Thoughts on breathing...


Feb 18, 2001
Its funny how humans, for the greater part, are inclined to take a negative view of their lives...
I was just sitting down and my little cat came in, and it struck me: I know this cat, and am the better for it. It got me thinking...
I breathe the air...
I can see the deep blue of the sky on a summer day...
I can hear music, dance, and feel beachsand in bare feet. At the same time if the urge grabs me.
I know what it is to softly cup a female breast... to be young and so scared about whether youre meant to kiss at the end of a date... to see a comet... to be little and wonder wha that dude on the moon is like... to own a puppy, and to drive round that bend and discover a breathtaking view of the city.
Everything we do is so special, and a miracle in itself. Life itself, the fact that I am here, and that you are here for me to share it with, is maybe the biggest miracle in itself. Even the bad experiences are incredible in that we are here to have them at all. We are, as an organism, complex beyond words, so why waste ourselves being negative?
So I decided to take five and write this. Dont know if youll enjoy reading it, but I certainly enjoyed writing it for you

And today, enjoy everything you see, hear, smell, touch and taste. Enjoy your family and friends - they and you know the other is special enough to spend time with. Enjoy your pets... they give you all the love their little bodies can handle. Enjoy the sun when you walk outside... we could just have easily ended up on a colourless planet.
And most of all... have a smile
Beautiful and oh so true so often we miss the simple things under the pressues of day-to-day life, it's hard to take a break from our hectic routines and just breathe.

It never ceases to amaze me how complex human beings are, the things we do, the little games we play, the society and views we set up...
Yes, we might as well have a change of atitude to things we don't like, but sometimes it's hard isn't it? When you have been seeing things in one way for all your life and no another way...hell, the thought that you could consider seeing it another way won't even touch your mind. I'm still trying though, and trying to laugh at all the stupid mistakes I made. Thanks for your thoughts too and smile!

Beg for me. You know you want to.
I enjoyed reading that very much
Thankyou for making me think about things a bit more
What a nice thing to read first thing in the morning
Thanks Jakoz you've made my day just that little bit better
Totally - Each n Every day I say to people
Keep a Smile on your Dial

For the world does not spin how we wish it to, but we can choose to keep our balance. For every loss, there is some gain, as hard as it may be to grasp.
This all came to me (again) the other day, a very special person whom I hold close to heart-passed away.
This person touched me, like no other.
Whenever a problem arised, Whatever it may have been about - This man was blessed with the ability to ponder other possibilitys, to bring forth to mind - the small things we(I) take for granted. The small things - which bring us so much pleasure, that we dont give credit for.
Make the most of what(who) you can - before it's taken away from you.
Live your life, you never know whats going to happen.

BTW - Beautiful day .. Sun is shininggggg(when clouds dissappear
)... The weather is schwwwwweeeeeeeet
I'm going to take that attitude towards today, today was already gonna be special for other reasons but now I think I'll be able to enjoy it just that little bit more.
Thanks dude!
Hmmmm Very interesting thoughts!
Maybe it's the cats?
Maybe they have the ability to make you question different things in your life.
After a crap day i sometimes walk into my house and my cat is just sitting outside my bedroom door with this look in his eyes that says Everything will be ok. And my heart melts cause he's so damn cute and suddenly i feel better!
Nice post Jakoz....u made me remember how much i love my little cats, and my dog, and my ratties, and my mum, and my dad, and my bro, and my boyfriend, and all my friends....ohhhh and of course myself

'Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forward'
that was wonderful to read dude

i've been trying to keep a similar frame of mind, but the events of my life in the last... year? few months maybe... have been much too turbulent.
thanks for freshly stamping me with such an uplifting frame of mind...

... "wisest is he who knows that he does not know" ... "someone prove i exist" ... asparagus? ...
Thanks Jakoz. That was just what I needed to read today.
and so.... the universe provides what is needed once again.
Nice one Jakoz.
It's strage how we can just stop one day and realise the things around us. Like when u stop and realise how little u look at the sky, what amazing creations we have around us and what a fantastic and beautiful planet we have.
"great stuff"
If I melt dry ICE, do you think I can swim without getting wet?
thanks bj for clearing things up for me. for a second there i thought jake was in love.
thanx Jakoz,
this has brightend up my day,
im of the oppinion that this world is a good place, and sometimes we all need to take a step back and realise it, this what you have written is very nice
thanks Jakoz... u just reminded me that i rock....
Thanks dude, I did enjoy that, it brought a content smile to my face, not a comical smile or any ordinary smile, the kind of smile where you just feel content, they don't come all that often.
Good work
I give your effort two thumbs up
Something else to brighten your day (courtesy of the lovely PsychoKitten, who credits flea`)

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