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I did it! (Tantric Masturbation)


Jun 19, 2008
Looking for various ways to open my heart, I found out about using the energy accumulated during sexual excitement to do so.

Two nights ago I had a successful experience. I hope people can benefit from reading this, and I would love to hear similar experiences, or any thoughts on the subject.

I hadn't orgasmed for about a month before this. I must admit it took a little light porn to start it all... but it sort of happened and wasn't planned. I spent about an hour in bed late at night barely touching my genitals (I'm a man). Even stroking the air around it had a wonderful effect, and I like to believe that I was touching the auric layer around it. I came closer and closer to the tipping point, feeling like "oh my god" the entire time. I was in a trance state.

I eventually stopped and lay on my side to try to sleep. No, it wouldn't go down. At this point it really seemed to have a mind of its own. Eventually it went down and I slept.

For two hours. I woke up again with it beckoning. On my side I gradually worked up to the point of no return (in a half asleep state this was even more magical and surreal). In this state of intense tension and bliss, I touched my chest where my heart chakra should be, and so subtly, pure aliveness seemed to find its way up there. This happened two or three times.

The last time it happened, I got this strange energy coarsing through my body, and I couldn't stop shaking with potential energy. I was just exploding with aliveness, so I got up and went outside and ran like a madman, with a profound love and peace with my surroundings. God.

The high lasted a few days afterwards, and my sexual drive decreased as if I had actually orgasmed, even though I really hadn't.

Unfortunately I was stupid today and blew my load, but I plan on doing this again. You gotta build yourself up to it though (abstain for about a month).

Yes, pretty graphic, but hopefully food for thought. Whatcha think?
cool story! intense!

But, I don't really agree that you need to abstain for a month to attain profound effects from self-stimulation.

About a week without orgasming and you can enter 'transcendental air' with masturbating (or really good long head from a gal)
Unfortunately I was stupid today and blew my load,
Apparently if you swallow it (at least according to the chinese) while its still warm you restore whatever it is you lost by ejaculating.

Congratulations though. Have you been practising with some basic techniques?

- Blocking ejaculation by applying pressure to the perenium while you cum.

- Visualizing light going through your chakras and circulating around you.

- Breathwork

- Keeping your tongue pressed against your palate

Honestly, I've never managed to get anything revelatory through sex (while sober) but I am glad you did.
haha beautiful thread and welcome to Bluelight.

I've achieved this before, though perhaps not quite to the intensity you're describing. I've had my swadhisthana flooded with energy before during self-stimulation, but I haven't quite been able to pervade that energy throughout other zones. I definitely relate to the extreme sensitivity though, and even the heaviness of "feeling the air around". It can hard to remain quiet during these "sessions". And isn't it great not to have to obliviate yourself into some sex fantasy, but to enter your senses totally and revel in the reality of you touching yourself?

Though the experience you describe as occurring two hours afterward sounds its got more than i've yet managed. I've had similar experiences from dancing, but not yet from "shaking the reins of Satan's sleigh" as my favorite euphamism goes.

I'd agree, that though abstaining for a month is probably good disclipine, it may not be so necessary. And I know different teachers of Tantra will say different things, but not to all teachers is cumming an enemy. All it comes down to is that cumming shouldn't be the goal of the activity, but sometimes its still going to happen anyway.

I've definitely faded out from practicing stuff like this though. Perhaps this thread will inspire me ;)
Apparently if you swallow it (at least according to the chinese) while its still warm you restore whatever it is you lost by ejaculating.

Congratulations though. Have you been practising with some basic techniques?

- Blocking ejaculation by applying pressure to the perenium while you cum.

- Visualizing light going through your chakras and circulating around you.

- Breathwork

- Keeping your tongue pressed against your palate

Honestly, I've never managed to get anything revelatory through sex (while sober) but I am glad you did.

I did once try applying pressure to the perineum by sitting with my heel on it, and I still don't know what happened. That time I did orgasm, and nothing special happened. Perhaps I should have focused the energy at my heart.

Breathwork? Do you mean deep breathing during stimulation, or like Holotropic Breathwork?

And what does pressing my tongue against my palate do?

and hmmmmm... do you really think swallowing your own warm cum will do anything? Would it be like a super multivitamin?
I did once try applying pressure to the perineum by sitting with my heel on it, and I still don't know what happened. That time I did orgasm, and nothing special happened. Perhaps I should have focused the energy at my heart.

You should try with your finger, you need to press pretty hard and feel like you're blocking something - it works, you'll have a normal orgasm (or slightly stronger) without ejaculation.

Breathwork? Do you mean deep breathing during stimulation, or like Holotropic Breathwork?

More like meditative breathing/pranayama...etc

And what does pressing my tongue against my palate do?

The Daoists think it is a sort of "plug" for che to circulate from your body through your head. I generally disagree with the Daoists though.

and hmmmmm... do you really think swallowing your own warm cum will do anything? Would it be like a super multivitamin?
Not that, no. Again, the Daoists think that you drain yourself of che if you simply ejaculate. I'm not sure I believe this, as I've tried it both ways several times, and every time it was random.

But a lot of so-called "tantric" sex practise is actually Daoist, not "tantric".
You should try with your finger, you need to press pretty hard and feel like you're blocking something - it works, you'll have a normal orgasm (or slightly stronger) without ejaculation.

No, yeah, it felt like I was blocking something, and when I orgasmed, it was especially good and prolonged, but I didn't ejaculate. I just didn't feel any difference afterwards.

