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Extracting 'Opium pulveratum' from tablets


Dec 27, 2005
I have some tablets that contain the following ingredients:

Albumini tannas -- 200 mg / tablet
Belladonnae extractum 1,4% -- 10 mg / tablet
Bismuthi subsalicylas -- 400 mg / tablet
Opium pulveratum 10% -- 10 mg / tablet

Is there any way to extract Opium pulveratum 10% from these tablets? If not, how many tablets can I take that it won't cause my some nasty side effects from those another ingredients than Opium pulveratum 10%? What's a good dose for Opium pulveratum 10%? What kind of effects does it have? Thanks.
If I eat 30 tablets of those, I get 30 mg of 100% Opium pulveratum and 6 grams of Albumini tannas, 300 mg of Belladonnae extractum 1,4% and 12 grams of Bismuthi subsalicylas <- Is that kind of amount of those substances toxic or dangerous?

Edit. That's why I would like to extract..
Dont think it would be the best idea. I am not sure what the danger levels are concerning Belladonna/Atropine, nor do I know much about the other additives.

I do know that Opium pulveratum is active in the 30-100mg range. source. All that other stuff for 30mg of dried and powdered opium adjusted to contain 10% of anhydrous morphine

I myself would wait for somebody that can give you more info on Atropine toxic levels as that is not something fun to play with. Personally I would toss um as I imagine an extraction is going to be a pain in the ass, unless the solubilities play in your favor but that rarely happens.
If you dont mind me asking, what are those tablets called? Also do you know what conditions they are supposed to be used for?
^ i think they're used to treat tooth aches. OTC in Belgium

EDIT: only the tincture is used for tooth aches.
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Lucky you, but please tell me if the extraction is possible and if not, what effects there are going to be from those another ingredients?
Survival0200 said:
If I eat 30 tablets of those, I get 30 mg of 100% Opium pulveratum and ...

First of all, those numbers are fucked up. Second, I can't say exactly how or why, but if you took that many you would be in a real bad way.
johanneschimpo said:
First of all, those numbers are fucked up.
Why? 30 * 10 mg Opium pulveratum 10% makes 30 mg of Opium pulveratum [100%]?

Second, I can't say exactly how or why, but if you took that many you would be in a real bad way.
Don't say then!
Survival0200 said:
Why? 30 * 10 mg Opium pulveratum 10% makes 30 mg of Opium pulveratum [100%]?

Can you just do this out because it's not making any sense.

You're using the * to show that you're multiplying?
Sorry dude, that math just doesn't work.
For instance, why isnt it 10 mg of 300% opium pulveratum
Or 60 mg of 50%?

Bismuth subsalicyate is the active ingredient in pepto bismol. And belladonna is just plain nasty. I'm not a scientist so I won't (can't) tell you why.
Maybe I am way off, but aren't those percentages the standardized active ingredient percentage. My gingko-pills contain 120 mg gingko extract 24%. I.e. about 30 mg's of flavoglycosides.

So the opium 10% would be 10% active alkaloid: morphine (which is the normal morph content of opium). And the belladonna extract contain 1,4 % alkaloids.

So one pill would have:
Albumini tannas ----------------- 200 mg
Belladonnae extractum 1,4% -- 10 mg -- 0.14 mg atropine etc
Bismuthi subsalicylas ---------- 400 mg -- 400 mg asperin
Opium pulveratum 10% -------- 10 mg -- 1 mg mophine

No way this is going to be recreational.
Well, the atropines are very water soluble, the morphine is so-so soluble and the aspirin is hardly soluble. The film/book "Drugstore cowboy" has a method of getting the atropine from morphine tablets. The aspirin could be taken care of with a CWE.

So maybe it can be done. But whatever don't eat more than a few on account of the aspirin and belladonna alkaloids.
What's that Albumini tannas, is it dangerous on high doses? What are it's effects?

Is it allowed to give detailed extracting information here in Bluelight forums?
Good job aconite, but thats bismuth subsalicyate (pepto-bismol, kaopectate, etc), not aspirin. Probably just as horrible for your body anyway though.
johanneschimpo said:
Good job aconite, but thats bismuth subsalicyate (pepto-bismol, kaopectate, etc), not aspirin.
Does CWE still work? And what's that albumini tannas again? :)