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What does an overdose feel like?

It depends on the substance a lot, i wouldn't know how to describe what the OD's i had "feel like"

IME an OD on very high dose combo of 2C-P, MXE and 25c-nBOME is: Trrrriiiiiiipppppiiiinnnngggg baaaaaaalllllls, banging one's head against a brick wall repeatedly, crumble to the ground, start convulsing, 2 days of "nothing" and feeling shame, very stupid and foolish upon waking up in the hospital... again...

Methadone+benzos OD IME was waking up choking on my vomit, no coordination and having to go into "manual breathing".

Think i'll stop there...

To sum it up, overdoses feel like shit, sorry to not bring more pertinant info but i'm not very good at expressing my feelings. :\
Honestly, I would have to agree that it depends on what you are taking. I was a suicidal teen, and decided that I wanted to end my life. So I decided to take a handful of blood pressure medicine and lay in bed. I ended up telling my mom who then rushed me to the hospital, so I'm fine now don't worry. When I was laying in my bed I was experiencing a shortness of breath, I could not take deep breaths which is something they requested for me to do in the er. I was extremely woozy and dizzy. I could not walk straight. I was soooo tired all I wanted to do was sleep, but my poor mother tried her very best to keep me awake during that ten minute car ride to the nearest hospital, because she knew if I fell asleep, the odds were that I was not going to wake up. By the time I was in the er, I almost died, and I could feel my heartbeat slowing down and the hospital said it was barely ten beats per minute. I don't know what your intent was behind this post, but let me tell you that this is never the option. From reading a few of the other answers none of the overdose's descried seem to be enjoyed in any way, so I hope that you are well and that everything is going okay for you. Suicide is never the answer, and I want to say that to anybody who reads this.

Alcohol - vomited during my sleep, didn't even wake me up (fortunately I was lying on side)

Weed edibles - thought I was gonna die and was having massive hallucinations

MXE - had massive hallucinations, at parts couldn't remember who or what I was, thought my mind was going to break, eventually blacked out
all I have ever personally overdosed on is meth , but when my ex overdosed on pills he started shaking uncontrollably , sweating ( but saying he was cold ) , very high temp and shallow breathing , and he was constantly thirsty , when this happened I remained calm to keep from causing him to get upset , I made sure he stayed covered up till his fever broke and kept a glass of ice water by him ( he drank about 10 glasses ) also I kept my hand on his chest and every time hed stop breathing I'd shake him and it'd pull him to but he didn't know what was going on , it scared him and he would start breathing again ,, on the other hand when I overdosed on meth it was a sudden hit , I was sitting there smoking and talking to my friend all of a sudden my eyes started rolling back and I dropped the pipe , there was white foam coming from my mouth I was shaking my head 'no' uncontrollably and talking crazy shit ( telling her to kill spiders that wasn't there ( I was hallucinating ) ... I was unable to move most parts of my body , although it felt amazing to me and I see it as a trip that I wouldn't mind taking again it scared the hell out of her ... if you haven't experemented with drugs DONT !! drugs are the root of all evil & tear family's apart ,, my marriage ended over drugs ... even if you have started drugs if there's anyway you can possibly quit please do so before it's to late , don't let it take over you and ruin your life , like it has mine and many others out there
Well, with dope you bang it, feel freaking amazing and you either wake up to a loved one shaking you violently or (in my case) you wake up in John Stroger Hospital to an ER doctor and three cops waiting to arrest you.
I've ODed on opiates twice.
I felt very cold, I couldn't stop shivering.
My memory was completely fucked. I actually didn't feel nauseous.
Most of the euphoria disappears in an overdose. I kind of went into shock and didn't feel euphoria or dysphoria.
My lips went blue (at this point it is a very good idea to call an ambulance).
It is extremely difficult to stay awake, and eventually you have no choice.

Both times were from oral administration, so I didn't have that "immediate unconcioussness" that would have been a godsend.

