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The Big & Dandy Salvia Thread - Second iteration

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^You could make your own. I think expecting something as long and involved as a guided meditation tape to help would probably be unrealistic. I imagine something simple, loud, emphatic, and short (a few seconds at most) set on looped play on your computer's media player would be best, at least until those committed enough to multiple sessions could train their brain to interpret more elaborate recordings--if that's even possible. Easily recognizable sound effects started right as you entered the trip (to prevent becoming accustomed to the sounds beforehand) could strongly color the trip as well.

Salvia tends to have profound effects at the level of identity perception, so a recording that plays to those strengths might have the most profound effects. A recording along the lines of "look at yourself in the mirror" could, for example, lead you to look at a mirror from within the salvia vision and experience your own self-concept through salvia eyes. Similarly "you are x" repeated over and over again could result in some interesting identity substitution experiences.
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I read some reports where people would get recordings or tv videos of women and watch and listen to them on Salvia. They said a women’s voice was less scary and blended with the trip better. But they would just get random stuff like a show about quilt making or cooking. But under the influence of salvia everything she said would be a secret message or some kind of knowledge from the other side.

Maybe a female self-help CD with Rachel Ray making quilts on the T.V.?

I don’t know for me Salvia messes with time and reality too much. It just makes everything so schizophrenic and confusing.

I would really like to read some reports of some of theses experiment thought I’m sure they would be very entertaining if not educational.
Salvia plain leaf

I picked up some very powerful (40x or so I believe) salvia extract yesterday and it came with a little baggie of the plain salvia leaf, just a bunch of bits of dried leaves, I'd estimate 2-3 grams though I'm terrible at estimation generally. Anyway, is there any use for these besides just putting under the salvia extract in the bowl? I know traditional salvia use entailed chewing the leaves and not swallowing them but absorbing the salvinorin sublingually, would that require much much more leaves? I did chew up a bit around in my mouth and felt a very, very, very slight something, so I'm not sure if I did more I might get an effect.
I chew anywhere from 10 to 40 or so leaves in a quid. Smoking leaf also yields powerful psychoactive effects, though I am generally a sensitive person.
i found smoking regular leaf to be quite worthwhile. i never had a 'breakthrough', but i had numerous significant experiences. just make sure you use a jet lighter. i tried the quid method once with the same , but with dried leaf it, at least for me, it was disgusting and ineffective. i followed some guidelines that can be found on erowid.
I find salvia very irritating, the salvia gravity pulls on me and I just get hot and sweat. Its such a mind fuck, at first i liked it, but after 20 more tries my trips started to just become uncomfortable and kinda scary, after that i quit. I feel salvia should not be used to much because it is obviously a very strange entheogen. Let's hope it stays legal so everyone can be able to try it still in the future.
This stuff is very weird. I've been trying to do it recently, after my first breakthrough, and what happens is very odd. It's like, before I smoke it, I know I'm fine and not nervous really and want to trip and just sit there and take it in. But once it hits me I immediately get up and dispose of the materials (apple pipe, hah), as if I just smoked a bowl of cannabis. And I regret doing it so much. As soon as it hits, it's like the salvia changes my mind instantaneously and all of a sudden I regret ever smoking it even though I wanted to do it in the first place! I don't totally break through either, probably because it hits so quick I forget to hold it in for 30 secs and then maybe take another hit. I just drop it and suddenly feel a sense of regret which makes no sense. I'll have to practically restrain myself to the wall next time lol so I don't get up and walk about, which isn't a good idea.
Dissociatives and Salvia

automaticmojo said:
I find salvia very irritating, the salvia gravity pulls on me and I just get hot and sweat. Its such a mind fuck, at first i liked it, but after 20 more tries my trips started to just become uncomfortable and kinda scary, after that i quit. I feel salvia should not be used to much because it is obviously a very strange entheogen. Let's hope it stays legal so everyone can be able to try it still in the future.
Feels said:
I'll have to practically restrain myself to the wall next time lol so I don't get up and walk about, which isn't a good idea.
I've only done it a few times, but using salvia in combination with a dissociative is an immense hedonic improvement over salvia alone. Many others share this opinion. No hotness, no salvia monsters digging their claws into my skin, and, most importantly, no getting up and walking around. A dissociative also largely takes away the pre-trip anxiety and allows you to go through the experience in a more third-person, neutral kind of way that's not nearly so confusing or disconcerting. If you only use salvia and disociatives like DXM and ketamine occasionally I'd recommend doubling them up if you're still interested in the experience.
That's a great tip, psood0nym... A low dose of DXM is great for the deterrifyingization of a salvia trip - the Fear is wholly absent, the regret neutralized (if not transformed into enthusiasm), the trip lengthened+intensified and the body load wholly eliminated. I'd definitely use less salvia than usual for the first go around.

I'd imagine ketamine is great as well, though I personally cannot vouch for it. I'll give it a try later this week if I get around to it.
I find that a moderate usage of some really good herb, smoked about 15 minutes before salvia intake, greatly smooths the experience, but it will still take you to another world....just with less drama.

