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For those who have or do IV ritalin(methylphenidate)

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Oct 18, 2005
This is for injectors only please.

Ok, when I do say 20mg im fine, just like a pick me up, nice little rush kinda like meth but different but anything 30mg and over im straight to the toilet throwing up alot which I dont get no matter how much meth I do.

Does anyone else experience this? I heard IV coke is alot like IV ritalin in effects and chemical relation(or something like that) and I know its pretty common to spew after a shot of coke.

Am I the only one who has their stomach turned upside down after a hit?

I just did 30mg then and projectile vomited a few times and now I feel fine and very high.

Note: Please dont lecture me on how bad injecting pills are, I know im stupid for doing it and I know how bad it is.

Also one last question, what kind of doses do you do, how often and do you have a tolerance?

Thanks peoples, looking forward to some replies.
the_ketaman said:
This is for injectors only please.

Ok, when I do say 20mg im fine, just like a pick me up, nice little rush kinda like meth but different but anything 30mg and over im straight to the toilet throwing up alot which I dont get no matter how much meth I do.

Does anyone else experience this? I heard IV coke is alot like IV ritalin in effects and chemical relation(or something like that) and I know its pretty common to spew after a shot of coke.

Am I the only one who has their stomach turned upside down after a hit?

I just did 30mg then and projectile vomited a few times and now I feel fine and very high.

Note: Please dont lecture me on how bad injecting pills are, I know im stupid for doing it and I know how bad it is.

Also one last question, what kind of doses do you do, how often and do you have a tolerance?

Thanks peoples, looking forward to some replies.

ive IVd ritalin before, like once before my little brother figured out to snort them and my mom flushed them. didnt vomit, but SHIZAM, I had to crap after.
^^I always get the need to poop after a shot of meth, almost instantaneously, but not with rits.

I just want to know if its a normal reaction of IV rit...Im getting double vision now too, this rush is lasting a long time and I dont feel sketchy as all fuck like I usually do. Its all nice euphoria with that instant sweat, I really like that feeling.
^^K thanks. I just figured it'd go better here because there is probably more wreckless IV users in OD(j/k but it is true)
after any kind of stimulant my peristaltis is altered and I feel like I'm gonna crap my pants, anyway I get 10mg novartis ritalin pills, I extract the methylphenidate and remove the binders fillers with an ethanol wash.

Anyway I used to shot a lot of methylphenidate, but always with opiates and benzos which counteract the undesired stomach aching bladder shaking effects.

I'm not suggesting you to get addicted to downers, but it's really different when you're on downers or do a speedball of morphine midazolam ketamine cocaine and methylphenidate al together (watch out if you do this combo).

Anyway I usually shot between 40 and 60 mg of ´nethylphenidate crystals (I really recomend doing an ethanol extraction, utse, if you're gonna shoot methylphenidate from pills>)€ .I was always fine it was an intense rush kinda like smoking a medium sized crack rock, but the upper effects feeling chatty and inspired etc lasted for more than an hour and generally I speedballed twice a night. When I was on painkillers and benzos and shot methylphenidate I always get really motivated, I preefer shooting coke, but the duration of methylphenidate and the high are quite pleaseant and I used 30mg shots to give exams at the uni, or to go to presentations where I had to talk. 12mg alprazolam 420mg codeine 50mg diphenidramine, some coke and a shot of 30mg methylphenidate and 15mg midazolam in 2ml...I had the presentation of my life, really impressed the fuckers, and all my bosses were impressed, it's very recreational too, but nowadays I Just use it in case of emergency.

It's as you say euphoric and long lasting, double or blurry vision is common, don't worry. Enjoy and shöot safely.
^^Thankyou very much geezer. Very helpful and informative post.

Lol that is a fuckload of drugs, I know that much would kill me and you were able to do a presentation? wow thats insane :8
Shooter too

Im a methylphenidate shooter as well, and I cant figure out how to shoot more than 20mgs, because when I cook it up, anything more than 15 becomes really hard to draw up. Maybe its because of the brand Im using (watson) which is 5mg purple and 10mg lime green. I just now did a shot and have a huge feeling I wasted alot of it because the cotton is huge now and multicolored.
Compared to shooting coke it shares alot of the same but not completely. Ive shot coke a few times this week and I prefer it because you instantly get that coke taste and if your on opiates that awesome nausea (I know it sounds weird but I love the coke/opiate nausea feeling). Also ritalin comedown seems worse to me.
But can someone please give me some suggestions on how to get more methylphenidate out of my pills and not cause a big gooey bindery mess? The sooner the answer the better because I have 20 more 5mg purple watsons waiting for me. And I dont want to eat them because the comedown takes for ever and is miserable.

I shoot a fairly good amount. I only throw up in the morning with or without an empty stomach. As the day continues, mgs become fairly negligible to me after eating and such....because I don't feel very high although I probably was/have been....no real rush. Maybe I depleted my dopamine and have to crash. Not sure.
I use to skin-pop them, and I noticed that no matter how much I did it, i never gained any tolerance.
IV Ritalin can make you need surgery with a golf bowl sized whole in you arm, atleast Australian brand Ritalin.

My friend was shooting ritalin, after putting it through a fancy wheel filter which removed everything, still gave an abcess about 2cm deep and 4cm wide that needed surgery. He was hospital for 6 days from that multiple shots in different areas usually big shots because of tolerance. He got australian ritalin, so maybe thats different. (unshootable).

He did not miss and get that usually small abscess which goes away after a few days. He had been shooting oxy and morphine pills for months with no problems so it was definitely a reaction to something in the Ritalin. He even shot Dexamphetamine which filters alot easier and is forgiving if you miss.