More specifically- the first time it was 50mg of hydrocodone (no tolerance) and 8mg of clonazepam (semi-tolerant)
the second time it was 15mg of hydrocodone and 30mg of methadone (no tolerance)

Ive overdosed twice as well,both orally,first time on 750mg of hyrdocodone-began convulsing,had 3 seizures(at least thats what the people taking care of me told me) was extremely cold,was completely confused and barely knew what was going on around me,and when i did,all i could do was try to ask my best friend if he thought i was going to die,and when i woke up the next day i had what fel like a migraine x1000 throughout my entire body and it hurt so bad that i wanted to scream but couldnt move,and layed there for about 2 hours in the most extreme amount of pain ive ever felt.
2nd time was from 50mg methadone,75mg vyvanse and 600mg(6g)of benadryll,started hallucinating about 1hr afterwards,got confused,told my teacher everything i was on(apparantly it turned into some kind of truth serum)and went to the nurses office,fell out walking towards the ambulance and "woke up"(realized i was alive) 9hrs later in the hospital still hallucinating freaking the f out.was in the hopsital for 3 days and have been hallucinating ever since,that was on 2-6-14.overdosing is...not a fun experience.

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Overdosed on DXM and methamphetamine, both lead me to the hospital, one to the psyche ward for a few weeks.

The DXM overdose was an insane experience. First I felt very nauseous and surreal, then I started shaking and feeling insane energy but not being able to do anything with it, like some sort of bath salts experience I'd imagine. It then started to change as I ended up in the hospital, and could barely sit still as I wanted nothing more than to break something or scream in rage. Ended up losing memory here and in the hospital bed it felt like everything was a really weird pixalated dream, and I remember trying to charge a security guard or cop (wasn't sure), and he put his hand up and I lay back down and he smiled, then I remember waking up a dozen times feeling like I was in some weird video game and I had always existed in this hospital, like I kept trying to get up and leave but fell back into a semi-awake dream-like sleep state. Finally sobered up like a day or two later and was released.

The methamphetamine overdose was terrifying. Swallowed two grams with no tolerance, and ended up going full-on psychotic paranoid. Thought every person was an undercover cop, saw snipers in every windows, wound up back in the hostel and had a psychotic break where I thought a SWAT team was trying to kill me with snipers because of a briefcase I had in the locker a friend said looked sketchy, making me think they thought a bomb was inside and they were trying to snipe me. Someone else in the hostel room was texting on their phone and I thought they were all lying still and communicating with the snipers to execute me, and I started screaming and crying and begging for my life, while two of the hostel people tried to calm me down, only this made me think they were in on it because they wouldn't leave their beds and I just wanted to go outside to prove the briefcase had nothing in it.

At some point I just fell into some sort of coma and woke up like in the morning where I passed out of time and space and 7 minutes felt like 2 hours. I remember getting out of bed and walking around the hostel and falling back asleep like 20 times, and everyone was still sleeping, only 7 minutes passed on the clock but I was like moving beyond the speed of light somehow, as I seriously was moving faster than time, as I remember vividly going outside and walking around and coming back, using the bathroom, looking out the window, and falling back asleep a bunch more times, and still only 14 minutes passed, seriously weirdest fucking shit. Then I woke up and had this weirdest dual-personality split where I felt like I was now two entities inside one body.

I literally had two conscious minds at once and was talking to myself and responding like having a conversation with a friend as I walked around town. Fully in this bizarre world I started hearing voices directing me to do things and thought I was working for the CIA. Ended up having memory loss and finally breaking out of it by the afternoon. Then my heart was like beating in the weirdest way, I could feel like four seconds between each heart beat and thought I was dying so I went to the hospital only to freak out on them and end up waking up in the psyche ward in another city with no memory of how I got there or what happened after the hospital.
Either you can tell and something just feels "off" or far too intense/strong, next thing you know you're in an ambulance or a hospital bed with nurses questioning you.

Or you can't tell at all, it's straight to waking up in the ER or ambulance.

Familiar with both outcomes.
Mine was a mix of so many things that I have no idea what really caused it. I can't remember what all it was exactly, but apparently my tox-screen at the hospital was pretty goddamn long. It was about a year ago. I was in balls-to-the-wall party mode and for some reason decided to ignore all my usual rules about substance use and literally wanted to get as high as I could. I'm an idiot, apparently.

MDMA, Ritalin, cocaine, amphetamine/meth, Lyrica (I have nerve pain, so was taking it regularly to treat that), gravol (was trying to take it to sleep. Probably took way too much), weed (not that weed would have done it, but it sure made the experience bizarre in it's own way), a large amount of alcohol, and my daily antidepressant at the time, Wellbutrin.

