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DXM Polistirex?


Feb 8, 2009
How does this compare to Dextromethorphan hBr? It is supposed to be an "extended release" form, so does this mean the trip will last longer?
HAHA steveee all I have is this shitty Polistirex. I have a BUNCH of it though. But true that. Reverting to search engine....
I believe it's extended release. So you'll have to take more at once, if you know what I mean. But it will last longer.

I think it's like 8 hour release or something.

Here's from the dextroverse
• Dextromethorphan Polistirex: This is another form of DXM that is time-released. It basically has a edible plastic around some of the DXM. This is used in some cough medicines, so when some of the DXM has worn off, then some more will kick in. This is usually not the preferred type of DXM to use recreationally, because it usually takes longer for it to kick in, and it sometimes is not as strong.

sounds like that is not the preferred kind... but if it's all you got at least you know a little more now
Okay guys, found a great answer:

hits faster (1 hour)
more "stoned feeling"

need to drink more
shorter trip
less intense hallucinations due to the lower ratio of DXO to DXM
generally tastes horrible (tussin)
safer (not to say either is really "safe")

Poly +
you need to drink less
more intense trips, including better visuals
Tastes much better, quite good (Delsym)
much longer trips

much worse for your liver and stomach (polystritex is a edible plastic)
worse hangovers (for me atleast)
much longer trips (if you are not looking for a long trip)
more expensive (delsym is $10 bucks a bottle)
takes about 2 hours to "hit"

In conclusion try em both, make up ur own I have tried both and like em both depending on how em feeling, I sometimes would mix 4-5ml of delsym with 3-4ml of tussin and that was intensive (warning this is for experiance robotrippers do not attempt unless you have experiance with 3-4 platau highs)
Wait, don't you have to drink more polystirex not less? Even though it's 30 mg/ml instead of 15 mg/ml the extended release necessitates more at once doesn't it? Since only a fraction of that 30 mg/ml of DXM actually is active in you at any point. Or so I thought, I've never used polystirex myself.
i just copied it as it was on the site that NeuroDr provided me.

I took 534 mg, which in HBR would be plenty... As far as Polystirex goes, I'll "feel it" if the resulting feeling is equivalent to more than 300mg hbr. We'll see. I guess I'm just sorta playing guinea pig. If all else fails I have plenty of vodka for the evening. I have to say though, the Delsym went down SOOOO easily and so far with no nausea at all. It actually tasted GOOD. Not like, it was bearable, but instead it was actually enjoyable.

We shall see ;) <3
Time release DXM isn't really what you want. I'd much rather be a bit more patient and wait until you can get your hands on some Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide.
Wait, don't you have to drink more polystirex not less? Even though it's 30 mg/ml instead of 15 mg/ml the extended release necessitates more at once doesn't it? Since only a fraction of that 30 mg/ml of DXM actually is active in you at any point. Or so I thought, I've never used polystirex myself.

That's my understanding of the matter
Well I daresay that so far, the DXM Polystirex is boring at best. I feel "slightly" dissociative, almost more like a sorta buzzed drunk feeling. I took another bottle with the "fuck it" mentality. We'll see what happens.
I have lots of "Delsym" experience, see my name.

1 dose of poly = dose/2 of hbr, dosed 6 hours apart.

So if you had 600mg of poly, its like getting 300 now and 300 later. Which needless to say is kinda lame.

But the way to use it, and trust me this makes for hella amazing afterglows and great thought trips, is to take your delsym, and some hbr at the same time. For instance, take a big delsym bottle, and maybe 300-450mg of robo gel caps.

Now your first 6 hours have enhanced poly and hbr, and the last few hours you ride out the trip. Makes for a nice smooth long come down.

And trust me, mix it like that and you'll have fun.

DONT however take multiple delsyms because I think personally that fucks your head way too much for too long. 12 hours of complete balls to the wall is not healthy
delsymfan, how's the nausea on that combo? I was enjoying 700 mg of HBr the other day until I had to run to the bathroom to puke.. and when I picked my head up I had no idea who I was, where I was, or why I was puking.. none too pleasant. Any chance going half delsym half HBr is less nauseating? That sounds great but also like it'd be a lot of medicine chugging..
Delsym goes down pretty easy, the little plastic beads in it kinda suck but its got a creamsicle taste. Use your imagination.

I personally DONT get sick of DXM. I would take a dramamine or something. I would actually have my friends over and do low 2nd plateau and have dance parties all night to trip music, and nobody ever barfed.

I find the delsym is easy on the tummy, and nausea is easily avoided with the use of gel caps. Dont pound down a ton of syrup and you make it.

And lol, if you could make it to the bathroom, you werent that bad :)
lol that shit is so slimy feeling going down, it's like it doesn't even make contact with your tongue. With the time release shit it's a lot more likely you will inadvertantly wind up on sigma when you reup when things arn't intense fast enough
Not true and I dont recommend. I dont think anybody should REALLY try sigma. I've read like 2 good reports, and probably a dozen hospitals...

I agree its a weird drink, but I would think so long as you dont take more than one and used as I mentioned its probably ok...

I concur it probably has the potential to help achieve sigma, but I dont advise it.
There is a big difference between HBR and Polistirex.

To start off, Robitussin and Delsym are two completely different drugs.

They both contain a Form of DXM. HBR, in robitussin; Polistirex in Delsym.

Although both brands contain DXM. The molecule itself of each drug is not DXM.

Robitussin is a molecule called "Robitussin".
Delsym is a molecule called "Delsym".

Each of these molecules contain DXM. But DXM alone is not a drug.

It must be formulated with other chemicals in order to make it work.

Robitussin contains tussin and delsym doesnt.

Both contain DXM. Delsym contains more DXM than Robitussin.

Polistirex is a type of liquid plastic.
There is a big difference between HBR and Polistirex.

To start off, Robitussin and Delsym are two completely different drugs.

They both contain a Form of DXM. HBR, in robitussin; Polistirex in Delsym.

Although both brands contain DXM. The molecule itself of each drug is not DXM.

Robitussin is a molecule called "Robitussin".
Delsym is a molecule called "Delsym".

Each of these molecules contain DXM. But DXM alone is not a drug.

It must be formulated with other chemicals in order to make it work.

Robitussin contains tussin and delsym doesnt.

Both contain DXM. Delsym contains more DXM than Robitussin.

Polistirex is a type of liquid plastic.

This is not really correct. It has some ideas that are close to being correct, but you have interpreted the facts incorrectly.
This is not really correct. It has some ideas that are close to being correct, but you have interpreted the facts incorrectly.

ROFL dude you are TOOOO kind =p
*edit*holy shit man, your rackin up those posts quick!

And Sigma has been amazing for me the two times I've hit it! If you dose right I don't see why anyone would end up in the hospital... If they were dumb and tried to drink everything at once instead of re-upping twice maybe.. Definitely the source of my all time favorite hallucination of all time though, eyes open clear as day I had a one and a half foot long dragon made of tribal swirls and start dust fly in front of me that I was able to pet, feel and interact with. It only hung around for maybe 60 seconds before landing on my leg, compressing down into a humanoid and walking off the end of my knee and dissipating without looking back..
in my experience with polisterix, an hour and a half after i take it i wake up the next day. ive never remembered the come up, experience, or come down. its bizarre. id rather stick to HBr, its always treated me nice.