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The Big & Dandy Salvia Thread - Second iteration

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colors said:
there is only ONE reason why people don't break through on salvia ... improper technique. i've smoked with 15 different people, and once you do it this way i guarantee you will break through.

1) use a bong
2) keep the lighter on the bowl for the entire time you hit
3) take the biggest hit you possibly can, and hold it for as long as you possibly can (you only get one chance, so don't wimp out on the first hit, it's all or nothing)

a lot of people are using small pipes, and they can't handle the harsh smoke. so they take weak hits and blow them out too quickly. if you smoke it gingerly like weed, chances are you won't break through.
That's the only way i do it. But i never do trip out, i have no idea why. It has nothing to do with tolerance as i rarely smoke salvia.
Cface said:
That's the only way i do it. But i never do trip out, i have no idea why. It has nothing to do with tolerance as i rarely smoke salvia.

I've heard salvia doesn't have tolerance in the traditional sense, ie you can smoke the same amount repeatedly and get the same effects, ceteris paribus. So if you're doing it the way you say you are then it probably has everything to do with tolerance, just an innate tolerance you were born with or developed at some point. I'm sorry man :(
Ah... well hey a bit off topic but do u think since i can smoke salvia and handle its physical side-effects (and odd mental thoughts it gives me, really really strange thoughts) could i handle some LSD no problem? Yeah i know it's like comparing fruits with vegetables, but maybe this will reassure me for when i go to try my acid next weekend.

I'm not worried about what i'll see, i'm worried about what i'll think.
I did it twice in one night, within 10 mins of each other.
I cant even explain what happened the first hit, I was rolling on the floor laughing and saying OMG OMG! and freaking out and I dont remember but except it felt like heaven exploding all over me.

The second time I did it I didnt laugh or anything as much, it still felt really, really good, it felt like my body was ripping apart with gears and then becoming gears that were attached with wires to all the parts of the room and it was all moving like a big clock. It was mind blowing, but I was still vaguely aware that I was me and that Id smoked something that was doing this.

I want to do it alone. I think my boyfriend prevented me from breaking through. Also he didnt like watching me do it so I dont have a trip sitter anymore. :(
Cface said:
I've taken 15x and 20x. I never have hallucinations or out-of-body experiences. And i've pretty much mastered the technique for smoking salvia.

EDIT: If it's any relevance i've taken salvia well over 20 times.

Are you kidding? You've never had hallucinations or OBE's from salvia? What do you get from it then??? I suspect your techique may not be as masterful as you may think or perhaps your a hard-salvia-head.

I'd say you gotta do it more then twenty times to really know the plant- if you haven't been to other worlds yet then I think you should keep smoking it, because that is one of the primary effects.
Merged in salvia troubleshooting question.
^Well to be fair I think you can get something out of it without breaking through.
If nothing else its a really weird, semi euphoric body high, with a good hour long semi-stoned feeling head change afterwards. At least thats how its been for me.
How many solid hits from a 1g of Salvia?

Me and a couple buds are feelin like a salvia trip, one friend will be his first time.

But i've only done once before and am wanting to take a monster of a hit this time and was wondering, if all three of us take a huge b-rip each is 1g enough?

We got the 30x extract btw.
1g will definitely enough for all three of you to trip hard. Perhaps twice, unless you're really a monster.
my gram of 10x gave 4 solid trips and like a half-one. Full bong hits, lungs filled to your tonsils, holding in as long as you can.

one of my buddies pissed his pants during his trip.
lazydullard said:
one of my buddies pissed his pants during his trip.

lol wtf that must have some trip tho, god i hope i never experience that.

Thanks for the move mod.
wow neato

I decided I would smoke the rest of my salvia tonight, since I have the house all to myself (smoking with my boyfriend as a trip sitter is a bad idea, I learned last time).

This time was definitely MUCH different than my last experience. Almost like a totally different thing. I didn't break through but I got a lot closer and it made me interested in doing deeper experimentation with salvia, at stronger extractions (this is supposedly 10x but it was not very strong and the lady at the store said this was the weakest stuff they had)

I can still sort of feel it in my system but I wanted to get on here and write about it right away, try to remember as much as I can. Its such a weird experiance that it will be hard to even put into words but I want to try.

