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Best way to take Chacruna?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
What is the best method of taking Chacruna?
I know it contains DMT, but roughly how much so i can judge what to expect.
I already have moclobemide, I have 250g of chacruna coming. Where's a good FAQ about it or can someone give me a rough idea of how much to eat and when to take it (before 150mg moclobemide or after) and the time lapse too. Much appreciation, I know this thread is old as hell, but its all that came up when i looked for a chacruna thread.
No help ? I am very accustomed to all psychedelics, had LSD 200+ times. I just want to know what to do with the Psychotria viridis. I already possess a MAOI.

I need to know what to do with the psychotria viridis (make a tea, eat it raw) and when to take it, I assume MAOI must be taken first and 150mg of moclobemide is enough. Basically, I just don't know what to do with the plant.
No help ? I am very accustomed to all psychedelics, had LSD 200+ times. I just want to know what to do with the Psychotria viridis. I already possess a MAOI.

I need to know what to do with the psychotria viridis (make a tea, eat it raw) and when to take it, I assume MAOI must be taken first and 150mg of moclobemide is enough. Basically, I just don't know what to do with the plant.

I don't have any personal experience with moclobenmide.. And it's widely known that B. Caapi IS Ayahuasca.. So if it's an ayahuasca experience you're going for, get the vine for sure.

If you're just wanting the DMT from the chacruna, I suggest a tea. 50 grams dried chacruna is a common dose, but I consider it very strong for someones first time.. 30 grams even was very strong for me. Chacruna is powerful medicine. Please go over your intentions before you try this stuff.. It left me feeling like a baby in a very big universe.

Take your moclobenmide about 30 to 45 minutes prior, drinking it with something warm to aid absorbtion. Remember the dietary guidelines when using an MAOI or you could end up in the hospital feeling very, very bad.
Thanks a lot pal, but Moclobemide is a RIMA, no real dietary restrictions related to it, which is why it is prescribed a lot more than the old MAOI's. It's a reversible inhibitor. To get a tyramine reaction you'd have to eat an entire block of aged cheddar. But thanks for the info :)

Why is tea better though, it increases absorption compared to eating it raw ? (the chacruna).
And it's widely known that B. Caapi IS Ayahuasca.. So if it's an ayahuasca experience you're going for, get the vine for sure.

The natives might think caapi is ayahuasca - but they often use it as a worming agent because it makes them spew their guts up. Most western people interested in tripping are going for the effects of the DMT. Anyone taking B.caapi by itself is just going to sit there feeling sick and not tripping. DMT is ayahuasca - all the visions in the ayahuasca paintings are DMT visions, not beta-carboline ones.

I've never taken leaves by themselves - you're better off extracting the DMT from mimosa rootbark using the straight to base method.
My intention is doing a Pharmahuasca. I have no intention in isolating DMT as I am not a chemist and havent done anything related to chemistry since 2002 in school.

How do you prepare the tea, it doesnt have a pouch like tea tea (heh). Grind up the chacruna foliage and pour hot water on it through a filter ?
Well Oblivion.. It's my personal belief that Aya/Pharmahuasca is BIG medicine.. So I strongly advise you to do a whole bunch of research before you embark on this journey.. Please please read up... Goto www.dmt-nexus.com - goto the forums, goto the ayahuasca forum, and read the "all about aya" sticky. Goto erowid and read everything. Read some reports. Etc. Etc.

It sounds like you don't know too much about this yet, so I'm not sure if you know what you're getting into. Just trying to pass on a little caution though, not trying to come across as a dick. I think it's a good thing when people are interested in this stuff..

So to try to explain a little bit...

First of all.. it's not pharmahuasca with your pharmy RIMA (thanks for saying it was a RIMA, didn't know that).

Ismene, I'm sorry but you're wrong.. Google it, Wiki it, check erowid.. These plants have scientific names, and they also have common names.. The scientific name for the vine is Banisteriopsis Caapi. It's common name is Ayahuasca. The terminology got translated in the west to mean any drink containing and MAOI and DMT, but that is wrong.

And trust me.. Drinking only Caapi WILL do something.. That's what I'm trying to explain to Oblivion here.. Westerners have gotten far too obsessed with DMT and lost site of the native process.. Caapi contains harmalas. Those act as the MAOI, but they ARE very active themselves. I have drank several Caapi only brews, and they are most certainly psychedelic.

So Oblivion, DMT is amazing, and you could have a nice DMT trip with your materials I'm sure.. But if you want the true *huasca experience, you need Caapi.. or at least some Syrian Rue seeds, those have harmalas too.

And as for the tea.. You CAN make it in about an hour or so.. but really the best way is to spend at least 4 hours or more. Some people brew these teas for weeks. Personally I take about 7 to 9 hours making mine.

Grind up the chacruna leaves.. Like I said, I recommend about 30g your first time, but it's up to you. (If you do more I recommend a sitter)

Toss them in a stainless steel pot, and add enough water to make it soupy and completely submerge the plant material. (The more water you add the longer the process will take, but you'll have a stronger end product)

Add about 1 teaspoon of vinegar for every 500ml. This is not completely necessary, but trust me it will help get the active alkaloids out faster.

