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Cocaine Cocaine Megathread

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Jan 20, 1999
**Cocaine Mega Thread and FAQ**

Cocaine Mega Thread and FAQ by sixpartseven

This FAQ is going to cover the basic, most commonly asked questions on BL. More detailed information can be found in the threads linked below.

My dealer told me my coke is pure. Is it?

No. If you are in any country outside of South America, there is a 100% chance your cocaine is not going to be pure. Even if you are in South America, unless you are extracting the cocaine yourself, there is still a very high chance that your cocaine is not pure either. Coke is cut even before it leaves the country in which it was produced. Once it makes it to it's destination country, you can pretty much assume with great certainty that it is cut every time it gets in the hands of each dealer or distributor in line before it gets to your dealer. Once it gets to him, he will most likely cut it one last time before he sells it to you. Average purity of cocaine in quantities under 10 grams was 62%. Even if you did wind up with cocaine that pure, you are one the lucky ones.

If my coke is not pure, what is in it?

This is probably the most commonly asked question. The problem with this is, no one is going to be able to tell you. The only way to find out is to have some sort of test ran on it. Whether it be with a GC/MS, some Marquis or Reagent testing, I have no idea, but the fact is, we will not be able to tell you from 1,000 miles away over the internet.

However, there are a couple cuts that have been showing up more frequently, and those are amphetamines. The best way to know if you have amphetamines is to pay attention to how the cocaine is affecting you. Cocaine is not the energetic, bouncing off the walls drug that everyone tends to make it out to be. If you are over-energetic, cannot sit still, have feelings of isolation or wanting to be left alone, excessive talking, or you have the shakes, those are all signs of amphetamines.

If those effects are from amphetamines, what is good coke supposed to feel like?

As Erowid.org describes it:
Varies with dose and the tolerance of the user. Increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases athletic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, increases energy, increased irritability, insomnia, restlessness.

The effects of coke are more relaxing than people assume. It's a mild energy that it provides. Good coke will not make you feel an urge to get up and move around all night. You will feel perfectly content with lying in bed watching a movie, or sitting around talking with a group of friends. It causes euphoria, and puts you in a good state of mind. It does not make you want to be alone and does not make you talk incessantly without finishing one coherent sentence. It provides clarity, so it should actually be a lot easier to convey your thoughts with words.

Do not be fooled by the amphetamine ridden garbage circulating all over the world now. If you like that kind of thing, go ahead and get it, but you're not doing real cocaine when you are doing it. You're doing amphetamines.

How much coke do I need for a fun night?

It depends. Are you doing it alone? If not, how many people are you doing it with? How experienced with cocaine are you and your friends?

There are many variables that make this question almost impossible to answer. The best advice anyone would be able to give you is to just spend as much money as you are willing to spend, and if it turns out you bought more than you need, just save it for another time. There is never anything wrong with buying too much, but it would really suck if you bought too little.

As an estimate, for non tolerant users of cocaine, get about a half gram of cocaine per person.

How much cocaine should I do?

If you're asking this question, it's obvious you are inexperienced with cocaine. For someone new to the drug, it's suggested to take a normal sized match stick, cut it in half, and do a line of cocaine that is the same size as that matchstick.

To be honest, it's going to be very hard to OD off one line of cocaine. As long as you aren’t doing a line that’s 5 inches long, you'll be fine. You could get away with doing a line up 1.5 or 2 inches long (skinny line, not fat) for your first time and be perfectly OK, but it's always best to start small, that’s why you should go with the matchstick idea.

One thing to remember with any drug is “you can always do more, but you can never do less.”

What are good drugs to mix with cocaine?

The answer to this question is highly subjective. It depends on what you like. A few things that are commonly take along side cocaine are benzodiazepines, marijuana, and opiates. Remember, when mixing cocaine with any drug, always do a little bit less than you would normally do of each drug. Also, make sure you are experienced with both drugs on their own before mixing them.

The easier question to answer is what NOT to mix with cocaine. There are two obvious answers. One, MDMA. Two, alcohol. Mixing cocaine with MDMA will totally negate the effects of the MDMA. Some people report that cocaine on the comedown of an MDMA high is good. At this point in the high, the desired effects of MDMA have worn off, so there is no longer any worry of negating the effects. The problem is, you won’t feel the typical euphoria from the cocaine. It will give you energy and positive mood lift, but the euphoria is greatly diminished.

Mixing alcohol with cocaine is dangerous because of the chemical cocaethylene. It's a chemical that is highly toxic to the liver. Despite this, drinking alcohol while consuming cocaine is a very popular practice amongst cocaine users, mostly due to them being uninformed of the dangers.

I'm all out of coke and I feel like shit, I can’t sleep, and I have to be at work in 5 hours. What do I do?

