  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Greatest Drinking Game.

I also cast my vote for King´s cup. I can honestly think of no better time than a round of kings with 10 people. It gets so silly so fast when all four rules are in effect, especially if they are super silly like, "must do robot while drinking" nobody can handle it, it always devolves to the point where nobody can keep track because they are laughing so hard and violating the rules so much that the only way to keep up with the penalties is to continually drink your beer, pausing only long enough to draw another card and fuck up "thumb master" again.

Really the best part about it is that no two games are ever the same. Everyone brings new rules to the table. It is well known in all english-speaking countries, too. The best game of kings you will ever have is in while staying in a hostel overseas. You´re bound to get some australian motherfuckers with their crazy "mushroom cup" mode of play.

The only bad thing is that unless someone has already played at least once or twice before, you are charged with the extremely tedious task of explaining the multitude of ever-changing rules to them.

Flip cup: I hate. There is no way to play this game without spilling beer all over the place. It makes no sense at all.

Beer Pong: Much cleaner, though you end up drinking a lot of floor because the ball hits the ground and does not get cleaned up properly. These team games are by far the loudest thing you can do at a party, except mounting speakers on your roof, which is either a very good thing if you are at a big party with no limitations, or a horrible thing if you have neighbors.
flunkyball (it comes from germany, and it's hard to explain, but it's pretty physical)
I'm a big fan of 7, 11 doubles. Its a real simple game that gets you fucked up. Everyone takes turns rolling 2 die. If you roll a 7 an 11 or doubles you pick someone to drink, but its not that point blank. The winning roller takes the persons beer or whatever it is and puts as much as they want of said drink into a pre determined cup. Following this as soon as the victim touches the cup the roller re-rolls as fast as they can untill they win again or the drinker puts the empty cup back down. If the roller wins again the same victim gets fucked again, and possibly again and again... This game is fucking brutal and not for the faint of heart. Oh ya if the roller touches the dice before the drinker touches the cup the roles are reversed.
^ I haven't played that but it sounds like gauntlet. You lay down 7 cards and have to guess higher or lower then put down a card. If you get it right you move to the next card. If you get it wrong, you drink the difference and move back to the beginning of the gauntlet. Keep going until you win. Really gets you trashed.
alasdairm said:
kings cup is awesome.

there's so much formulaic tv on these days, inventing drinking games is easy. for example...

pick a bravo show like 'project runway' or 'top chef' or fox's 'kitchen nightmares'

take a drink each time tim gunn says "make it work!", anybody says "truffle" or gordon ramsey swears, says "yes!" or says "rest-rent" instead of restaurant and you'll be drunk by the first ad break.



my roommate has made an antiques roadshow drinking game.
Beer pong(with water in cups, drink at pace), fuck the dealer, flip cup.

I like playing beer pong baseball too, line 4 cups in a straight line, front cup is a single, second is a double, etc.....3 outs per inning, you miss a cup your out.

And not really a drinking game, but horseshoes goes great with beer drinking.
A good variation on asshole is having the A-hole give his/her two best cards to the Prez in exchange for their two worst. *evilgrin*

My favourite hands (and feet) down - Twister!
Centurion or high cards. Or we used to PES on teh xbox and whoever lost had to do as many shots as the goals they lost by.