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The Big & Dandy Salvia Thread - Second iteration

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My interest in salvia extracts has recently come back. I had had many interesting and well handled experiences with salvia extracts both 20X and 30X but have been scared away for a while from an ex friend getting rather hard to handle on a mushroom/salvia trip.

but remembering that I had always had very interesting times. including sensations mostly involving gravity shifting or a mixed perspective, rather immesrive hallucinations, texture conveyor belts...

I'm going to buy a quick vial from a local place, and if I like it again i'll buy something real interesting online!
Salvia to me feels like a strange carnival.

Some sort of grotesque amusement park ride that you are suddenly a part of.
I sometimes feel like there is a presence there mocking me. Laughing at me as it pulls its strings and plays with me like a puppet in a macabre dance show.

I feel like my surroundings are part of a big plastic machine that is moving me around in a huge gear-like wheel. It always makes me take very strange poses.
Anyone ever heard hallucinogens song gamma goblins part 2? The wonky part and time sigs near the beginning is demented and is the perfect description for the carnival feeling.
bad salvia trip?

I tried salvia 2nd days ago and had a very bizzare and wierd trip. I wasnt laughing but more wierded out than anything. I then proceeded to try it again yesterday to get the full expierience and it was even worse than the first time. It felt like i was isolated from the world and that my friends were laughing at me, nothing was funny and everything seemed so new and so real. I felt like a clone or something, like i was lost in the world. Today i have been struggling with anxiety issues and still kind of shocked of what happened last night. Seemed like my life flashed before my eyes. Very spaced out and still feel lost, like i havent fully recovered from the trip. I definitely dont think im going to try it again anytime soon and i still feel really retarted from the whole experience.
Most salvia trips are weird, strange, and unpleasant.

My last time doing salvia, i experienced my own death and judgement in the form of a talkshow before stepping into a camp fire bare foot....

Decided to never do it again....

salvia is a crazy bitch of a drug.
heh yeah, thanks for the input. I don't know what this thread is about. Just really shocked from the experience i had. Wanted to tell it to someone..
I've had that kind of experience too, except instead of anxiety the next day, it was anger and hatred toward certain people, just an overall angry outlook on everything, and even hatred for inanimate objects.

Still, I'm ready to try it one more time, in a more positive setting, and if the same thing still happens, then I'll make my final declaration: Salvia is a bullshit drug indeed. At least for me.
Salvia is most definitely the last drug I would choose to do with friends or other people. It tends to shatter your ego to a greater extent than other hallucinogens, leaving you mentally defenseless so getting laughed at is no fun and can steer the trip in a bad direction. Like most intense trips, alone in your room, preferably pitch black is the best way.

At any rate, I don't experience any psychedelic-euphoria from Salvia, it just feels like a cold, distant, and confronting dissociative. I would suggest next time doing it alone, smoking some good weed beforehand may help with your anxiety. If not just find a tryptamine like shrooms or DMT, they are much more inviting and inspiring.
Salvia isnt like other hallucinogens, either you'll like it everytime u do it or hate it everytime, it rarely if ever changes up. Not like having a good or bad trip, it just is what it is for who it is. I hate salvia, worst 5min trip i ever had, will never do it again but i know people who love it. It's weird i guess it has to do with brain chemistry, our brain chem makeup doesnt change so it will react the same way. I was wondering if adding an opiate to the mix may change the nature of it
alright, thanks guys. Was wondering if this happened to anyone else. Because my friends said they had a blast & loved it. Guess salvia just isn't for me. :\
My first Salvia experience was both one of the most horrifying and one of the most visionary and intense experiences of my life. While I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry like a little baby at the end, the ability to move through so many fascinating realities, to experience such profound ego-loss was beautiful. Next time, alone in my room with no lights.

It's a bad idea to smoke Salvia whilst in the backseat of a car with four other people who are staring at you because they don't know what to expect. Despite being aware of that... eh.

