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Valium withdrawal, HELP! (yeah, another one)


Jul 9, 2005
Hi BL,

Here is my story:

About a month ago I came across 300x10mg valiums.
The day I got them, I took 20 mgs to see if they were real. They were.

I immediately launched into taking 3x20mgs for the past 4 weeks. On the weekends I would take 80-100mgs simply because I didn't have to do my 2 hour drive to work.

At the end of the 4th week, on a Saturday, I got some new vinyl in the mail. I was so whacked out from the valium I didn't want to spin, VERY unlike me! I had taken 80mgs that day.
I realized I was taking way too much valium and it crept up on me. I stopped cold turkey, hoping the long half life would save me, it didn't. By Wednesday afternoon I was withdrawing, blurred vision, shaking, high anxiety.

5th week now, taking 40 mgs a day, 10,10,then 20 to sleep.

I have about 60x10mgs left.

I went to the doc, which was useless. I didnt even see the doc, but the nurse practitioner. She said to simply cut the dosage in half each day until I was down to 0mgs. WTF?!?!

So to sum up, I took high daily dosage (60mgs/day) but short term (4 weeks).

40mgs a day and I feel absolutely fine right now.

How can I taper this down as quickly as possible (with minimal withdrawal effects) given that I have 60x10mg V's left?

I realize BL cannot be counted as true medical advice, but I want to hear from those who have successfully withdrawn from valium with dosages similar to mine (and possibly timespan).

I work at a science lab with PHDs (I am a scientist myself). They cannot know I am going through withdrawal, I will get fired no questions asked. I need my brain at full capacity to stay on top of my work, it is very demanding work to say the least. Hell its probably the stress from work that led me to taking valium in the first place! Honestly though, I just want my life back. This drug is CONTROLLING MY LIFE AND I HATE IT!

Please Help!
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Benzo taper tends to go at an exponential rate - ie. the lower the dose, the less the cut. Try cutting off 5mg every week till you're down to 10mg, then from there, reduce 2.5mg/week, and towards the end, start taking your doses every-other-day, then every 2 days...etc.
I know it's late now, but you need to be careful with that large amount of meds. You said it was your job possibly, maybe find a new one. Anyway, i have had a small problem before, and here's how I would go about fixing it if I were you.

5 days x 40 mg (20 pills)
5 days x 30 mg (15 pills)
5 days x 20 mg (10 pills)
10 days x 10 mg (10 pills)
and then, adjusted dosages to finish out the pills, but no more than 10mg per day.

if you follow this plan, you can be clean in a month.
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Ok bro, if I was you I would do
40mg for the next 4 days to get you through this work week
On Saturday drop to 30mg and continue that for the next 6 days
On the following Saturday drop to 20mg and continue that for the next 6 days
On the Saturday after that drop to 10mg and continue that for the next 6 days
Its now Saturday, don't take any. Maybe consider taking the following Monday and maybe Tuesday off.

So basically you will be tapering off in 4 weeks. Your dosage drop is always on a Saturday so that you have the weekend when you are not at work to adjust. When you come off totally you will have a long weekend to recoup. If you feel the need you should have enough pills to go from 10mg down to 5mg daily for a week. Good luck mate.
Hey buddy. Getting off benzos can be a bitch. You're going to get a lot of poor advice, so make sure you know which to follow.

Don't do what these last two posters said, it doesn't look like they have first hand experience with this. Dropping off at 10mgs would be uncomfortable at best, and would definitely cause a shitty withdrawl.

I know Jamshyd understands benzos very well, and his advice is sound. He didn't write it out for you day by day, but if you're really a scientist you should be able to work out a (common sense) plan based on his brief post.

If not, somebody could surely break it down for you day by day.

One difference is if you want to get off fast, and you're taking 40 comfortably now, I'd recomment that you begin your taper at the lowest (comfortable) dosage possible, such as maybe 30mgs.

Then from there it will be easier to drop by 5mgs, and you'll get to 10mgs faster so you can begin the beef of the taper earlier, where it starts to get nasty.

Diazepam and its main metabolite nordazepam have very long half-lifes, somewhere in the neighborhood of up to 100 hours, so once you get down to low dosages (like 1/4 of a pill, 2.5mgs) you can switch to every other day dosing, like J said.