More like meditative breathing/pranayama...etc

I'll look into that. Unfamiliar with the term pranayama...

The Daoists think it is a sort of "plug" for che to circulate from your body through your head. I generally disagree with the Daoists though.

Not that, no. Again, the Daoists think that you drain yourself of che if you simply ejaculate. I'm not sure I believe this, as I've tried it both ways several times, and every time it was random.

You don't believe this??? You kidding? Every time a ejaculate now, I feel sooo drained, and it's not temporary. For the next few days my energy level, as well as my mental, emotional and spiritual vitality is in the pits, and after a week or so it's back to normal. I can even feel energy forms I've collected over time fall away in the hours afterwards. I am 100 percent sure that chi is lost upon ejaculation.

But a lot of so-called "tantric" sex practise is actually Daoist, not "tantric".
Interesting story. The closest i have come to anything like this is multiple orgasm...but i definitely blew mah load. blew several, in fact. I am interested in attempting something like you described however. I do perhaps feel a bit drained a day after ejaculating. Honestly I'm not sure, it may be mental.

As far as blocking ejaculation with pressure on the genitals (perineum, base of shaft, etc), doing so causes retrograde ejaculation. I.E., the sperm/semen does not stay in the testes. It comes out but is blocked, so it falls down the urethra into the bladder. The semen then comes out the next time you pee. Apparently blocking ejaculation in this way can be harmful to the body, at least according to Dr. Drew Pinsky from Loveline.
Hey RhythmSpring,

You feel drained because your pituitary releases some prolactin, which temporarily curbs testosterone levels and has an overall sedating effect on the organism (you). You can take cabergoline if you'd like to experiment with orgasming without prolactin release (cabergoline is a dopamine D2 agonist and some of its properties is inhibition of prolactin release after orgasm. Incidentally this drug reduces the refractory period after orgasm and can allow a guy to have multiple orgasms if his test levels are high enough, one after the other, every 5-15 minutes or so if enough stimulation is given).

I second the pranayama suggestion. man if you thought you were getting some wicked unusual feelings touching your pubes and balls and cock just wait until you do crazy breath retentions (holding the breath outside the body especially can send you into some alternate dimensions of concentration and focus.

enjoy exploring your body and mind! so good to see somebody doing that! :)
wow usually when im on the brink of cumming there is no stopping me from opening the floodgates

that is some self control you have there sir :)
wow that is really interesting. I need to do some research on this stuff & try it out!
Hey RhythmSpring,

You feel drained because your pituitary releases some prolactin, which temporarily curbs testosterone levels and has an overall sedating effect on the organism (you). You can take cabergoline if you'd like to experiment with orgasming without prolactin release (cabergoline is a dopamine D2 agonist and some of its properties is inhibition of prolactin release after orgasm. Incidentally this drug reduces the refractory period after orgasm and can allow a guy to have multiple orgasms if his test levels are high enough, one after the other, every 5-15 minutes or so if enough stimulation is given).

I second the pranayama suggestion. man if you thought you were getting some wicked unusual feelings touching your pubes and balls and cock just wait until you do crazy breath retentions (holding the breath outside the body especially can send you into some alternate dimensions of concentration and focus.

enjoy exploring your body and mind! so good to see somebody doing that! :)

It's not just being drained, I feel pretty negative afterwards. Like it's BAD. The weeks before I'll be very open and happy, sharing my love with the world, and then the week after it takes a lot of effort to look people in the eye. Hmm. Could that still be the prolactin curbing my testosterone?

Also, what do you mean by holding the breath *outside* the body?
do you have any good resources if I say want to try to learn how to do this tantric sex thing?
Yay, I'm glad people are interested!

I forget where I learned the basics, probably from several websites about tantra and new-age spirituality.

The basics that I know:
Relaxation is key.
Work up gradually to climax, and bask in the tension, learn to enjoy it.
Give yourself at least an hour.
Practice being okay with not orgasming at the end of a session.
Remember to breathe, deeply.
I think it helps to abstain for at least 2 weeks prior.

It's interesting, I think that there are two ways of going about this. One is to actually orgasm, but somehow hold in the ejaculate, either manually or with your perineum muscles.

The other way, which I did, was to dwell riiiiiight before the point of no return for a while, and blur the line between tension and orgasm. There was never any point of orgasm, but there were times where I felt I was open as if I were orgasming, but not constricting. It was at this point where I rested my awareness on my heart chakra.

I think a lot of it has to do with intention. If your intention is to 100% definitely not orgasm, you're chances are good. If you secretly want to release at the end, you might subconsciously slip over the edge.

But, I'm not an expert on anything. This is all from personal experience. So do whatever works for you, of course.
I never really knew this had anything to do with tantric sex practices but if you can masturbate and get to know yourself well enough that you know without a shadow of a doubt when to stop, right when you're about to enter the grey area of first feeling the full blown orgasmic bliss, but right before actually cumming. The state, with little touching but just enough to feel the amazing little tingles lasts for 15 or 20 minutes sometimes, it's my ideal orgasm, when a woman's not involved at least.It's exactly like rhythm said, it's like the openness of an orgasm and feeling of an overwhelming surge of pure euphoric energy and then once you release the state you go into a calm, relaxed state, usually not even sweating, but coming out feeling like you've just had the best sex of your life. It's like when people say injecting meth puts you instantly into a post-orgasmic state of mind and being, this actually does it, and it's good for you. I much prefer doing this tahn to just squeezing out a nut, if the situation allows.