E + herb + salvia = wow, interesting synergy.
Does anyone else find that Salvia is for the most part usually unpleasant at medium sub-Level 5 doses? It's like every time I smoke it but don't entirely break through I have a lot of anxiety and its just an overall unenjoyable experience. But the one time I did break through, even though it had it's terrifying moments, it was overall just fine... I would probably classify it as a level 5 experience, a shame I can't remember much at all of it. But basically I feel that anything less than a total breakthrough is unsatisfying, whereas a full-on salvia trip is much more fullfulling, whether it's actually pleasant or not, because you can "let go" a lot easier of you ego and whatnot, and you're not worrying about shit and you brain isn't on overdrive.
^I hate the come up on salvia… If I don’t brake though it just makes me feel like shit. Once I breakthrough the intensity dissipates it is still strange and uncomfortable but the insane intensity goes away.
When I was using it a lot I would set doses up for smoking and breakthrough and when I would start to come out of it I would smoke enough to go back and it would take me back to Salvialand with out having to go through the intense come up I would step back about 4 times so I could spend 30 or 40 minutes in Salvialand.

But yeah the come is hard on me I just fucking hate it but once a breakthrough happens it peaks and mellows out.
After a while it just got to where I couldn’t do it anymore. I’m not sure if I will go back maybe after a while.
Yeah Feels, I do not think less than a level 5 is worth it. While I do not get scared per say, I find anything less than a 5 is too confusing.
squerll said:
When I was using it a lot I would set doses up for smoking and breakthrough and when I would start to come out of it I would smoke enough to go back and it would take me back to Salvialand with out having to go through the intense come up I would step back about 4 times so I could spend 30 or 40 minutes in Salvialand.

Good idea, I have not really "chain smoked" salvia as you said, for fourty minutes, but man, I think I might like that....having to pack the bowl and stuff when you got straight enough and then smoking it right back down, seems like it would be tough to do really fast without getting back to almost baseline. I drop back to baseline very fast for some reason, it just turns "off" for me.
Do you think that if I smoke enough and hold it in right, and so on, to get a Level 5 breakthrough, would it be basically similar to my more lighter Level 3 or so experiences, in terms of what happens, what I see, etc., just intensified? I'm just hoping it's sort of different or at least more overwhelming (which I'd imagine it is) cause when I have a medium-level experience it's just irritating and boring, the visuals are interesting but almost always simple and cartoonish, like I've seen after smoking some very strong weed. Basically I really just want to go all the way, you might say. It's 40x by the way... so I'm sure I won't need much to get me there. I'm not sure if my previous and only breakthrough was a Level 5 or even possibly 6/amnesia. Because I can remember very little of what I actually experienced, it's like pulling teeth trying to dig up memories of that event.
I only use real 20x, and a 1/15th of a gram is enough to get me level 5. Smoking 1/12g is a bit better, a longer level 5. And NO, a level 3 salvia session is a long aways away from a level 5. Complete reality replacement with no prior knowledge of another world, timelessness, OBE's, are so much more deep. It's almost like a different drug to me, between a 3 and a 5. I don't like the 3's obviously. Your 40x may not be standardized extract....The brand I buy says "80 atomix" on the face, but is really a 20x std. extract. Plenty.

Feels said:
Do you think that if I smoke enough and hold it in right, and so on, to get a Level 5 breakthrough, would it be basically similar to my more lighter Level 3 or so experiences, in terms of what happens, what I see, etc., just intensified? I'm just hoping it's sort of different or at least more overwhelming (which I'd imagine it is) cause when I have a medium-level experience it's just irritating and boring, the visuals are interesting but almost always simple and cartoonish, like I've seen after smoking some very strong weed. Basically I really just want to go all the way, you might say. It's 40x by the way... so I'm sure I won't need much to get me there. I'm not sure if my previous and only breakthrough was a Level 5 or even possibly 6/amnesia. Because I can remember very little of what I actually experienced, it's like pulling teeth trying to dig up memories of that event.
therapture said:
Good idea, I have not really "chain smoked" salvia as you said, for fourty minutes, but man, I think I might like that....having to pack the bowl and stuff when you got straight enough and then smoking it right back down, seems like it would be tough to do really fast without getting back to almost baseline. I drop back to baseline very fast for some reason, it just turns "off" for me.

I used to stagger my doses take 2/3rds of a dose and take a few breaths let it settle in and then take a ½ or 1/3 dose and it would put me through. Then when I came out in 10 minutes or so take another ½ or 2/3rds or a dose and it would give me a nice smooth transition back. I think the tapering helps it not hit baseline so quick but puts you in a place where you can load another dose but still have a platform to go back on.
The staggering of the doses also seemed to make it transition smoother with out the dramatic ups and downs salvia can have
You need really high quality standard extract to get doses measured out and that even.

Might work for you if not maybe some oral tincture would give you a platform to keep stepping back on.

I would highly recommend trying it for someone like you that is a Salviahead. It really smoothes it out and give you time to explore some intricate deep aspects of Salviaspace.
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Ok, I am sorry for bumping such an old old thread but would insuffalation of the raw, say 10 or 20x, extract work? Has anyone tried this? I know that tobacco works very well as a snuff and in its raw powdered form. I figgure the finely ground extract may work similarly?
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