The comedown: everyone’s least favorite part of using cocaine. The good thing is, it's easy to deal with. A good tip for anyone using cocaine who knows they won’t be able to sleep at the end of the night is to make sure you have some sort of depressant drug on hand BEFORE doing the coke. The mad dash to find such drugs at 4am always ends up unsuccessful so make sure you have them before you start blowing lines.

Typical drugs used for the comedown are opiates and benzodiazepines. Good opiates to use include Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, and even Heroin. Good benzos to use would be Alprazolam, Diazepam, Clonazepam, or even Triazolam. There are many others of both opiates and benzos. These are just examples. If you have a favorite opiate or benzo, you can just use that instead.

Marijuana can be a decent choice, but it can also be a really bad choice. It's common for inexperienced users to really freak out from smoking pot while on coke. So, if you're going to use pot, be sure you'll be able to handle it.
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Cocaine Use for Beginners

Cocaine: Absolute Final Purification Thread

Converting Crack to Powder

Simple Suggestions to Dosing

Complete Guide to IV Cocaine

The Effects of Cocaine

Cocaine Comedowns

Cocaine and Drug Tests

Short Term Tolerence

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine Overdose
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Questions about cocaine

Okay, I've never done coke but I think I'm about to very soon, so I have some questions for someone who's experienced.

1) Is it going to kill me?
2) Is it going to kill me if I work out with it?
3) Is it going to kill me if I use it a couple of times a week?
4) Does the acetone wash treatment work?
5) Is it an effective study drug

I think that's it...:p
it could kill you
refer to answer 1
refer to answer 1
acetone wash would be for mdma i believe
no, not at all way to compulsive ime.

coke is overrated, but thats not to say it cant be a great time
Hey DangerChamber

I think it depends how much you take. It'll increase your heart rate so if you have a congenital heart defect it could place enough load to trigger a heart attack, which could be fatal. If you're already pretty fit you should be fine.

From your questions it seems like you've never used it before but you're thinking about taking it regularly to help with studying and exercise. I don't think that's a good idea at all.

The more you use it the more likely you are to develop a dependence on it.

Think of it this way: when you start it may help you study/work out, but the way the brain works means that you will need more to regain that magic you felt at the start.

Then the coke may become unavailable and studying/exercise will be harder than when you started using - the activities may become totally unrewarding and you may have problems with motivation.

If you really want to try it, use the least amount you can to obtain the desired effects, and try to avoid long-term use.

Maybe I've misread your situation - what are your thoughts?
1. It probably won't kill you, but it could if you were extremely irresponsible.

2. Again, the potential's there. Just do everything in moderation and you'll be alright.

3. You don't want a cocaine dependency, and that's all that will come of it.

4. If you've never done coke I wouldn't worry about acetone washing anything just yet.

5. No, it most likely will not help you study. As soon as your high you'll feel jacked and be too distracted with other things. Then when you come down you won't want to do your work and you'll be probably be trying to redose. And the cycle continues until you're out of coke/money...
Thank you for all of your answers.

Why no acetone wash? I don't wanna be dealing with anything except coke if I can help it.
Thank you for all of your answers.

Why no acetone wash? I don't wanna be dealing with anything except coke if I can help it.

You might be disappointed to find out how little cocaine there actually is in what you will get.

-> Cocaine Mega Thread
You might be disappointed to find out how little cocaine there actually is in what you will get.

-> Cocaine Mega Thread

Really, even over here in FLA? They say the coke here is supposed to be fire (the people I know) but I guess anyone would say that to make a quick buck.

If I'm paying ---- for coke, then it's the coke I'm after. Im not sure I care too much for cut but we'll see. The first hit I take will most likely be without doin anything to it
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^ That price won't get you good coke also no prices outside of the price thread.
^ Good idea It might me ok coke just check it out bro. Be safe.

Appreciate it, sir.. I will.. =D

One quick question. Is a wash effective or recommended at all anymore? Or should I just prep for not being able to remove any cut?
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Well the wash give's you more of a pure product more desirble for IV use. Some cut's are probobly bad for your helath so it's good to wash it but a lot of people don't for one time use you don't have to do it.
Cocaine leads to negative thinking?

If I do a couple of lines or so, this never happens. But I notice that when I do a lot of coke, my thinking becomes deeply negative when the effects wear off. I also noticed that when I do coke when I'm already feeling under the weather, i feel even MORE under the weather after doing so many lines.

I experience a downfall with E, but cocaine for me is much worse of a crash. Is it common for one's thinking to become deeply negative after a cocaine binge?
i get like that a lot too with, especially after smoking crack.
a lot of feelings of regret, shame, depression, yadda yadda...
yep. Stims are that way, speed does it to me. More of mix of anger and sadness afterwards, though
Quick cocoa question...didn't think it was worthy of a thread.

How long after a decent session is it safe to drink? I know there are many variables here but just a rough estimate in terms of hours. I'll probably choose the most credible answer and add an hour or two.
Had some FIRE tonight. Sorry, had to oshare that cause I HATE coke but this shit was soo good I had a blast for once! Half a gram and I was off too the races!