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Tell a funny story about failing with no excuse

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i failed packaging 101 online. it was actually a very difficult course, the thing is i had all the answers to the quizzes and exams and homework. there was a website that students from previous semesters posted them all on. so how did i fail? well, the way it worked was you had like a 2 hour time window to take each test and there were 2 tests a week plus homework assignments and exams. because i had all the answers, i never took the class seriously. i ended up forgetting to take so many tests. i would say "ok you have to take the test tonight" then the next thing i knew, it would be midnight and i would have forgotten. i have absolutely no excuse for this.
i failed a class b-c i was too lazy to get the withdrawal slip signed by the professor....

a friend of mine picked me up to take me to class, and we hotboxed on the way. i stumbled into the class late.....as the teacher was passing out the midterm, which i totally forgot about.

i think i got a D, or an F

later that day i tripped on shrooms for the first time
captainballs said:
School is not really about intelligence so much as it is about figuring out the subject at hand (which really only requires work and persistence).

Oh young 'un. School is about proving that you can jump through hoops and do what people tell you to do. It's about seeing how pliable you are and how efficient of a cog you will be in the machine. Uhh... man. Heh...

My first Biology test I woke up as the class started. Ran, drove, as fast as I could and got there 45 minutes late. I ended up finishing the test early and getting the highest grade on the test. When I came to get my test I could see the rage in my prof's eyes at the assumed arrogance. He marked me down ridiculous amounts even as I followed his exact directions in the future. I never tried to switch. I ended up turning in a perfect lab on electrophoresis and getting like 5%. Really one of those situations I should've talked to the university. Uhhh... I also tripped in class once or twice. Apathy is a powerful mistress.
strange....i'm so good at calcalus yet I suck at basic arithmetic calculations in my head...
I suck in statistics as well.....
I suck in statistics as well.....
No you don't suck at statistics... statistics just sucks in general, it literally makes my depression flare up.

Worse subject ever. I wonder what would drive some idiot to do a PHD in statistics.
This was back when I was still training. We would always use each other to practice procedures on. That day we were going to be doing blood draws on one another.I was the best in my class on doing draws so my instructor pretty much expected me ace this. Well the night before a couple of us went out. When we got back to our place we started talking about the procedure the next day. They told me I should fail it just cause our instructed expected me to pass. I told them hell no I'm not going to have to spend an extra three weeks taking that part of the course over again. Well I was in a class with 20 ppl and that only had two other guys in it and the three of us stuck together. It was one of the girls that told me I should do it and her name was Trish. After I told her no she said I was a kiss ass and tried to punk to me into doing it. I was going for it. Later on that night Trish and me ended up in my room. She started stripping and said that if I failed, that she would make it up to me for the three weeks I would be doing that section over. Of course I made show me how she would be making it up to me. The next day I couldn't find a vein to safe my life. I spent the next three practicing with Trish. ; )
Chubba75 said:
No you don't suck at statistics... statistics just sucks in general, it literally makes my depression flare up.

Worse subject ever. I wonder what would drive some idiot to do a PHD in statistics.

Welcome to the world of everyone not being identical to you.

And he's the idiot... right? Not the guy who can't make it through a couple terms to graduate without becoming filled with rage?

I'm not a statistics fan, but I'm not an art fan either. I'd absolutely hate having to take art classes. Yet, simultaneously, art doesn't suck in general, and enjoying art doesn't make someone an idiot. Strange world.
Elgr said:
Welcome to the world of everyone not being identical to you.

And he's the idiot... right? Not the guy who can't make it through a couple terms to graduate without becoming filled with rage?

I'm not a statistics fan, but I'm not an art fan either. I'd absolutely hate having to take art classes. Yet, simultaneously, art doesn't suck in general, and enjoying art doesn't make someone an idiot. Strange world.
i just had to lol at that one, are you SURE that you dont secretly love statistics??
its ok if you do, this bluelight and everyone (even statisticians) are accepted here.
Elgr said:
Welcome to the world of everyone not being identical to you.