It was a really slow spiral downward, starting later in the evening when I'd probably done just a *little* too much MDMA and various uppers. Music started getting scary, i didnt want people around, i was feeling really tired, and I decided to call it a night and went to lay down with my boyfriend.
So far, nothing especially unusual, I'd just decided I'd had enough partying. I didn't have my usual benzo prescription with me to pull the ripcord like I had many times before and I kind of started panicking when I couldnt get to sleep as quickly as I'd wanted to, which is probably where I went wrong.
I tried taking a few gravol. Nothing. Couple hours passed so I took a couple lyrica and a few more gravol. By this point, my memory was really spotty, and I probably took way more than I'd meant to. My memory at this point gets pretty fuzzy.
Several more hours passed. I smoked some weed at some point, I don't think I fell asleep, but I don't really remember much until the next morning. I remember distinctly feeling like something was wrong, and checking my pulse a lot, but that's about it. I probably just laid there all night doing that. My boyfriend later said that I was extremely twitchy at points, and he had been starting to worry a little by then.

The next morning as everyone was preparing to leave the hotel we were in, I was extremely confused, had a lot of trouble following conversations, and was slow to react. I was really freaked out by this point, but didn't have the ability to explain what I was feeling, or what I thought I needed. Time went by extremely slowly, and my short term memory was next to nothing. I just wanted to sleep.

At some point, I went to say something, and found I couldn't talk. This horrible broken sound came out of my throat, and for a second, I thought for sure I was choking to death, or maybe I was just tripping out really hard, or I didn't know.

Then suddenly all these people were asking me if I was okay and freaking out, and I was just confused. What did they mean? I was fine. I didn't remember the part where I couldn't talk just then, so as far as I knew I'd just been getting ready to leave the hotel. This freaked me out, and I started having a panic attack. Someone finally had the sense to explain to me that I'd had a seizure.

Ambulance was called. I laid there really embarrassed and just wishing that everyone would stop looking at me. There were times I felt perfectly fine and would try to stand up, make jokes, etc. Just to prove that I was okay so everyone would calm down. Moment of complete lucidity. Then I'd suddenly start getting all confused again, conversations would stop making sense, and I'd suddenly realize "oh shit. I think I'm about to have another seizure".

I apparently had three grand mal seizures over 8 hours. I don't even remember the last on happening, but apparently it was bloody and violent enough that the attending doctor was half sure I was literally dying right there. So yeah. It wasn't a fun time. But I also wasn't entirely aware of what was happening, just that something was wrong, but I didn't really grasp HOW wrong until several days later.

I wish it was more of a blurry memory than it already is, because yeah, it was scary as hell. And embarrassing.

My body ached for days afterwards, and my brain was basically mush.
0/10. Would not recommend.

I've been present for a few ODs (one opiates, and GHB), and both were horrific to watch, so I feel for the people that were present for mine.
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Like a seizure combined with the worst panic attack of my life, and my heart about to explode. Blow down the mainline.
I always thought it felt like someone slowly turning down a dimmer switch on your entire body and mind until it goes completely dark.
I've noticed my breathing suppressed on downer combos before.
At least once after accidentally doing too many, I could tell I needed to go to the hospital before I passed out. I could tell my breathing was not going as well as it should and I think my blood pressure may have been getting low. I remember getting activated charcoal and then waking up two days later with an oxygen mask strapped to my face. Wasn't quite an accident, I knew it was dangerous. Just didn't think I went THAT far. That's not the worst overdose, but I remember how it felt really well.

I'll describe overdoses on other types of drugs later, don't want to right now.
Bath Salts/meth killed my brother 15/4/15. He was 32, fit and healthy.
Alcohol /pentedrone/meth. The toxicology came back and confirmed it. He was in the final year of a maths/physics degree and def bought it online. I don't know how regularly he was using it in the lead up to his death but it killed him nonetheless. He hadn't lost weight and was getting high distinctions and running a small lawn mowing business, so I think it was short lived use. My father found him face down on his bed. Cold n in full rigor mortise. Don't mess with this shit people. It can cause a healthy heart to beat out of rhythm and just misfire and stop.
Bath Salts/meth killed my brother 15/4/15. He was 32, fit and healthy.
Alcohol /pentedrone/meth. The toxicology came back and confirmed it. He was in the final year of a maths/physics degree and def bought it online. I don't know how regularly he was using it in the lead up to his death but it killed him nonetheless. He hadn't lost weight and was getting high distinctions and running a small lawn mowing business, so I think it was short lived use. My father found him face down on his bed. Cold n in full rigor mortise. Don't mess with this shit people. It can cause a healthy heart to beat out of rhythm and just misfire and stop.

