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Post your most recent picture part deux

rm1x your bub is adorable!
chrissy you're looking beautiful :)
i wish you'd smile more.

happy karla =D
Congrats twippa! It's the final test really... seeing whether he picks a ring that isn't hideous. ;) Quite obviously he passed! <3
is it just me or does twippa's fiance bare a striking resemblence to duckboy?
i shall post a new pic of me soon but "image pending approval"

beech out
twippa's fiancee doesn't look so much like duckboy as duckboy's evil doppelganger!!!!

Congats muchly twippa, that's so romantic!!! :D

--Raz--(who loves exclamation marks)
Originally posted by drEaMtiMe*@#
this is me at a party drinkn', and trying to avoid looking at the camera.


nice picture :)

Originally posted by UnSquare

We Thought It Made For A Change Of Scene...

Yous' Havta Adjust
Your Sights To Account For Your Bank,
Blur CD's,
& Impendin' Neighbourin' SuperCats.

:\ 8(

*or you can,
but either apologise,
or I'll havta attempt to *REGULATE*

Violet (So Royal,
One Of My Favourite Colours)

we need to have babies.
^ There may be some impossible logistical processes involved in that situation that I need to explain to you.
yarni: you think i can't afford the crane don't you? WELL I HAVE THAT COVERED LET ME TELL YOU. i have friends high up.

*taps nose*
I would really like to see 1234 & UnSquare's babies actually. They'd either be like this Ultimate breed of mega-intelligent, sexy, poetic, socially-concious Walt-Whitman like progeny with darting black eyes and hair casually tousled... Or, they'd end up like the creature that Bart Simpson creates when he gets magical powers at Wizard school... a horrible, twisted, toad creature that can barely croak: "KIlLL ME.. please... Kill me... rrrriddup"
BloSs0m said:
Schizo said:
blossom Your friend looks like Alyson Hannigan (Willow from Buffy) if she was a brunette :)

I don't watch Buffy, but if i did it would be 'cos of Alyson! That girl is so hot!

Bloss, your group of friends would have to be the hottest group in Melbourne, if not the universe. Keep the pics coming. :)
Raz Wants To Watch. An' I Just Got The Crane Joke. That's Funny, Brad.

Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
I would really like to see 1234 & UnSquare's babies actually.

Either way it'd be drunk.
You can take that to the bank.
The money bank.
here's I once again.

and here

and this

or this cone flower.

it's me, and you...it's everything.
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Show me a hawt gaping anus, and maybe i'll change my mind.

In other news, we all know how i feel about 1234 and merk. I'd marry either or both, and have mohawked mullet haired babies.
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