• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Any drugs that can force REM sleep?

there are products that people use for lifting so they get more rest because its supposed to help recovery by putting u in a deeper sleep. Look at ZMA its a certain zinc magnesium thing thats supposed to increase testosterone and it does make u drowsy and have very vivid dreams. I take "Bullet Proof" by muscle pharms and it has ZMA along with other things that are supposed to help. It definately works because i will take it on a empty stomach and like 30 min later ill be really tired and ready to fall asleep and i have crazy dreams. When i wake up i feel real refreshed and no problems getting up.
Bump for an interesting thread.

Has there been any developments in the pharmaceutical world that might help with getting better quality sleep?
Esmirtazapine should be out soon.

It seems there are at least 3 orexin antagonists in mid to late stage trials now. It's not just almorexant and that GW649868 thing (both now sponsored by GSK) anymore. There's all of a sudden an MK-4305 in phase III. A lot of money going into this class. I'd like to talk to someone who's taken any of these.

Almorexant was abandoned due to its side effect profile, according to the wiki - which sucks for GSK as they paid $147 million for it... I wonder what made it unsuitable?
Xyrem (Prescription GHB) is used for narcolepsy with cataplexy. It helps by giving the patient fuller sleep. Not sure if this is actually increasing REM sleep. Anyone know a bit more about this?

GHB is wonderful along with the dopamine rebound it makes the perfect sleeping aid (for me)

Sure GHB is addictive if you are going to redose every 4 hours for a week straight, then the physical addiction kicks in.

Small dose before sleep? No problem, still an endogenous substance...
what is with histamine antagonists? My GF takes Seroquel and likes the sleeping on it very much as the dreams are very clear (okay Seroquel is not only a Antihistamine but its the effect which makes you very tired even at low doses) or other antihistamines like Diphenhydramine or Doxylamine
Well, I'm not sure how relevant this is to your question but low dose LSD might do the trick. Check out the REM chart here: http://countyourculture.com/2010/10/21/alterations-in-the-nocturnal-sleep-cycle-resulting-from-lsd/

While the initial REM episodes a half hour or so after waking are similar, after 30ug of LSD the second REM episode occurs much earlier and lasts almost three and a half times longer than the corresponding REM episode after placebo. Many more micro-REM episodes lasting only ten to twelve seconds burst into sleep for several hours after the LSD has taken effect.

In general, LSD can prolong the first or second REM episode and cause these REM micro-bursts, but only if given in low doses immediately before sleep or one hour after sleep begins. Doses that are too high simply cause the sleeper to awaken as they are about to transition to REM sleep.

Joseph N. Muzio, Howard P. Roffwarg, Edward Kaufman, Alterations in the nocturnal sleep cycle resulting from LSD, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 21, Issue 4, October 1966, Pages 313-324.
When I think of drugs and REM, I think of the opposite of sleep or sedatives (though I know in this case it would be one function); drug-types known for lowering seizure threshold, evoking unconscious but non-sleep REM fits. i.e. seizures.
I am prescribed ten mg of Olanzapine(Zyprexa) and ever since I started taking it I've been experiencing extremely vivid dreams, and they seem to last a very long time; I usually get 10 or so hours of sleep a night and I'm still dreaming up until the point where I wake in the morning.

PS 50th post

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