wHOSE got the DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!

NO NO as you can see hes from louisiana thats how all them inbreads talk. :) had to say it
Im in tears, by the time ive gotten to fifth page, its turned into an epic. Pearl Effin Necklace... amazing.
NO NO as you can see hes from louisiana thats how all them inbreads talk. :) had to say it
hey now wait a god dam minute, wat the hell did i say ta offend u missy?:X just cos my famly tree is a bit straight up n down and my eyes are pretty close together that dont make me a bad person right?:(

anyways,sorry to y'all for my lil trixies hollerin at y'all before. iunno what the crazy bitch was doin out of the kitchen anyways lol=D

still waitin for bauer n me to hook up, i called his cell fuckin countless times and it just rings three or 4 times and it goes to his answering service or sum shit. that damn menthol cristal shit got done all by itself. good shit=D aint no way my mean old fucking grandaddy was eva gonna catch my ass wehn i was on that shit lol:Di hope you still got them squirrel motherfuckers in that bag cos ive a hankering for sum huntin!

but im off dat menthol shit fer good now, ya hear? trixie dun tell me it was her way or the hiway, and she wasnt talking about no hershey one dagnabbit!=D

shaq n magic are doing fine too, no thanks to their crazy bitchass mom. hell, now her aunt is sick she aint ever hardly here so i gots to stay all well behaved and act like im all growed up n shit.

hey damien you seem like good peoples, does CA stand for canada? i ain't never been that far up (down? south? north?) but i sure would like to get over there sum day. is that near nawlins? howdya like shootin' squirrels and scootin on teh boobies?=D

P to tha muthafucking N, niggaz
is that hair gel?

Edit: This thread is truly indicative of your environment being the primary role in determining how you carry yourself. He started as a gangsta, now he's transformed into a redneck. Truly remarkable.
So PNizzle keep it rizzle my dizzle, keep them pearls shinin'
Hit what you're aiming at.
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WTF? This guy is still in his intro thread after 2 years. Spread your wings mister dick guy and go to other forums.
hey mister, last time i went in that fuckin Lounge place that god dam dickcheese donkeypunch told me to shut the fuck up newb:(
^^ things are a bit different in that part of bl world. when someone tell you to stfu on lounge you should tell them to fuck off, dont forget to mention how you will rape their ass with a crusader sword if they keep annoying you. everyone get what they deserve:)

weird thing is they said she's 7 months pregnant. That means she's got 7 months to go, right? Cos weve only been going together for like a month. Yeah that must be what it means. Yeehaw i'm gonna be a daddy in 7 months!!!=d

so the twins (shaquille n magic) was born in november. Weird thing is that they are brown, which is weird cos me and trixie are white as milk bottles. She says her family has black dna or some shit lol. I aint no sientist so i gotta go wid dat. It sure suprizes people when we're out walking wid them in the street lol=d always asking if theyre adopted n shit.
so the twins (shaquille n magic) was born in november. weird thing is that they are brown, which is weird cos me and trixie are white as milk bottles. she says her family has black dna or some shit lol. i aint no sientist so i gotta go wid dat.

You know.. when i read your original post about your gf / wife saying when she gives birth your gonna be in for a BIG surprise.. i was gonna say..

it's gonna be black.

HAHAHAHAHAHAahahahahahHAhHAHHAHAHhahahaHAHHAHAhaHAhAHAhHAaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah dont worry baby, i have black jeans.

(on the floor by the black dude she was fuckings bed...)

IM SORRY I AM JUST JOKING. I KID I KID. seriously, just kidding and congratulations huh? its just a little insult humor. i apologise i had to...:| but =D
Another stereotype? Just what the drug community needs...a dude that epitomizes what the rest of the world hates about druggies...
Yo man, i think you should go visit Trixie's aunt with her. You might find out where her black genes came from...
How delightfully white trash :D

hey now wait a god dam minute, wat the hell did i say ta offend u missy?:X just cos my famly tree is a bit straight up n down and my eyes are pretty close together that dont make me a bad person right?:(

hey damien you seem like good peoples, does CA stand for canada? i ain't never been that far up (down? south? north?) but i sure would like to get over there sum day. is that near nawlins? howdya like shootin' squirrels and scootin on teh boobies?=D

I <3 PN/this thread

Wish I stumbled upon it sooner.