If you really have to take this risk. Careful with ritalin, shoot a tiny small shot, wait a few days. Abcesses turned up after a few days he called me and wanted me to have a look and I had not seen anything like it, it didnt look like a missed bump or redness it was like a gaping hole with puss. It ended up having to be cut out, very painful.

Which country are you from? We are from Australia and I think it was the normal brand. He has huge scars the size of the largest coins in multiple entry places. He didnt miss.
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^Sounds like you missed. I've IV'd ritalin before, don't remember the dose. It was pretty good, definately the best way to do them.
ya dont hear much about tollwin and ritalin on here.
Its out of controll in winnipeg.
Supposed to be the same as shootin heroin.(cheap mans heroin)
in fact i dont thinki have ver even seen tollwin on here........
ya dont hear much about tollwin and ritalin on here.
Its out of controll in winnipeg.
Supposed to be the same as shootin heroin.(cheap mans heroin)
in fact i dont thinki have ver even seen tollwin on here........
Talwin. Probably don't hear much about it on here because in the states it has naloxone added to it to keep people from shooting it.
I cant figure out how to shoot more than 20mgs, because when I cook it up, anything more than 15 becomes really hard to draw up. Maybe its because of the brand Im using (watson)

Well first you need to get a 3cc syringe. I use one with a 25 gauge point to draw up with through a filter (at least) and have a 27 gauge for injection.

Get 2 soupspoons and clean them with an alcohol swab. Crush 3-5 pills (as required) and place in 1 spoon. Squirt in 3cc water and I usually stir a bit with the plunger. Don't apply heat. Ritalin is water soluble and it will diffuse into the water.

Put afilter almost right away because it does gel up the longer it's in the water. I usually get between 2-2.5 cc back. Place filter in other spoon and refilter. You're in business. Of course if you have a wheel filter or a stri-filt it is better.
Extract the Methylphenidate before Injecting it!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you are shooting methylphenidate please take the time to make an ethanol wash on them it's super easy I don't remember the exacts (how many mlsper mg, temperature,etc.) but it' all over the searh engine! And it's so simple, efficient and takes less time to perfom than a CWE, so there are no excuses to be shooting Methylphenidate pills, even if micron filtering when getting the pue shit is so easy, you don't even need a sink....

Basically you crush your pills soak them in ISA, I used 96%, I guess anything over 90%(180 proof) will be fine, mix crushed methylphenidate IR pills with ethanol until it dissolved, use a coffe filter and a pyrex dish then, soon enough what you filtered thru the coffee filter to the dish will start cristalizing, I used a pyrex dish cause that way I could put it on top of the lamp part of a lava lamp to make a sort of makeshift hotplate for evaporation, and then scrape those crystals, you\ll be amazed at all the binders and fillers you've been shooting....you need to hve MG SCALE TO SHOOT PROPERLY, THEM CRYSTALS BE FUCKING TINY SO EYEBALLING A 10-20MG DOSE IS A NO-NO, actually not only for injection, but for insuflattion as well I recomend doing an ethanol wash, the ritalin pills are fll of binders and fillers.....and if injecting use a micon filter as well s performing the extraction, that way you'll be able to fit insae ammounts in one shot, and it's really good for speedballs, but that's my cup of tea....

be safe, have fun
Talwin Remark

oh and BTW Pentazocine (a.ka. Pethidine IIRC) is already a mixed agonist-antagonist if my memory ain't cheating on me again, I remember that's the reason I turned down 10 vials about 7 years ago, since I was taking full agonists at the time, and this was just Pentazocine, so dunno why they putNaloxone on Talwin vials (or i it on ill like Suboxone?) cause my understaning was that if o are a regular full opioid antagonists usrs you can only do so much Pentazocine till you get precipitated withdrawals.....where I live there was a fad, especially amongst bodybuilders and nurses of Nalbuphine abuse and vials were dirt cheap and sice opioid abuse is unheard of here in deep south america most people enjoyed it a lot since they never had done anything else, but me being a full time antagonit user could never try it, some people said it was shit but I remember this guy I used to do Oxy's with, he was a Rugby player so he was really heavy and drank loads so had a hefty oxy tolerance and ended up switching to Nalbuphin cause he said he liked it better than Oxy and that he could play Rugby on it, he even went thru OC wd's to change to Nalbuphine, haven't heard anything bout thT GUY SINCE THEN, HE MIGHT STILL BE ALIVE.......different strokes for diffeent folks, but really these old synthetic mixed agonists-antagonists are nothig to write hoe about if you used the real thing, also the toxic metabolites they have make both substances compltely useless IMO.....but well I never tried them so I can't tell...prolly now I'm on bupe I could, but most likely would get dysphoric effects.....Pentazocine is way much more desirable than Nalbuphine which is bullshit, should be taken off the market like Propoxyphene....oh and I thnk Pethidine is another nme fro Meperidine, a way way mre enjoyable synthetic opioid, that also has toxic metabolites making not apt for abuse (though used sparingly Demerol Shots are fucking nice!), unless you really don't give a fuck about your life.

But this is an IV methylphenidate thread, but since Talwin was brought up I thought I might share what I know, which might be wrong.....but well I believe it to be true
haven't shot ritalin in a long ass time. prob like 10 months. i read you can get some damage to your retina from injecting ritalin. nevertheless i may try it again for old times sake over summer. if i do i'll make sure to try that extraction. Phreex wrote a very detailed one back in the day.

man he had some good posts back in the day.. RIP Phreex.

i used to do it quite frequently since ritalin is dirt cheap and injecting 10-20mg gives a pretty decent rush. i noticed a lot of empathy after injecting ritalin, and i would feel more open to talking to people who normally annoyed me.

the crash is very bad though. crashing from injected ritalin is probably the worst ive ever felt in my life..
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