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TV: Fawlty Towers appreciation (merged)


Bluelight Crew
Jul 28, 2002
One reason I'm excited to get back up to Chicago is being able to see full episodes of Faulty Towers. Inspired by quips from 'The Office' I've done a bit of searching and laughing already. I've heard ravishing things about this short-lived show. So share with me your favorite episodes, characters, lines. :)

Great show, although I've only seen a few episodes (not like there were that many to begin with). The abuse to poor Manuel is hilarious.
yeah, the Brits are great at maximizing the laughs by producing a smaller number of episodes and then ending the show, not letting a series go stale. there are plenty of mammoth shows in the United States that stopped being funny after season five or earlier.
The Germans is the episode shown in the picture, IMO, one of the best.

the BBC only commissions 6 episode seasons generally because look at the 22 episode runs in the USA, they go to shit.

I can't believe you all haven't seen this classic television show, it was definately Cleese in his prime...perhaps you're just a bunch of Flowery Twats ;)
One of the greatest things ever to have come out of Britain. We're inordinately proud of it over here, & it's consistently voted the greatest television show of all time whenever such a poll is taken.

Only 13 episodes were ever made, & each & every one of them is an absolute gem.

It's classic British comedy in the way that it points the finger at quintessentially British ways of life, & then rips the absolute piss out of them. The same goes for the main character being this tragic figure who you laugh at because he's so pathetic (see The Office for another example).

It's our sense of humour in a nutshell, & it's very fucking funny.

Favourite scenes/lines? There're so many!
But particular standouts are when Basil gives his Mini a "damn good thrashing!", when he looks at the nurse at says "My God you're ugly", the rat in the biscuits, the whole of The waldorf Salad episode.......ah I could go on forever! It's all in the perfect timing & delivery. Genius.

@ keystroke : I say they're all Farty Towels myself... ;)
my god this thread made me laugh out loud....

"Oh don't worry about him hes from barcelona...."

and the one where they have rat poison on one of the steaks....and then he thinks the cat is posioned....my god that is funny.

"How did the pig get onto the roof...? oink oink....he fly onto the roof?"
"Not a pig you idiot...pigeon...pigeon!"
Good stuff. Unfortunately, it's been about five years since I've seen an episode.
Fawlty Towers.

Hehe, watching it now, John Cleese has me in stiches. Top show, bit old, but still one of the best!
Who else here watches Fawlty Towers?
fawlty towers is one of the funniest shows ever broadcast. i think a big part of what makes it legendary is that they only made 12 episodes. i have a lot of favourites but surely 'the germans' is one of the greatest 30 minutes in tv history?

German: "Stop taking about the war!"
Basil: "You started it!"
German: "We did not!"
Basil: "Yes you did, you invaded Poland."


My favourite eppisode is the one with the old deaf woman who loses her money. T'is a classic.
^Have you not seen that one then?. I'll have to find out the eppisode number to prove it exists 8)
Oh jeez, I barely remember these - I do remember the one where the moose's head is sitting on the desk, basil is behind it, and Manuel spends a good deal of time talking to te head!
Dastrix Slogan said:
Oh jeez, I barely remember these - I do remember the one where the moose's head is sitting on the desk, basil is behind it, and Manuel spends a good deal of time talking to te head!

I will correct you. It is Manuel behind the head and the Major is talking to it. He almost has a heart attack.
Mrs Richards: I've booked a room with a bath and a sea view for three nights. I specifically asked for a sea view in my written confirmation, so please make sure I have it.
Manuel: Qué?
Mrs. Richards: What?
Manuel: Qué?
Mrs. Richards: K?
Manuel: Sí.
Mrs. Richards: KC? KC? What are you trying to say?
Manuel: No, no no no. Qué, "what."
Mrs. Richards: K. Watt?
Manuel: Sí: qué, "what."
Mrs. Richards: C.K. Watt?
Manuel: Yes.
Mrs. Richards: Who is this C.K. Watt?
Manuel: Qué?
Mrs. Richards: Is he the manager?
Manuel: Oh, Manajer.
Mrs. Richards: He is.
Manuel: Ah, Mr. Fawlty.
Mrs. Richards: Oh, what are you talking about, you silly little man?
[to Polly]
Mrs. Richards: Girl, I start to ask this man about my room, and he tells me the manager is a Mr. Watt, aged forty.
Manuel: No, no no. "Fawwl-ty."
Mrs. Richards: Faulty? What's wrong with him?
Basil Fawlty: May I help you, madam?
Mrs. Richards: Are you the manager?
Basil Fawlty: I am the *owner*.
Mrs. Richards: What?
Basil Fawlty: I am the owner.
Mrs. Richards: I want to speak to the manager.
Basil Fawlty: [impatiently] I am the manager, too.
Mrs. Richards: What?
Basil Fawlty: I am the manager *as well*.
Manuel: [confirming Basil's identity] Manajer, him manajer.
Mrs. Richards: Oh. You're Watt.
Basil Fawlty: [confused] I'm the manager.
Mrs. Richards: What?
Basil Fawlty: I'm the manager.
Mrs. Richards: Yes, I know, you've just told me; what's the matter with you? Now listen to me. I specifically requested a bath for my room. When I pay for a bath, I expect to get a bath.
Basil Fawlty: You've *got* a bath.
Mrs. Richards: I'm not paying seventeen-pounds-fifty per night plus VAT for a room without a bath.
Basil Fawlty: [indicating private bath in adjoining room] There is your bath.
Mrs. Richards: You call that a bath? It's not big enough to drown a mouse. It's disgraceful.
Basil Fawlty: [sotto voice] I wish you were a mouse; I'd show you.
Mrs. Richards: [standing next to the window] And another thing: I asked for a room with a view.
Basil Fawlty: [aside to Manuel] Deaf, mad, *and* blind.
[to Mrs. Richards as he makes a show of inspecting the view]
Basil Fawlty: This is the view as far as I can remember... Yes... Yes, this is it.
Mrs. Richards: When I pay for a view, I expect to see something more interesting than that.
Basil Fawlty: That is Torquay, madam.
Mrs. Richards: Well, that's not good enough.
Basil Fawlty: Well, might I ask what you expected to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? The hanging gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically...
Mrs. Richards: Don't be ridiculous. I expect to be able to see the sea.
Basil Fawlty: You *can* see the sea. It's over there between the land and the sky.
Mrs. Richards: I'd need a telescope to see that.
Basil Fawlty: Well, might I suggest you move to a hotel closer to the sea.
[sotto voice]
Basil Fawlty: Or preferably in it.
Mrs. Richards: Now listen to me. I'm not satisfied, but I've decided to stay here. However, I shall expect a reduction.
Basil Fawlty: Why? Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment, or...
Mrs. Richards: No. Because the room is cold, the bath is too small, the view is invisible, and the radio doesn't work.
Basil Fawlty: No, the radio works.
[sotto voice]
Basil Fawlty: You don't.
Mrs. Richards: What?
Basil Fawlty: But I can fix it, you see.
[sotto voice]
Basil Fawlty: You scabby old bat.
[Turns up the in-wall radio full blast to prove it works. Manuel jams his hands over his ears]
Basil Fawlty: [shutting it off] I think we got something then.
Mrs. Richards: What?
Basil Fawlty: [louder] I think we got something then.
Mrs. Richards: What are you doing?
Manuel: [still with hands tightly over ears] QUÉ?

Hehe, saw that episode lastnight. Had me in tears! Lol!