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Lithium Carbonate

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My dad has to take it for bipolar and from what I can tell it is not an enjoyable experience at all. In fact, the physical and mental toll is pretty difficult and if it weren't for the fact that the effects of bipolar are so much worse I know he wouldn't be taking it at all. As a firsthand witness I definitely do not recommend it as a recreational drug.
Yet another moron who thinks every "drug" is recreational.

I was prescribed lithium a few years ago when a psychiatrist misdiagnosed me as bipolar. I was on 1200mg's a day, and my blood levels eventually went toxic because I wasn't keeping my fluids up (lithium is a salt, after all). I was lucky my liver wasn't damaged.
I did it one time, and I liked it. I did 200mg before school while in high school. That is probably a very dangerous dose, but I wasn't exactly a pussy back then. There was a high, for me atleast, and it was like a real chill floaty feeling, a nice body buzz, I didn't lose any mental faculty like with benzos. If you're going to mess around with it, I wouldn't do more than 100mg. Also don't do it for more than one dose. Shit is dangerous.
John Q Fucking Christ people try spinning around in circles until you get dizzy or something. Alot more recreational than lithium, and safer too.
I have been prescribed it when I was ill. But using it for fun when you don't need it is fucking stupid. It has no rec value and horrible side effects.

If you want to get high go score some Opiates, jerk-off, get a hooker or something just don't mess with powerful psychiatric drugs.

Do you know what the purpose of Lithium is?
It is used to stabilize the depressive parts of your personality.

Side effects include:
Tremor, Stomach upset, Polyuria, Metallic taste, Polydipsia

Less Common
Weight gain and fluid retention[Oedema], Hypothyroidism

Skin rashes, Blurred vision, Drowsiness, Confusion, Palpitations
i took lithium for about 6 months for bipolar(which turned out to be a misdiagnosis). i'd never touch the shit again. i gained 15 pounds, couldn't hold a pencil still in my hand due to the tremors, and did not feel like myself at all. it took out a lot of my spark for life and i felt like i lost a lot of my personality. really cant see why you would ever abuse it because it takes a couple weeks for your blood levels to become therapeutic. there isnt much effect from taking a single dose, so dont be a retard.
Ive taken divalproex (a valproate), lamictal, seroquel and risperidone (both atypical anti-psychotics) for bipolar disorder and they are not fun. They just level you off when your fucked from bipolar.

Hmmm well ymmv im not advising people to try it but i did get some pleasure the only time i sampled Seroquel, knocked me out that night night but the next day had a real high on top of the world feeling.

I would not dream of touching Lithium with a barge pole though, in fact i am in no rush to mess with any anti-psychotics, limited recreational value in most people but worst of all the side effects can be pretty horific hence the only people who would really wanting to be taking these are people with the real conditions. I would have never touched the Seroquel if i had researched it first like i do with every other drug i take, it just happened one night at a friends house when i was offered one. Most of us have done stupid things like this.

The bads outweigh the goods IMO massivley with these type of meds.
The bads outweigh the goods IMO massivley with these type of meds.

Not when taken for the purposes they where supposed to be taken for. But ya if your dumb enough to try and abuse them you could end up in bad shape.
this is the most retarded question ever, im actually bipolar and taking lithium without a prescription, I'm completely aware of the risks to the KIDNEYS and THYROID (you retard you kinda need those) and to make sure i dont FUCK my body without the required blood tests i have to take breaks every so often and keep a low as fuck dose. i weigh 120 lbs as well, another reason i regulate a low dose. i have 150 mg caps and i alternate between taking 1 and 2, and on days where i feel fine-as in im not pissed off at the world or extremely depressed- i DONT take it.
also, thinking you can take it to help you come down is fucking stupid. yes it can take up to a month to become effective i still feel better after 1 day, why? because im BIPOLAR. and i dont feel awesome after i day i just START to feel more level, like everything my friends say may not actually be a personal insult.
thats another thing, paranoia is part of bipolar, so is narcissism. these are contributing factors to mania, which clearly you dont fucking have.

honestly, as someone who actually needs to take lithium to be able to FEEL like everyone else, im pretty offended. hey guess what, didnt take my pill today, if i dont tomorrow ill get more offended by you, so ill prob take it. also good for when i have to do something where i cant be an introvert, like when i have to perform at a show (musician).

interesting how my reaction is a direct result from bipolar and lithium use.
i cant even take any SSRIs or SSNRIs (yep i know my mental health drugs) because im so fucking skinny, a normal persons dose of effexor had me throwing up for about...12 hours straight (plan on throwing up if you do lots of lithium, i take mine with pantaloc so i dont puke)
plus if i take antidepressants it fucks up my bipolar even more.

i wish i didnt have to take it or something else would work.

fact of the matter is, if i didnt have to, if i could feel like you, i wouldnt take it.
oh and yeah, lithium lets me be myself. id probably be a lot nicer if i had taken 300 mg today but im running low and actually do have to play a show in a week, so i taper off my dose but dont let it completely leave my system so that the day i need to be myself i can take my actual dose and have it still be effective.

yeah sorry im probably being a narcissistic dick, again, wish i didnt have to rely on lithium to not hate/loathe myself.

your messing with serious shit dude lol take it from someone with fucked moods....dont fuck with your mood, your better off than me. pce
well this has definitely helped me a lot, i found a capsule in my bathroom so i looked up the code on it and was dumbfounded when i saw what it treats (considering nobody i live with or even know has bipolar disorder). i know now not to "experiment" with it now all i gatta do i find out where the hell it came from
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