  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

video game: Super Paper Mario (Nintendo Wii)

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Bluelight Crew
Apr 19, 2001
nintendo have really excelled with they're inhouse titles on the wii platform. zelda: tp, mario galaxy, metroid 3 prime have all paid up in spades, and super paper mario, an adaptation from a DS game (i think) comes up aces as well!


This game takes the classic side scrolling styling of the original super mario brothers titles ....


... but have made really clever use and play with the 2D aspect.
Mario, his friends, most enemies and environment are all flat 2D sprites, but they also flip on a 3D axis.
For instance, whenever you enter a door to a building, the foreground spins to nothing and the previously invisible (due to perspective) flat room spin into view. This creates a sweet impression of a folded up paper universe.
On top of this, mario has the ability to switch plains. So instead of always looking across the path, as above, you can also look along it.

Like so...

As you can see, in many instance, what appears as a platform, really may hide something behind it, like in the above, coins are hidden and unaccessible from the normal perspective.

Other perks to this are single boxes may multiply from the side, some enemies appear only in this view, and some paths are only accessible from it as well. Like a seeming background hillside, may turn out to be a ramp.

Very clever stuff. The drawback to switching is that you can only do it for a certain brief period of time before your health begins to diminish. Staying in normal mode then replenishes your flipping ability.

Holding the wiimote (only, no nunchuck) sideways, like an NES controller, you control mario using the D-pad and 1,2 buttons. Additional to this, you can point the IR to the screen so that the pixel fairy thingy can reveal invisible or hidden things.

All of these ideas are wonderfully used in clever ways to play with, and the action during main game sequences work superbly.

The only gripe i've read about, and agree with, is the long winded dialogue in between sections of game. They talk A LOT.

Granted much of it is very well written (their word plays make me wonder about the translation since it all fits so precisely, it's hard to imagine the same dialogue working in another language), funny and oh so cute, it IS excessive. I'm glad the player isn't bombarded between every single stage.

The story so far is very cool. The whole gang are here, the good and the bad, and a host of new common enemies. It's particularly interesting to see some character development in a few cooper troopers!

I haven't played that far into it yet, but what i have played, i've enjoyed.


giant mario powerup kicks arse


the only true 3d villain i've come across so far. yuo have to fight him in both perspectives.
yeah i did, and it was a fun experience. but i just didnt see myself replaying it afterward.

i believe i used the money to get fire emblem, IIRC.
That's a really cool post L2R. :)

I've never played a Paper Mario game for some reason - not sure why, because I tend to love all things Nintendo - but after reading that I'll probably check this one out at some point. Have just got Metroid Prime 3 though, so have to make my way through that first.
That looks fuckign sweet. giant mario powerup might be reason enough to buy a wii.
This is probably one of my favorite Mario games on the Wii thus far. Maybe I'll play it again soon. :)
I enjoy the Paper Mario series thoroughly. With so many FPSs that are just pumped out a platformer like this is always a breath of fresh air.
all the paper mario games are way to linear and easy. :(

other than that, it a great franchise.
I got Super Paper Mario when it first came out and it's definitely one of the better games I've played in the past few years. The 2D/3D aspect definitely makes it more interesting and challenging (although it never is overly hard). If you have a Wii, I don't see any acceptable reason not to buy it (you can probably get it for ~20$ on half.com).
I absolutely fucking loved this game. It was a nice and chill throwback to NES and SNES gaming with a hell of a creative and fun twist. Well after I finished it I was still searching for recipe ingredients and filling out my Capture Card collection. I had serious doubts about it before I started playing, but I was wonderfully surprised and I'd recommend it to almost anybody without hesitation. (unless you say straight up that you don't like platformers...in which case you probably don't own nintendo products anyway ;))
I still have a copy of this game in the wrapper next to my dusty Wii. :\
i hear you can get high from insufflating the dust off a hippie's wii