I set up my bedroom with two small candles burning, some trance music playing very very soft, and the lights off.

I had a number of hits left. I did the first one and felt a little funny, but nothing really *which was weird because last time, while drunk, one hit made me got nuts laughing and rolling around*

I did some more hits, and at some point "something" happened. I dont even know how to explain it, god its weird. Its like, there were no visual hallucinations at all. But It seemed like the entire south half of my bedroom was farming fields, like I said, I could look there and see my wall and my stuff but it just seemed like farming fields, like if I didn't question it thats what would be there. Sort of like Id have to remember it was a wall. I kept hearing in my mind stuff about "her" like, "Are you going to tell her?" I think I said that out loud at one point. It felt like there were other people in the room with me. Very strange, because I knew it was just me and I was alone, but it was if these other people being there was totally normal and natural. I felt one distinct female presence (the "her" I kept feeling like everything was centered around) and a male presence as well, and maybe another, weaker female. It seemed like the main "her" was "me" although saying it that way doesnt make sense. Maybe these were peices of my ego that sort of took on a conciousness or something, because they didnt feel alien to me at all, or evil or anything, they felt totally normal as if thats how every day of my life had been.

At some point I became very annoyed with the music and turned it off, only to miss it and want to turn it back on. I was still very aware of my surroundings and not tripping very hard. Its strange, at the time I didn't feel like I was tripping but now that I look back it seems really weird! The whole time in my head I remember being dissapointed because I wanted to run with it, but the stuff I have doesnt seem strong enough to do much.

I started to come down from the weirdness a little, and I packed another big bowl. I hit it with my torch lighter and took it all in, held it. The I did another bowl, and as I was packing that one, god..so weird. I'm not even sure how to explain that one. Mild visual stuff, weird lines around my hand, the lighter, the bong. I sort of heard voices but not actual ones out loud but in my head, saying something I cant remember, but seeming like it was enticing me to smoke more. It was more than just seeing weird lines, these lines were the voices and they were connecting me to what I was going to smoke. There literally is no way of explaining that in a way it makes sense.

I blew out the first big hit and then took this second one, and sat there, holding it. It seemed like, a girl left the room. I had more of the feeling of the question "Are we going to tell her?" for a second and then, my biggest WTF moment, the definite peak of my trip, the closest I came to breaking through:

For a good minute or so, I just became totally, WTF (best way of putting it). I was sitting there, holding the bong on the edge of the bed, and like I said, the girl left the room. She was like me, she was ME, but..had on gray sweatpants of some sort and a white shirt and shorter hair. She ran out. I didn't see her run out and nothing changed physically but I knew she did. And I was sitting there, thinking I was doing something. This part is very hard to explain. It was like...I did something, I know I did something. Wait what is it? What is this??? And I looked at my hands and I had this thing, (the bong) and I was just..totally confused. I no longer knew what a bong was, and what my hands were and everything seemed like this big strange joke and I just started laughing. I remember keeping on thinking that the bong had something to do with me cooking in a kitchen, and I was supposed to make "her" dinner and why did she leave without dinner, but then Id stop and say "no thats not what this is" "What is this? Whats going on?" over and over. And the whole thing I couldn't put my finger on was that Id smoked salvia and was tripping, but the fact that Id forgotton was this big joke, and me and the male and female presence giggled over it together and the other female presence was still outside the room and for whatever reason it all kept going back to dinner and making food and it seemed like this other female presence wanted me to make dinner.

I started to come down from that a little, and remembered what a bong was again. I packed another big bowl, except sadly, my torch lighter died. I found a normal lighter and just used that (worked the same btw).

This time, I laid back on the bed and instead of the presences being in the room with me it was more I was looking at them. They seemed like a family, a male and two females. I was laying on my back, back sort of arched as if I was looking above me. They showed me in this land, everyone does "this".

