real condition its extremly rare prolly with genetic markings,
if you wake up everymorning like that why would you continue smoking,
O i agree, its is most likely a genetic sensitivity to extreme amounts of thc. And to answer your question, in the morning i puke and feel horrible till i smoke, then i feel great till i wake up the next day. Its a vicious cycle. And you may wonder why i dont simply stop smoking, well if i dont smoke i will feel like throwing up constantly. And one does not see improvement until the thc is out of ones system, which could take up 60-90 days for me. There is no way i can function in everyday life for 90 days if i feel nauseous all day. Now, its a proven anti-emetic, which is probably another reason people are skeptical. However, to deny the existence of this disease simply based on the idea that one (you) would rather not accept that it is real is nothing short of naiive. "If it is a real condition". It is real. I know people who have it.. I have spent the morning with someone who was throwing up so much and so often they could do nothing but cry. Sorry if i seem angry, but seeing friends in this condition, and now me, then having someone deny the existence of said condition kinda aggrevates me :/ Again with the /rant :)
but the way i see this condition explain its the weed causing the vomiting, for you the weeds helping the vomiting, have you been to the doctor, you might have a variety of gastrointesinal disorders like chrons
Im not quite sure what you mean by explain its the weed, but here is the wiki on the possible chs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoid_hyperemesis_syndrome

As i stated in my previous posts, cannabis is without a doubt a proven anti-emetic. This is thought to be due to the chemicals in weed interacting with the area of the brain that controls nausea, so it seems to make sense that the same chemical could invoke the 2 opposite responses: both extreme relief from nausea and extreme nausea.

All this aside, i hope its not chs. I hope you are right. I would rather not cut the amazing herb cannabis out of my life, but on the other hand, im not sure life is worth living if one has to rely on a certain substance every morning to make them feel "normal".
its also very unlikely that you ahve this condition aswell as your friend, just the odds of it, being such a rare condition

i think if it was the actual weed causing the vomiting it would be you puking after you smoke
If you read up on this condition, it manifests itself mainly in the morning. It is not the act of smoking that makes one throw up, its the resulting extreme levels of cannabinoids that build up in lipids over excessive use (at least this is what is thought to be the case).
if it affects people in the morning, that sounds like withdrawl, a possible explaination could be a psychological dependance to the nausea relieving effects of cannabis that by the time the morning comes along, your stomach can't handle being sober,
Ah, a very intelligent response. This was my first thought, that i was simply being dependent on not really feeling anything due to being constantly high. However, even if i smoke extremely late (like 5am?) i still will wake up at 7am, no matter what, puking my guys out. This way of thinking has some merit, i cant rule it out as a possibility. I shall see if i wake up tomorrow extremely sick again, although i know i will :(
well since its on a schedual its to do with your body clock, how about you set your clcok for 6:45 and get high then catch it before you throw up,

or, you might be pregant
8o 8o
You should see some of the priceless quotes the doctor is putting out there (from the most recent "case of CHS").

I actually did what I normally do and responded the second some kind of opinion popped into my head. Unfortunately, that was around

"However, i do not intend this post to be an anti-marijuana rant."

I later went in and saw the personal experience part and was actually embarrassed with the compliment I gave but too proud to run in and edit it all out. Thanks for calling me out, dude, I can always count on you or HoL for that kind of shit, lol. :|

Everything before that sentence I still think was a sweet first post, though, especially compared most others' first posts on here (probably including myself).
To Chainer,

You seem like an intelligent individual, but I disagree with your logic. CHS is often times accompanied by compulsive bathing, but not always. To quote my favorite animated show, the Boondocks, "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence".

I meant this more as a joke -- the fact that CHS has only one cure: showering compulsively. I bet if you were to smoke 3 grams of tea leaves everyday for years you would get some weird negative effects -- you're smoking a lot of bullshit.

Now, chs is very recent discovery, as there hasn't been the sheer amount of cannabis available to abuse (and yes, one can't deny 3 grams a day is ABUSE, not use...i accept that).

Uh... Yes there has... For generations... My dad smoked MUCH more than I do, and I'm a daily smoker. Weed has been smoked in excess for quiet a long time.

To quote your doctor quote..."Grown men, screaming in pain, sweating profusely, vomiting every 30 seconds and demanding to be allowed to use the shower. It's a very dramatic presentation." Thats pretty much my morning every morning. This is not "priceless" quote, but a living hell for me.

*Sigh* I did not mean the symptoms were hilarious, but the "demanding to be allowed to use the shower. It's a very dramatic presentation"... That's simply scare tactic wording. I'm sorry that you are experiencing these horrible symptoms that are more in line with opiate withdrawl -- however the fact that you've stated you know this is due to ABUSE, yet you are doing nothing to stop it... well don't expect any sympathy from me, at least.

And please, do not say there have been less than 15 cases globally... I personally know two individuals who have been diagnosed with aforementioned disorder... fairly certain 13% of all documented cases probably wouldnt be located in the same town :/

No, you are right, you don't know 13% of the diagnosed CHS patients. There have only been ~15 cases (less) reported and GLOBALLY. Only THREE cases officially reported in the United States from 1994 - 2009. The 1994 report was CONFIRMED UNRELATED TO SMOKING, yet it was the first report. The second was in 2004. Your doctor can say you have CHS or AIDS or whatever he likes, it doesn't make him right. Doctors are wrong REGULARLY.
I was just discharged from the hospital yet again. The doctors still attribute it to the marijuana. I was there for two nights, luckily it wasn't as severe as the trip I described in the original post. Do you guys think it is more likely the H or the weed?

