How do you ask a girl to do coke?

uhh isnt this a bit late? as the question was asked like 4 years ago
wow, this has been a long conversation...

friend of mine the other day said a subtle way to get it across, is give her a small line (never be afraid to say to a girl "wanna do some coke?" never seems to offend, even non users), and after u've each done a line in that dingy bathroom cubicle, turn to her and say "this shit makes me so horny.... long pause.... don't you reckon?" n stare at her suggestively.

If she says "eh not really" or something else equally stupid, if she doens't take that cue, its not happening, so cut her off. But do a really fat line in front of her before you go, just to teach her a lesson.

And at least with that line you don't look like a total asshole by actually saying "so... can i get my blowjob now?"
I just say "Do you party?" Generally, if they use coke, or have used coke, they will respond with "Yes" or "I used too" etc etc...
ayo bitch how boutta line o' dis white gurrl i got ry here shawty :)
u just bust it out and if they keep looking at u while ur doing it... then U KNOW whats up lol
Jeus, you guys must know some ugly women. A half-decent call girl in this town can get two hundred bucks or better for an hour. She could buy a couple of grams for that, not just a couple of chintzy lines.
Jert said:
Just like, 'accidently' spill out on the table, and then grin, and go down , as if in a snorting motion, kind of jokingly, and then a) if she grins, rock and roll or b) if she frowns, just be like 'what is that flour doing in my pocket' or something, and laugh it off.

you are one smooth operator!!
How about, lets take this substance, if you beleive in me, you wont have no problem accepting its effects it might do on you, or you will do on me :)
Oh god my little sister just went to Melbourne. Got a txt at 3 in the morning saying "the coke in Melb is fucking amazing!" The thing is, she's pretty much got no money so where is it all coming from????
I love sketchy narc innuendo:

"Hey, you wanna go skiing?"

Seriously though, I have gotten play (in Europe) by basically saying, "Hey, i have blow, you wanna go to my place and do some lines?"
Those were my lame days. My lame days when I got lot's of asssss.
Hey guys....I was wondering...when you go out to clubs and see a girl and hit it off a little or in spring break do you ask them if they want to do a little bump without freaking them out by letting them know you do coke. I mean. sometimes it is hard to tell if the girl will be turned off by this.
Thanks for all your help if any
response was given. I really
appreciate it! Thanks to all who
took the time to read this.

If you are randomly trying to pick up girls, then just be straight-forward. If they freak out...on to the next one.
Im a 19 year old girl.. yeah we love coke n we know what to do for it, if you want a great experience get her to put some on her tongue before going down on you... that way you both win!

Im a 19 year old girl.. yeah we love coke n we know what to do for it, if you want a great experience get her to put some on her tongue before going down on you... that way you both win!

YES.! A must do before you DIE.! ..I personally like to do a line off a girls hip bone...!!! SOOOO SEXY.!! ;)
hey baby, do u wanna line? that usually does it , because most women are coke whores, well not all but, ya know what i mean lol