I'm sorry for your loss man. Recreational drug use carries with it a compromise of your relative safety, but bath salts and other RC chemicals are not thoroughly studied like more traditional hard drugs. We don't know or understand the short and long-term effects of pentedrone.

In a compulsive drug addict and I would never take some random novel stimulant. Maybe it's just media hysterics, but they seem to have the potential to cause severe psychological and physical harm at a higher rate than the more well understood drugs.

It's good to mention the fact that combining these novel drugs just raises the potential for a majorly negative reaction, just like with any drug combination.
Depends on the drug you took. First OD was from 2 highest dose concertas and 60mg o xycodone (in total, one dose in the morning other half around 4 pm) after my second dose I knew I'd fucked up. Body parts were going completely numb, extreme pixelation in my vision, panic and nausea. Lots of puking, feeling like I was going to pass out while driving. I got home and fell asleep and had VERY vivid dreams, introspective and in depth dreams covering loved ones and different points of my life. It was all so surreal and meaningful. I feel like I almost died. I awoke with the worst headache of my life, every time I would turn my head it felt as if someone was stabbing my brainstem, truly awful.

Second OD was from 8mg dilaudid 100 mg tramadol, weed, 200mg 5 htp and I believe I also took st johns wort... pure panic, anger, confusion, nausea. .. I was in my friends car and the world was spinning. It was after I smoked that induced the panic, heart was racing and I kept nodding out and felt reality twist and id physically slap myself to snap out of it. Finally got water and puked myfucking brains out and went to bed.

Drugs are fun, just be careful.
Of the two ODs I've had, I can only remember going into them, and coming out of them... I guess it's because those are the only points of useful consciousness that are close enough to the OD to know what happened. It's kind of like a black hole... you remember it up until actual entry, then you're just gone.

It feels like a stereoscoping tunnel that collapses and becomes more and more narrow as you slip deeper. Stimuli become a non-sensical array that bombard your declining senses, with no meaningful association attached to them. There's no "you" happening anymore. You're just a sack of meat receiving signals less and less until you switch off completely. You cease to exist. Then suddenly you're coming out of it, everything rushes back in, things still make no sense until gradually they do again. It's like waking up from a dream that was so real, the waking world didn't exist for you, except instead of a dream you awoke from nothingness, almost like a robot that had the off switch flipped on again. You suddenly realize that this waking world exists, and your memories of it start flooding back. For me, at the time, I said out loud, "Oh fuck..." because I realized something fucked up must've happened.

It's a really disorienting experience, and a rather existential one once you're rescued and have time to reflect on it. I mean, just where the fuck did I go?
It's always fun waking up in a hospital bed via OD with your parents by your side.. Ugh. You INSTANTLY know what happened when you awaken..

Waking up after a drug-massacre with your parents by your side shaking their heads... Waking up over and over again and putting the pieces together, followed by the wave of shame and guilt is probably what Hell is like.
I wouldn't know about overdose, but I was binging on meth IV all day, until I took adderall on top of that. Until that point, I lost it. Thought all my coworkers were conspiring to get me, managers are talking about me and customers that I was helping were talking about how high I was. Everything around me looked fake and the voices were getting overwhelming. I kept seeing imaginary people walk past my vision. Needless to say, it was a scary night. Ironically, later that night, IVing MDMA helped those demons go away.
Came close to a cocain overdose. Standing in front of the mirror not able to catch my breath, heart pounding. Thought for sure in was going to die. Oh and the ringing in the ears was so fucking loud.
I've only od on sedatives, an od on stims sounds like pure hell....

With opis iv you depress the plunger and as soon as you slide the needle out and cap it you know right then like uh oh that was too much...that's about it...wake up later after sitting in some weird position or finding your tongue resting between your teeth.