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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Mushrooms, Poppers and weed - First time with combination - Panic.


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Ok so I got a hookup for some mushrooms recently and I figured I try a larger dose from what I had the first time. I took 2grams on an empty stomach then about an hour later I was coming up nicely. Me and 3 friends were laying on this grass hill overlooking my town and in the distance I could see London and the London Eye. I was watching the clouds transform into different things. I felt great, this was the best time ever.

About 20 minutes later me and my friends had some poppers this was followed by hysterical laughing for about 5 minutes then some random conversation that led no where. We had been sitting on this grass bank for about 45 minutes now and we were getting cold (It was at night and I live in England so it gets sooo cold) and we were gonna go round a friends for some weed. We got up and one of my friends said 'Look behind you a pig with wings' It was a joke of course but it set us off into a laughing spiral (Only was to explain it) We just kept laughing all 4 of us, every time someone said something we'd all laugh soo much.

About an hour into my mushroom trip I arrived at my friends, we had a few more poppers. We were all having a great time. We watched a UK TV show called 'Bottem' this shit is hilarious but we were watching it in the dark and all around the Tv I could see the room swirling and moving with my heart beat and breathing. I was sooo into the TV show I completely forgot about everything else, I forgot i was on mushrooms, I forgot what time it was, I forgot I was with anyone, I was in my own world. It was great.

About 3 hours into the mushroom trip I had to go on a long walk with a sober friend to pick up some weed from our local dealer. I enjoyed this work but felt as if I wasn't tripping that hard during it. When we got back I went into the kitchen and enjoyed a few closed eye visuals.

We rolled a big joint and went to onto my freinds trampoline, we all sat around in a circle waiting for out turn to smoke. When I had finished the joint we all did a heavy amoutn of poppers. After this I was seriously fucked, I was laughing all over the place, I didn't have a clue what was going on. We were all shouting even though we didin't know. I felt I was nodding (Term i;ve seen some herios users use) But this is what it was like I kept nodding out of reality. I started to tell a random sotry about a friend and everyone was into it and I was half way through teh story and half way through a work and I TOTALLY forgot what i was saying. I was fucked up I said to my friend 'What the fuck was i just saying' My friend relayed what I had just said back to him but as he was doing it my brain though he was telling a new story, he stopped so I could carry on from where he left off... and i was like 'YEAH YEAH THEN WHAT HAPPENED' I was really excited he was telling me this. After some more laughing we all went inside.

When I was inside I was fucking tripping balls. I looked at a friend then closed my eyes and the image of what i saw stayed in my vision. Everything was turning cartoony and time kept freezing and starting again. I was loooving it soo much.

Here comes the bad part. One of my friends who had also had the mushrooms, poppers and weed with me randomly walked off into a dark room. I said 'P are you OK' and he had a slight tear in his eye and he was like 'This is fucking weird' I said 'Dont worry it's alright' as he seemed really tripped out and scared. He said 'I know it's OK i'm just really overwhelmed right now. He said for me to leave him so I did but at this point i started feeling weird, my heart was racing and my legs kept feeling slightly numb, I went up stairs to go on my friends computer to chat to a few people on MSN and my leg kept going numb. At this point I kept getting really worried at my my heart was racing, I was panicking, and I kept looking around feeling seriously fucked up.

A friend that had only had the weed said 'Can you role another for us and we'll go have it' and I couldn't roll the joint, my hands were shaking too much. I went back downstairs to talk to P who was panicking as well. We were both really overwhelmed by this body feeling. I wasn't getting any crazy cartoony visuals anymore just a sense of anxiety and my heart was still racing.

About 2 hours later I had calmed down a bit but still felt soo weird. My friend who had the sam thing was still really tripped out. he was sitting in a dark room alone. We kept checking on him but he said he was OK he just wanted to be alone. It had been around 6 hours since I had taken the shrooms and I had come down off them pretty much by now. I still had this weird feeling but it was starting to norm out. Me and my friend who had only had a bit of weed decided to walk home together. We were half way down the road when a couple of friends pulled up next to us and offered a lift (They weren't with us during the night) When we were in the car with them I felt really unsociable to them and I never usually do with these friends.

When I got home I had the biggest munchies ever from the weed and ate a sandwich, after this I felt really good and went to sleep.


Overall a great trip but I certainly wont be doing weed, mushrooms and poppers together again.

Has anyone got an explanation of why I was getting all panicky? Was this a mild panic attack I had? I though the numbness may be something to do with low blood pressure that I know weed gives you and the rush of blood the poppers gives you. However I have tried weed and poppers together many itme and It's all ways been REALLY good with no bad side effects.
Enjoyable report. Sounds like mixing poppers and mushrooms is pretty dangerous. Actually, I think poppers in general are pretty bad for you. I certainly won't do them after I tried once. Gave me an uncomfortable body sensation and a raging headache afterwards.

Oh, I also fixed the title to show your level of experience (as far as I could tell) as per guidelines. If you think it's inaccurate, let me know and I'll change it.
Thanks for changing the title and for the reply.

I agree with you that mushrooms and poppers could be a dangerous combo however I personally like poppers a lot and I think they are good with any other drug. They are amaze with MDMA. Me and my friends agree they kick start any drug.

Weed + Poppers is a really good combo. I usually get fucked out my brain with this.