Once again, if you need it explained more thoroughly, ask. Just be careful which advice you follow.
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Try to pick up some phenobarbital for the last week when your just getting off, it helps with keeping seizures and such away. Other than that I always find its better to taper quick in the begining [like drop your dosing to 30mg a day tomorrow] and dont dwell on the w/d you will feel as it will ultimately just make the situation worse.

Happy Detox :)
Okay. I have direct experience with valium WD and it is no joke. I quit cold turke after ten straight months of 80-ish mg/day. The WDs lasted for six weeks, including siezures and hallucinations. It was like a six week bad acid trip.

The advice to get to ten mg/day is fairly constant, but its at 10mg/day and under that things get pretty difficult. Remember that WDs are an individual thing and differ from person to person. I was told by a doc that I should've slowly tapered by about 1/4 of a pill per week after ten mg/day,all the way down to the last pill, which should be divided into as many crumbs as possible, and then down the crumbs on an as-needed basis the last week or so.

Your use is not overly extended, so your taper should eliminate most of the WDs, but you will feel a bit of anxiety now and again.

Remember, don't hesitiate to get professional help if you need it.
Thanks for the insight.

I don't think I have enough Valium left to follow Jamshyd's schedule, even though it sounds the best (also the longest).

I've read the benzo.org.uk site where it gives the LONG taper schedule starting from 40mgs valium per day.

I am going to see a different doctor on friday, to try and get some professional help.

If worst comes to worst, I guess I will have to get some more valium online so I can follow Jamshyd's taper (which is found elsewhere on the net too).

I really appreciate all the support.

Thanks :)
Yeah, if you can get some more Vs definately follow Jamshyd's schedule. I was basing my taper specifically on how much you had left, but if you can get more and extend it you will be better off.
i was used 300 Vs 10mg in like 7 weeks, I'm lucky or are or u not lucky to have WDs. (I didnt take 2 days in a row and I think I had small WD's like anxiety and agitation and back pain)
I took like 60-80mg/day, but the last week (5th) I was at 80mg.

last 2 weeks I cut my dose , I will eplain how I proceed;

my last day of the 5th week I took 70mg to see if I was ok . and I didnt have WD. I took 15mg in the morning 15mg afternoon and 30 brfore sleeping. I took also Melantonin to help me to sleep (that helped me).

For the next week I used 60mg and drop every day 5mg, so I droped 35mg in the 6th week. I was down to 25mg at the end of 6th week. IN the morning 5mg, the after noon 10 + 15 mg of OxaZepam and 10 at night + 8mg of Melantonin and 75 mg of Benadryl to knock me out.

The 2 next days of my 7th week I took again 25mg but in 2 doses , 10 the morning and 15 the night + Mela and Benadryl, still work fine. 5 days remanings and I was anxious about WD's.

7th week (5 days left)

Day 1: 20mg 5 the morning and 15 at night + Mela and Bena
Day 2: 15 mg 2,5 the motning and 12,5 at night + M and B
Day 3 : 12.5 mg 2,5 the motning and 10 at night + 7.5mg Temazepam + M and B

Day 4: 5mg Oxazepam in the morning and 10mg at night +
M and B

Day 5:5mg Oxazepam in the morning and 5mg Diazepam at night + M and B

Day 6 :5mg Oxazepam in the morning and 5mg Oxazepam at night+ M and B

Day 7 : 2,5 Diazepam in the morning and 2,5 Diazepam at night+ M and B (Had problems to sleep)

Day 8: 2mg Diazepam in the morning and at night + M and B + 7.5mg Imovane

Day 9: 1mg Diazepam in the morning and I sleep almost all the day and I took 10mg of Imovane to sleep

Day 10: 0 Diazepam + 7.5mg Imovame to sleep + m & B..

Overall: I took 6 weeks of Diazepam and detox for 4 weeks without big WD at all. Sure I hade difficulty to sleep for 1 weeks or 2 but was ok , I could get 5h of sleep the night and I couln sleep the day, some hours.

I think Benzos WD take much longer to build in , in you system form Opioids. From now I wount take them more than 2-3 weeks.

I also forgot, I took around 2g of Methocabamol + 600 mgIbuprofen (Robax) in 3 doese. I think this is a CSN Depressor and boot the fx od Vali.

But remember, melantonin help alot to fall asleep, I didnt beleive it till I tried.
Try them sublingal, I find they work well!

Diazepam is awesome, helpfull for everything, WD of Opioids , stress, relax and I pass. THis drugs saved my life. Xanax also help alot, kill all anxiety but too much and you fall aslept in your car, so watchout. I would like try another Benzo, Im buiding a pharmatie.