Bring the water to a boil, then lower the heat so it's simmering just under a boil. Let this cook down for at least an hour I'd recommend, then pour off the water into another container, using a t-shirt or something as a strainer.

Then I recommend doing two more rinses. Keep the plant material, fill with water again, add vinegar. Repeat the process two more times.

Then finally, take the 3 rinses you've done and combine them in a pot and put that on the stuff, just under a boil, to let it reduce until it gets down to a drinkable amount. Somewhere around 250ml is what I usually shoot for.
My intention is doing a Pharmahuasca. I have no intention in isolating DMT as I am not a chemist and havent done anything related to chemistry since 2002 in school.

How do you prepare the tea, it doesnt have a pouch like tea tea (heh). Grind up the chacruna foliage and pour hot water on it through a filter ?

The trouble is it's a lot harder and more complex getting the leaves to work than it is just extracting the DMT. See how you feel once you've tried choking down a few concoctions made of leaves and vomiting them back up again and still not tripping.
I don't want your herbal MAOI's since i already have MAOI's, I don't care about that part at all sir. It's like if you were telling me to do shrooms instead of AMT because people eat shrooms spiritually since millenias....I don't care about these things. But THANKS for the procedure, I'm sure having DMT is interesting orally by itself and spiritual enough, I find the MAOI to be non important and my antidepressant is even safer than these herbs like syrian rue and others.
Ismene, I'm sorry but you're wrong.. Google it, Wiki it, check erowid.. These plants have scientific names, and they also have common names.. The scientific name for the vine is Banisteriopsis Caapi. It's common name is Ayahuasca. The terminology got translated in the west to mean any drink containing and MAOI and DMT, but that is wrong.

And trust me.. Drinking only Caapi WILL do something.. That's what I'm trying to explain to Oblivion here.. Westerners have gotten far too obsessed with DMT and lost site of the native process.. Caapi contains harmalas. Those act as the MAOI, but they ARE very active themselves. I have drank several Caapi only brews, and they are most certainly psychedelic.

It depends more on the tribe tho - some tribes call drinks ayahuasca which don't even contain b.caapi.

Caapi does do something agreed. But it's nothing like DMT. When I've taken caapi by itself I generally feel nauseous and if I close my eyes and really use my imagination I might think that I can see a few shapes.

I'm not sure whether the native process is something we need to follow - natives often arn't taking it to trip. Some use it as a worming agent, some use it as an emetic. Westerners are using it to trip on - that's why they need to concentrate on the DMT.
The trouble is it's a lot harder and more complex getting the leaves to work than it is just extracting the DMT. See how you feel once you've tried choking down a few concoctions made of leaves and vomiting them back up again and still not tripping.

I have some hydroxyzine if i feel any nausea, that helped me stomach poppy pod tea, I can stomach anything %)
There are many many ayahuasca/pharmahuasca prep sites online and there is a B&D thread here in PD.

I suggest you let ~50g simmer (not boil) for a couple hours and take your maoi ~20 mins before drinking your brew.
Eh.. I guess it does just depends on your intentions.. If you just want to "trip" then uh.. ok. But personally, if I want to trip, I go with something a little easier on my psyche, like LSD or mushrooms.. DMT can be very unforgiving if your intentions are less than humble.

And I was just trying to explain that when you call something a *huasca mix, it needs to contain harmalas.. If you would have just said you wanted to try DMT I wouldn't have elaborated on everything else.

And I disagree about extracting the DMT.. Fully disagree. All you need to make a good brew is water and heat (and vinegar helps).. But to extract? Depending on the tek you need a separating funnel, naptha, lye, and all kinds of other things.. And it can take much longer.

And if you were drinking pieces of plant you didn't brew right.. You need to seperate out the plant parts before drinking... Sometimes peoples brews don't work because they didn't simmer long enough, didn't properly crush/shred the plant material, cooked too hot, etc.

So if it doesn't work the first time, don't get discouraged. That's why i recommend reading all you can. There is definitely an art to making these brews.

And Ismene: That's true, you right about different tribes and such.. However, IMO Caapi can be VERY powerful stuff all by itself - depending on the dose.

The metaphor is that Caapi takes you into the cave, and Chacruna (or other DMT containing plants) are the light that let you see in it.

However, not all westerners take DMT/Aya to "trip". I personally use Ayahuasca for it's healing powers. After recently being freed from 5 years of IV heroin addiction with Ibogaine, my view of drugs and plants has changed a little bit..

I'm still a very logical and scientific person, but I realize there are many thing we can never understand, and there are certainly reasons why cultures have been using these entheogenic plants in their own specific ways for hundreds or thousands of years. That cultural proof is enough for me.
Oh my intentions are nobel and definitely am not going to do DMT to get an easy fun ride like on LSD. Tryptamines are always more...ominous or scary depending on your mood, for example I find it easier to feel like crap on shrooms than LSD. Especially the last hour or so of the shroom experience when you just want to sleep but are still overloaded with closed eye visuals that get more and more grim the more you get upset about not being able to sleep.

DMT seems to last half as long as 4-HO-DMT or so orally, 3 hours right ? And how me using a reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase not a Pharmahuasca, I'd have to use Nardil or Parnate for you to agree with me ? That seems silly.