It was worth it.
If you ask me...
Salvia is just evil. It tries to wrap this up under the guise of fun and games, but for most people it's painfully obvious to see through this to its true nature. But for the people who can't, maybe because they're too shallow, well, I guess those are the ones that can enjoy it. Ignorance is bliss, right? Or I could just be biased as fuck in saying that.
I was entertaining the thought that maybe the salvia world shows you the fundament to everything, the most basal thing that can't be broken down and analyzed any further, yet people attempt to break it down anyway which leads to Badness and Wrongness. But then I looked back on my salvia experience which was on some very very potent extract - potent as in I was stuck in the salvia world for 40 minutes and it took an additional 40 minutes after that to claw and struggle my way back to reality - and, even having had that much consecutive time to observe it, I would still say it's just a worthless dead end.
Merged with the B&D thread. Plenty of similar experiences in both the B&D Salvia threads. Definitely not for everyone.
I've tried the 20x salvia on 3 different occasions, and each of them only left me with a slight "altered" feeling, hilarity at not much of anything, and a very slight sense of a gravitational pull in one direction. This lasted 5-10 though and was nowhere near the crazy stories I hear of people breaking through. So, do I have a natural high tolerance to the stuff or did I just not smoke it right? I tried it with a wooden tobacco pipe, an apple pipe, and a homemade glass pipe. With the last of those I used a big torch lighter, the other times just a regular old bic.

Use bong, Take it in one big deep hit, hold it in, use a lot of extract and make sure you got a torch lighter handy. Steps to making sure you have a breakthrough, also i find a quiet setting with dim lighting i am familiar with to be the best location for my salvia experiences. Peace :).
For those of you that are familiar with DMT and salvia. Which one is more of a mindfuck? I'm more familiar with DMT but haven't blasted off enough to say with certainty that I'ge seen I all because I know I'm just beginning. What I'm really wondering is, if I'm ok with DMT (n,n) and haven't had a bad trip yet, how much will that affect the salvia dimensions? I only have 10x right now. Should I pick up something of a higher potency? Last time I smoked it and just felt really confused and weird for about an hour, tapering off beginning at the 15 minute mark. Any input helps!

They are not truly comparable but I would say Salvia. Salvia fucking rocked me, made me want to cry, and had me doubting reality's "reality" even after the effects were tapering due to a horrific and rapid shift through about 100 different alien landscapes and worlds before coming back to a few weird iterations of 'my' reality, and then eventually REALLY coming back. I told my friends to let me the fuck out of the car because they were just illusions like the rest of the reality.

DMT, on the otherhand, at similar doses also made me cry. I have no words to describe that beauty. :p
Questions about salvia!

I bought salvia today the cheapest kind its just leaf it is not extract. So today I smoked 3 bowls today in one sitting and felt nothing at all. Later today I smoked one joint and 2 bowls of salvia (leaf) and felt kinda high like off bud butt not that big of a feeling. I know this is real salvia but it barely works and I want to know is it because it's leaf and not extract? Or why can I not feel it?:!
I've never smoked leaf, only the extract so I'm not sure how potent it is or anything so I can't tell you what you should be feeling, but how are you smoking it? With salvia everyone says to take the biggest rip you can and hold it, that's what I've always done and it's worked for me (again only extract tho).

If you haven't been doing it like that yet, that could be why you're not feeling it, I'd honestly just pack a full bowl of it and rip it all in one rip and hold it as long as you can, should get you to feel some effects (may even be decently intense - I don't know what leaf is like at all).
If you can, use a bong and take the biggest hit you can and hold it in for as long as you can and repeat...

The leaf works pretty well IME...
That's what you get for buying the cheapest kind possible. You get what you paid for haha ;)

Isn't the cheapest extract (5x) cheap already?
It took a while for me to 'get it' with salvia, even using the 15x extract... once I did however, now even the slightest bit has quite a profound effect. It's almost like a reverse tolerance. Now, even just a puff or two of ordinary leaf works well.
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