I think you got the same Valiums of my IOP, the potency of my last order is alot more powerfull than oters I did, crazy. I took 40mg + 400mg of cafeine to dont fall asleep and I felt on mu keybord and I dont remeber what the hell appened!

If you need to talk PM me or add me on msn [email protected]
I can help you, my brother is doctor (I wont do us script of OXy or wahtever tought:p) but he is opens for questions about NC and benzo and everything.
when i went through rehab they did a taper off of 8mgs xanax a day down to 2mgs then no more xanax but then 60mgs phenobarb for 2 days then 30 for one then 15 for one then that was it, and i had no physical withdrawels, only the mental. if you cant get pheno, try butalbital at 50 mgs 6x a day, and reduce by 50 mgs every day and that should get you through. cold turkey from benzos can cause seizures, and the barbs stop seizures, and you wont be on them long enough to become dependant. if not an option then do the tapering, but whatever you do dont quit cold turkey or you could have seizures. also weed helps with the depression.
40 mg valium a day for 5 weeks is nothing. ymmv, but i sincerely doubt you will have any withdrawls even with a very fast taper. i know this from many years experience as i have been addicted to benzos for years. the past 5 years ive been on clonazepam at 4-6 mg a day. before that xanax, and valium, temaz and several others. i have NEVER been able to succesfuly kick any benzo unless i switch to valium. it is the only one im able to come off. i tried long slow kpin tapers sveral times of ther years and they got me nowhere. but;
after 3 years of kpin at up to 8 mg a day, I was able to use Valium and taper off in only ten days with almost ZERO withdrawal. 40 mg diazepam is only equivilant to 2 mg of clonazepam, which is not a high amount, and one months use is extremely unlikely to cause you wds. its probably more just anxiety returning or anxiety at the thought of benzo wd. dont stress so much, just taper and you will be fine. i dont think that your actualy physicaly addicted to valium after only 5 weeks. i can see some minor wds, but not with tapering. you should be able to get off in a week to 2 tops i would say. just my opinion, but ive been there, done that, and i think you are just too worried, because you think that 40 mg is a high daily dose. ive been addicted to 300 or more mg valium in the past, now thats mroe of a high dose. i think you will be fine.
Carbamazepine is also indicated for relieving seizures due to benzo withdrawal, and should be easier to obtain than phenobarbitol.
good luck with the tapering, i'm sure you'll get through it if you really want to quit

and is it just me, or does lawrences` posts seem a little odd? like the stories he tells? not trying to bust your balls man just seems a bit odd.

good luck again!
Klowns, thanks for the support!

I cannot split the pills, they are white unmarked and unscored. Supposedly Bensedine Valium which are generic in Europe.

So I am going to get a big syringe, dissolve a pill in a shot glass, and then try to use that to take "half" a pill (orally of course).

Does that seem like a good way to take half a pill?
Wilycoder said:
I cannot split the pills, they are white unmarked and unscored. Supposedly Bensedine Valium which are generic in Europe.

So I am going to get a big syringe, dissolve a pill in a shot glass, and then try to use that to take "half" a pill (orally of course).

Does that seem like a good way to take half a pill?
Yes, this is the best way to take 1/2 (or other fractions) of a pill. You need a pre-measured ammount of solvent - water will not work in this case since benzos are not water soluble. Alcohol would be ideal - no need to use anything high-proof. Another option would be milk.

I went to a different doc today who was very open to listening to me. He doesn't have experience with benzo withdrawal but he did something very nice for me. He called two different docs who have experience with benzo withdrawal. The doctor also didnt try to cram any SSRI crap on me either. He recognized that we need to get me off the valium first as it is affecting my life, and THEN we can deal with why I took the valium in the first place.

I am now on a doctor approved taper, with legal valium. I was given a week's supply of 10mgs. And also 30x2mgs to take as needed for acute withdrawal symptoms.

I was so happy I wanted to hug the doctor!

For the next week, I am to take 30mgs (10x3). I go back next week for a reduced dosage, and I will eventually be free from the slavery of benzo addiction!

I just wanted to share my happy day with every one here who helped me with insight :)

Edit: Lawrence is a NARC/COP. He tried to get me to buy valium from him via PM. Mods please act appropriately. I know BL is harm reduction, not an online drug dealing forum.
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