Chainer: My doctor told me he has seen several cases similar to mine in the past few years. All people who smoke weed heavily and have these bouts of nausea and pain throughout the year. He's a gastroenterologist.
I'm not disagreeing with your doctors assessment, I'm disagreeing with his diagnosis. But hey, I'm no doctor... The simple fact of the matter however is there are less than 20 globally confirmed cases of this disorder that fit the symptom list.

H could certainly be a contributing factor. Why don't you cut down on what you are smoking? These effects are (as you said) attributed to heavy abuse to the point of near absurdity. For your own health, have you tried cutting down on combustibles of all sorts?

I'm sorry if I seemed to have the position that you are lying, I just think you have been misdiagnosed. As it stands though, the research done towards advancing knowledge regarding CHS is laughable at best.
I'm not disagreeing with your doctors assessment, I'm disagreeing with his diagnosis. But hey, I'm no doctor... The simple fact of the matter however is there are less than 20 globally confirmed cases of this disorder that fit the symptom list.

H could certainly be a contributing factor. Why don't you cut down on what you are smoking? These effects are (as you said) attributed to heavy abuse to the point of near absurdity. For your own health, have you tried cutting down on combustibles of all sorts?

I'm sorry if I seemed to have the position that you are lying, I just think you have been misdiagnosed. As it stands though, the research done towards advancing knowledge regarding CHS is laughable at best.

Yea I agree with you: I'm not so sure that weed is the cause, despite what the doctors say.

So you think if I significantly reduced my smoking to say once or twice a day I should be alright?

As far as the H goes, I snort it. But I really believe that the extra shit in the H and shitty weed is doing this to me. Even the doctor said its not the weed, but the extra chemicals in it from being poorly grown etc. I believe its the same case with the H.
sounds like the doctor is tryeing to scare you out of smoking pot n taking drugs...hope ya get betta mate
*Sigh* I did not mean the symptoms were hilarious, but the "demanding to be allowed to use the shower. It's a very dramatic presentation"... That's simply scare tactic wording. I'm sorry that you are experiencing these horrible symptoms that are more in line with opiate withdrawl -- however the fact that you've stated you know this is due to ABUSE, yet you are doing nothing to stop it... well don't expect any sympathy from me, at least.

No, you are right, you don't know 13% of the diagnosed CHS patients. There have only been ~15 cases (less) reported and GLOBALLY. Only THREE cases officially reported in the United States from 1994 - 2009. The 1994 report was CONFIRMED UNRELATED TO SMOKING, yet it was the first report. The second was in 2004. Your doctor can say you have CHS or AIDS or whatever he likes, it doesn't make him right. Doctors are wrong REGULARLY.

Chill the f*ck out dude, your fiery take on this is soooo unwarranted.

I haven't been diagnosed by any doctors, yet I feel as though I'm teetering on some type of CHS-like condition. It's nothing severe, & I should think only the pick of the crop would be given enough attention to be dedicated a peer-reviewed case study [its morning sickness doctor! .

It shouldn't surprise anybody that long-term administration of CB agonists would disrupt your digestive regulation. I would go scour pubmed to prove a point, & I probably will once I have the time because I believe it's starting to concern me too.

From what is easily available on the net, you can establish causality & a gigantic array of varying reports of anecdotal evidence.
I have CHS. I started smoking pot 4 years ago. I smoked everyday, 2-6 times a day for about 2 years. I got my first attack then. Horrific. 5-9 days of EXTREME nausea, anxiety and pain. throwing up about 10 -50 times a day. Cant eat or drink anything. Had to take like 30 showers a day because it was the only thing that helped the nausea and took my mind off of it. Requires a hospital stay for IV anti nausea and anti anxiety meds. I would get an attack like this once every 2 months. I didnt know what it was at first. No doctor knew either until I saw a CVS(chs) specialist. During an attack I'd smoke weed to calm me and it made the nausea not as bad. I also noticed that the more I smoked the faster an attack would come on. Weed made me feel great, but once I smoked for a couple months straight Id get an attack. Between an attack I couldnt really eat until I smoked, and had a very hard time sleeping unless i smoked. I stopped smoking 6 months ago, and havn't had an attack since, and feel great. I do really miss smoking though. but I'm affraid to try to smoke in moderation just incase it comes back. thats how bad it was. a complete nightmare. And just so you all know that quote about a grown man screaming for a shower or whatever, well that was me. its not an exageration. Ive contemplated suicide because of this disease. it sucks..It is really that bad.

My wife was diagnosed with CVS 18 months ago. However her father is under the impression that cannabis is the cause of her illness.
He smoked, I've smoked longer than my wife & obviously we smoke the same stuff. I ain't sick, never have been. Certainly helps with the stress associated with my wife being sick.

I believe CHS is an incorrect diagnosis when it is against the symptoms associated CVS. My wife can only eat after smoking.

Has anyone here diagnosed with CHS believe they have CVS or are even aware of CVS?