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Post your most recent picture part deux


Bluelight Crew
Nov 9, 2001
The archived thread is here.

Let's see if we can do a better job of posting pics and not crap in this thread, hm? ;)

I'll start with this teeny tiny photo:

me on far too much tequila on sat night ;)


im such a fucking trashbag. such a wicked weekend - be very hard to top that that one :D

i'd love some more tequila right about now. that would hit the spot...but alas - im reduced back to port :\ well. i guess it aint all bad ;):D

Originally posted by KemicalBurn
im such a fucking trashbag.

^Hee, you're the classiest trashbag I know. :p

Originally posted by KemicalBurn
...but alas - im reduced back to port :\ well. i guess it aint all bad ;):D

^We have to partake in some Brown Brothers Grandfather port one of these days...
Mark it down. :)

* * *

Just to keep on topic;


^Fluffy, the Siamese fighting fish we shared a house with in Perth.
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Since I was the last photo in the old thread, thought I would post again here...



And that's my last post for 2 months... I'll be on the other side of the world snowboarding. Peace out.
This really should belong in the 'post your rack' or the 'dimple appreciation' threads.


I'm the one on the left with the stomach dimple.
the many random facial expressions of officer chops... did you know that he is 5 of the 7 dwarves? true story!


^ sleepy




^ happy


^ dopey


^ doc
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A few weird things about this thread:

a) Georgia is the hottest thing in it [not that unusual really]
b) electreauxbella's face doesn't move
c) kemicalburn is wasted [oh hang on]
d) stomachs became interesting [wait a second...]
e) anything in asterix became a legitimate post [oh shit hold your horses...]
um...let's be nice people. We're bluelighters, we're meant to be full of plur, remember?

ps: shorza, that stomach dimple photo is strangely homoerotic..... ;)
hehe old raver... how are you? i think the last time i saw you, you were handing out lollypops at fantasia2 or 3 or something??

its not my most recent one but it is my most recent one before my hair turned dark
