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What drug scares you?

handle/handled most drugs just fine, no real addictions - from E to IV heroin to IV coke. therefore thought i could handle "just trying" meth - holy shit that drug can tear you apart mind body and soul faster than anything i know of. of course everyone is different though. and me being mr have to do it the most intense way possible had to go and IV it. definitely scares me now.

as for drugs i haven't tried i guess the really intense psychedelics scare me the most; DMT mainly, i don't really know much about the less common ones.
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pcp is scary. Especially for sober people that have to hang out with someone on that stuff.

datura has to be the worst of the worst of the worst though
2CI. I believe psychadelic Amphetamines have the potential to destroy my grip on sanity. I don't want to imagine what a few weeks of constant use would do to me- with any of them (TMA-#, 2xx, DOx, etc).A single 2CI trip taught me so.
Shit Smack doesn't scare me at all its that god damn METH and CRACK COCAINE that i'll never touch.
Shroomz, but i've actually done it, the result was so terrifying i probably wont touch a psychadelic for years.
meth scares me because of the brain damage/what it does to your appearance. crack scares me, but i'm around crack a lot and it's not THAT horrible if you're fucking careful.
They let the anti-drug ads get to them. I just don't get why heroin is so taboo. Opium is perfectly fine with most people but mention heroin and they run like roaches.
You want to know why Heroin scares me? Because of how many people I see on this site alone become addicted/ruin their lives with the drug. It's the ultimate drug of destruction. Sure, there will be a FEW people that can use it responsibly and not have their souls be buried. But, for the majority of us, it's a dance I'm not willing to take.
^^ yeah, but everytime after I used to snort dope, pretty rainbows would shoot out from my nose for a good 3 minutes

Shit was silly. SILLY I TELL YOU
Heroin scares me because just knowing how mind blowing amazing it will be is enough for my red flag to go "SLOWWWWWWWWWWW DOWN CAPTAIN THIS RIDE IS TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL"

and if I didn't jump off the magical band wagon soon enough... BAMMMM there goes a good 2-3 years of my life... at least.... there's slight sarcasm inserted within but you get my drift!

Bottom line is it's not the HEROIN itself I find scary. It's how frickin awesome it would be and the natural weakness of the human pysche that would follow!
Fact is that I have always been willing to drink, snort, swallow, smoke or bang whatever is put in front of me.

I always wished that drugs scared me because I would have more sense not to try them or even just controlling my use.
none really scare me but I do choose not to use some for reasons other than fear

They let the anti-drug ads get to them. I just don't get why heroin is so taboo. Opium is perfectly fine with most people but mention heroin and they run like roaches.

this amuses me too. i know people who will blow oxys, eat morphine pills, and take all the dilaudid they can get their hands on but wouldn't even consider using H
None of them. Even solvents - alcohol and GBL are solvents (so's water for that matter) and I drink all of those daily. Why would anyone be scared of a chemical? It'll only hurt you if you let it :)

Done all the well known drugs - and many of the lesser known ones - for many years. Addiction is a bitch but needn't be the end of the world cos it's most definitely curable. Can't think of any that I would be afraid of trying, although there aren't so many left to try other than the more obscure RCs that can be so hard to track down. The only one I would be wary of now is heroin (over a decade of addiction will do that to you :|) but even that isn't hard and fast - "not right now" is more my attutude.

i agree with this. no chemical really scares me, even Heroin which i've been addicted to many times. its just a chemical. if i had to pick one, i would have to say datura. deliriants sound horrible. hell, even meth doesn't scare me, yes its a strong stimulant and feels good but its wayy overated. honestly, i'm more afraid of stuff like LSD, psilocybin, etc.. than drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine.
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acid has always scared me. i've come very close to trying to several times but have never. i guess i've heard too many stories of people taking razor blades to their legs because they were convinced there were spiders crawling on them or thinking they were an orange and never coming out of it.. i know that's probably bullshit and happens to 1% of people, but hallucingens in general just really scare me. i don't think i'd enjoy tripping, just be freaked out.
all of the drug-prevention i had in school from 8-15 was totally centered on hallucingens and e. never done e either; scared off all those drugs (except shrooms, tried those once and did not hallunciate). maybe they did have some effect, which is ironic because those were never the drugs i had interest in doing. maybe if they'd centered on stimulants and opiates my life would be different. :)
deliriant stuff - hell i had 2 experiences - enough for a fuckinn lifetime NOT FUN
aaaaaand i am kinda 'afraid' of speed/meth esp when - motherfucker ! - it's used to cut coke to shit :|
but it's not bc of the fame or the way they make you act, it's because of my heart problems
and i am lightly afraid of e's , not pure molly or pure mda, but e's with whatever fishy contents , i've always been scred of droppin e, and i don't find it suitable to be a 'club drug' and fuck that i've been clubbin on acid, doc, dxm, lots'o'ketamine...but never would take extacy in a club.. a pill comeup is - one - of the closest to hell and dying experineces my mind can feel.. yea i am afraid of the comeup and thats why i dont take e's