And he's the idiot... right? Not the guy who can't make it through a couple terms to graduate without becoming filled with rage?

I'm not a statistics fan, but I'm not an art fan either. I'd absolutely hate having to take art classes. Yet, simultaneously, art doesn't suck in general, and enjoying art doesn't make someone an idiot. Strange world.

No he's right actually. If you get a PhD in statistics you're an idiot. Statistics is the devil.
tiger-bunny said:
i just had to lol at that one, are you SURE that you dont secretly love statistics??
its ok if you do, this bluelight and everyone (even statisticians) are accepted here.

I'm pretty sure I don't need to come out of the closet just yet. ;)

Perhaps you guys took some really intense classes. I took a year of stats, as I was required to. It was boring, but certainly not the end of the world. Still, if you're a science major, for instance, and you hate intro stats not because it's boring, but because it's difficult, you might run into some problems...

Now, real math courses are the devil in my book. Especially advanced calc and higher. I can't imagine ever feeling anything but hatred towards the subject, myself. But, other people have brains wired differently from my own. So good for them, someone has to do it, and it sure isn't me. It'd be great to have an understanding of nuclear/astro physics, quantum mechanics, etc. But I'd go on a rampage long before completing any of that.

Summary: Subjects may be the devil on a personal level, but that doesn't mean they are on a global level. ;)
Oh I completely agree that reality is based on the objective of the individual but we are talking about statistics here. Statistics IS the devil. This is pretty much common knowledge!
9mmCensor said:
I got 4% as my final mark for a first year philosophy class.

did you get the 4% mark...

or did the 4% mark get you?
Chubba75 said:
No you don't suck at statistics... statistics just sucks in general, it literally makes my depression flare up.

Worse subject ever. I wonder what would drive some idiot to do a PHD in statistics.

statistics is interesting but also tedious. i would rather take another stats class than calculus though.
Orinally Posted by Pimp Lazy
Oh young 'un. School is about proving that you can jump through hoops and do what people tell you to do. It's about seeing how pliable you are and how efficient of a cog you will be in the machine. Uhh... man. Heh...

My first Biology test I woke up as the class started. Ran, drove, as fast as I could and got there 45 minutes late. I ended up finishing the test early and getting the highest grade on the test. When I came to get my test I could see the rage in my prof's eyes at the assumed arrogance. He marked me down ridiculous amounts even as I followed his exact directions in the future. I never tried to switch. I ended up turning in a perfect lab on electrophoresis and getting like 5%. Really one of those situations I should've talked to the university. Uhhh... I also tripped in class once or twice. Apathy is a powerful mistress.

Oh old one, us yung uns know your tricks and expound upon them with an even worse form of arrogance - one that professors can't even see. ;)

Really though, you should have at least talked to the school about that 5%.
I failed remedial Algebra and an introductory college class which taught me how to do homework and read my report card. On purpose.

I dropped out shortly after
my buddy once failed his heat transfer final exam, and subsequently the class, but with answers such as "$TEXAS" and a picture of a robot vs. a mime, how could you not fail? =D

here's the link to the image: robot vs. mime
Hah... reminds me of that Linguistics class in 2005.

I love the subject... I read about it leisurely every now and then. In a very stupid (and probably un-sober) move, I dropped a kind of drugs-101 psych course (the type that you and I would ace without opening a single book) and took a Linguistics survey course.

I enjoyed the subject a lot, but we had to do "homework" excericises that we needed to hand in every class. Fuck that, I'm not going back to school!

I simply gave up on it because the prof reduced such an interesting subject into what seemed like highschool math with her almost exclusive focus on Syntax and Phonology - the very two that I hate, and almost nothing on semantics and comparative linguistics, which is what I took the course for.

I got a 9% in the class, which was nicely rounded up to 10% 8).

After that, I had a barrage of classes in which I experienced a similar loss of interest - mostly because the profs that teach them are idiots. I practically dropped out of school but managed to milk out a B.A. using lots of loopholes.

ps. I totally agree that school has nothing to do with learning and everythng to do with knowing how to manipulate bureaucracy and useless information.
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