Alcoholism Thread v. A sober life is a good life <3

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Sr. Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2006
Here's the new thread in which to discuss all things related to alcoholism. This thread is for serious discussion only about alcohol: your experiences, or what you are currently going through, strategies for quitting or cutting down, or to just bitch about a hang over. Feel free to say whatever you need to, there are plenty of alcoholics/binge drinkers here who can relate, such as my self. We are not here to judge. Your problem no matter how large or small is serious to you, and to us as well <3

We are here to listen and learn and provide support for those in need, not to glamorize or condone the drink.

The old thread can be found here.
Here are the last few posts from the old one, to continue discussion:
Do B vits help with the shakes? Like i dont have a real drink problem (im coming off benzos), but i recently had to stop gbl and ran out early of my benzo script so have been drinking heavily recently until i get the new scprit in (friday/thursday), i just hate the shakiness/tremors i seem to be getting when the alcohol wears off, is this because of cross tolerance between alcohol/gbl and benzos?
I'm not sure about the Vitamin B, but there is a definite relationship between the alcohol and benzodiazapine aftereffect and withdrawal. I know that after a prolonged period of drinking in moderate, (less than 12 drinks daily), the early withdrawal feels amazingly similar to that from about two weeks of light/moderate benzodiazapine use, (~1-4mgs alprazolam daily), but many of the effects that are VERY noticeable on the benzodiazapine w/d seems to take a day to hit after alcohol cessation, (maybe due to the otherwise needed detoxification from alcohol.)

So, short answer from anecdotal evidence, sounds so.
Magnesium supplement can also help with the shakes, as it helps to relax the muscle fibres.

You can get magnesium tablets at a health food/supplement store, or the pharmacy. But you have to take them every day to build up an effect, and you also have to be getting enough calcium as well, to aide in the absorption of the magnesium. So make sure you're eating some dairy products/drinking milk, every day.
Or alternatively you could just get some calcium supplements as well :)

SOME supplements even have the magnesium and calcium combined!

Anyway, worth thinking about...
Ah we come here to discuss the issues that we have and yet we recognise them and others don't and yet we are some how still short of a solution. It sucks to be an alcho :(
One of my friends takes baclofen for cocaine cravings.

I have a script for Campral that's supposed to help with alcohol cravings. The think is you're supposed to abstain from alcohol a few days before starting the med and so far I have failed.

Again, today I say to myself that I won't drink- maybe today I won't since I "told"

Has anyone tried Campral?
Opportunity so thick you couldn't cut with a table saw, you couldn't cut it with a table saw.
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has anyone heard of Baclofen? It's supposed to be a cure for alcholholism!? There's an article abour it here...

There is no sure cure for alcoholism it's just not that simple. But if anything helps even just a little then that would be good. Im interested in trying baclofen for a number of reasons but for some stupid reason GP's think hard of scripting it here.

Also if anyone does try baclofen don't drink on it because it's just as if not more dangerous then drinking on benzos.

Im proud of myself today as i actually poured half a bottle of beer down the sink. I got sick of it after a few sips and realized it was going to do me no good.
Im really worried about myself, im 18 and im just coming off benzos, have serious anxiety issues and drink heavily, ive been a heavy drinker for a few months, never even considered myself to be at an alcoholics level or anything, but this weekend i have drank every day and alot, and it got to the point where i stole some money for drink, considered stealing wine from the local 247 at 9ish in the morning, and even got drunk around 9:30 this morning, sobered up now sitting here at 2:30 am and ive had 2 beers and about a glass and a half of wine (and yes not my alcohol, my dads), i feel terrible, my drug usage has got out of control and now drinking is becoming a big factor and i dont know what to do, ill probably be able to get a few hours sleep after these drinks but will wake up shaking, i even had stomach pains this morning that the drink tonight got rid off.

Any advice or anything, i just dont know what the fuck to do with myself anymore, i even lost a good mate this weekend by telling his parents he did heroin with me whilst drunk, and i feel like a scumbag completely and deserve any criticism, but im just looking for advice really.

I have some pregablin coming soon which im hoping in low doses will help with any wds and cravings but still im lost completely.

thank you to anyone that can give me any advice.
Hey still a relatively new comer to the site, but I love the topics started and consider the issues people speak of helpful. Anyways I am a semi-functioning alcoholic. This past week has been a tough one. A friend came down with whom I drink a lot with. Got loaded for 2 nights and then over the long weekend went to a friends cottage. They all drink a lot so I was pretty drunk the whole time. I am a pleasant drunk but I open my mouth about my problems a little two much. Anyways just figured Id complain because I know I am going to go through hell tonight with withdrawals. Ill contribute more to this thread later.
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my first 12 hours were hell, im not sure how much worse it will go. i was sweating buckets and only getting 2 hours of sleep at a time with crazy nightmares. slept from 8am to 10am, 10am to 12, 12 to about 4. i drank water and gatorade afterward and managed some brown rice in. I ate dinner some turkey hotdogs, kimchi and tofu and didnt throw it up.

right now 1033pm pacific i am really thirsty for a beer though and i have the occasional shakes and sweats and some unstable emotions.

every time i quit its the insomnia that drives me back to drinking and I hate how much weight I have gained from 5 years of beer drinking
im not sure what just happened, i was lying in bed sweating alot, feeling like shit, then started to feel very week, tried to sit up and saw and heard like an electrical spark feeling and seized up, thing is i was conscious throughout and snapped out of it fairly quickly, im pretty sure that was a convulsion and now im shit scared of a full blown seizure happening, but tbh i feel better after than i was, im so confused
what you want to do right now is clam down, drink water or gatorade. thats more like a panic attack that almost happened. try some magnesium, eat foods like tofu and brown rice.
im 23 hours off alcohol and i still have a bunch sitting in the fridge, but bignbrown, I had those type of convulsions in my sleep. if you know how to meditate, do that if you can't sleep.
thank you, ive had a 400mg magnesium and will drink water and lie down, ive got my drug support worker to speak to in 2 hours, plus i have some lyrica (pregablin) on the way in the post, does anyone know the doses for anticonvulsent use? as i dont want to get trashed on it.
have you been keeping track of the hours you have been off the drink? i feel hella thirsty right now
ive been thinking about alcohol a lot lately, to try to releive my benzo withdrawal symptoms. i am pretty much unable to socialize at all because of the symptoms and i tend to wonder if drinking would change that. i don't want to but i have been getting lonely going for years with no social contact at all outside the internet.
im at almost 36 hours sober and my body is thanking me. I am still having wd symptoms but I am gonna soldier on thru this.

@burn_out. thats how I became an alcoholic for 5 years in the first place, replacing benzo addiction with alcohol and now im about to go back to benzos. you will feel a bit out of it for a few weeks then one day, all the "color" will return to your life.

Like my dad used to say "Just walk it off son"
i actually have a 10mg valium that I split in half (my habit is usually 10 to 20mg a day so I don't get wd's) that I could use to make my day a little better but i was really expecting some crazy wd symptoms this time at 36 hours like the DT's and voices telling me to drink.
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