"This" seemed perfectly understandable to me then, or its meaning, but the only way I can describe it now is..popsicle sticks. If we all had the ability to split into a million popsicle sticks. Well their entire universe was that. The roads were splitting into popsicle sticks, everything, forever and ever was worming and splitting apart in these sticks. The people were made of splitting apart sticks, and the primary colors were these weird snaky greens and reds, sort of a scaly green and red with spatters of darker colors. But they seemed like normal people to me and the popsicle stick splitting thing "doing this" was normal and that was how they lived. They told me all this by looking at me. I wanted to stay in this popsicle stick world forever, it seemed beautiful and euphoric to me and I remember feeling sad and trying to cling on when I began fading back to "reality". I feel like the male and two female presences stayed there in popsicle stick world, waving at me as I left. The female was yelling to eat something, once again, telling me why wasn't I making food. (I have no idea why, I ate a big dinner and wasn't hungry at all before tripping)

As I began to come down I felt pretty normal almost right away. The only difference was I was very hungry all the sudden. I also felt dizzy.

The entire trip I felt motion sick, which is weird and something I never experienced before. I felt euphoric and good, besides that feeling of being motion sick. I still feel sort of dizzy now, actually. And not quite "right" in my body.

This time with salvia really turned me on to it. I feel like I got a glimpse of what everyone is talking about, although I really couldnt imagine it being scary at all. The closest I came to breaking through, when I forgot I had smoked and didnt know what smoking was or what I was, was very enjoyable. It was like forgetting who I was was this wonderful, funny thing. I want to explore more ego dissolving, hopefully I can accomplish that at higher extracts. The presences didn't feel mocking or mean at all to me. They felt loving, like they wanted me there and wanted to show me things.

The other weird thing is I had NO body sensations this time. Other times I felt hot, I felt my awareness split, I felt like my body was being ripped apart by a big gear. This time, nothing. The entire trip was very mental, besides that mild spinning feeling. This was also my first trip completely sober (alcohol the last time and the first time I ever did it, alcohol and pot). I wonder if that makes a difference in the body trip vs mental trip.

Now I'm feeling really relaxed, and sort of sleepy, in fact I think I'll sleep quite good tonight.

I'm for sure going to pick up some 15-20x salvia and try tripping alone with it again, similar environment. It seems there is a lot of room for experimentation here. I cannot believe the range of what can happen with this stuff. Its by far the most interesting and weird substance Ive ever taken.

I'll post all this in trip reports too if it was even a little interesting. I wish I could explain it better, it was so much weirder than I had words for!

I remembered reading somewhere about mixing weed and salvia, but last night I searched and couldn't find it again so what are your thoughts on it? I see three options: smoke weed ~20 min before salvia, smoke a mixed bowl, or some weed after the trip part of salvia is over. My plan was to experiment with plain salvia first, and if I get good results to smoke pot after the comedown but before packing another salvia hit, so should be a fun weekend :) thoughts?
I would imagine pot would make it more intense. I don't smoke pot anymore but when I used to it would give me some crazy thought patterns on its own, I would imagine salvia would just be crazy with it. I wish I could still smoke so I could try it!
zerograv said:
i love combining pot and salvia. but thats just me :/

Were you high before lighting up the salvia or did you smoke a combo bowl? And have you ever smoked pot after the trip phase of salvia, during the stoned phase? If so how'd that go? I'll probably try all combos unless I get advised against it as I don't wanna smoke my weed unnecessarily.
MynameisnotDeja said:
............................ I wish I could explain it better, it was so much weirder than I had words for!=D
MynameisnotDeja - that was a fabulous trip report! A Salvia trip is one of the most difficult to comprehend, remember and recall - let alone articulate in language =D

I look forward to more
Can't wait til my next time. I feel if you respect salvia, she shows you so much to think about yourself and the universe.

For instance, I keep wondering what the main female "part" of my ego was trying to tell me by continuing to demand I make food or cook dinner.
^Be welcoming and comforting to yourself; look after yourself. Perhaps.

Or possibly the salvia goddess simply wanted dinner. :)

Salvia is perhaps the only 'plant' that I feel shows you something NOT yourself. DMT often reflects onself back at you; it can appear that there is an external force or presecence, but when examined, its simply You. However, with salvia- I simply cannot say that what I have seen could ever have come from my mind.... I have little opinion on plant-spirits as such; however, salvia constantly makes me evalutate that. I think it is the strongest, most dislocating substance known...or possibly the best at propelling one, literally, into another real dimension.
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