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1mg Nabilone (Cesamet) THC Pill... ?


Bluelight Crew
Jul 29, 2004
I am curious to know if anyone here has ever tried nabilone. It's a synthetic cannabinoid, which is approved for clinical use as an anti-emetic in the UK. It may have been called Cesamet (brand name from Eli Lilly & Co)and comes in the form of blue/white capsules. It's not very common as it's a last ditch anti-emetic (whan all of the normal ones have failed), it's expensive to prescribe, and the side effects profile reads pretty much like THC, but with a bit more of a sedative quality.

Just wanted to know how it compares with THC in terms of effects that you'll never find out by readfing its monograph (eg are the munchies as bad etc)
So a friend of mine has posession of some of these pills. I've searched on here for some information and the search only turned up 3 or 4 posts on the substance. It seems like this isn't as popular of a subject as Marinol is, as far as discussions on synthetic THC goes. I'm interested in hearing about anyones experience with these pills, effects, dosage...


You won't have many replies here, try asking the same at Overgrow..
Nabilone is quite like THC in it effects, but not as psychedelic, as that is seen as a negative side effect.

You've got something as rare as hens teeth in those little blue and white capsules, as they are for use in hospitals only (no high street pharmacy will ever have any)

PS they're not CD's so it's a double pluss for them
Do you know if it would be possible to sprinkle some on a nice joint to improve the effects of the pot I have?? I don't think that fine white powder can be insufflated as its only 1mg of active ingredient, that's a heck of a lot of filler to be putting up your nose. I know everyone says just take it as directed but I'm just curious as to whether there are other ways of using this rare blue and white pill.

Would people put Nabilone over Marinol?
Also it wouldn't work up the nose, because thc is not water soluble(which is what your nostrils can dissolve)

I think eating them would be the best way, crushed up because the binders probably make them release slowly. You might have to smoke some pot too to get marijuana like effects..
Well I've tried a little of everything, I tried emptying just a touch of the powder (two bumps) and snorting it. I honestly can't say I felt very much from it, but I only tried a very small amount of what was in the cap. It was just the other side of placebo in feeling. I lined a joint with a little bit of the powder, once again just a trial but I noticed nothing different then just normal bud.

Last I tried taking one pill, but it was immediately after smoking a joint (funny how drugs make you want to do more drugs...) It took a while to feel anything, and it was weird because just as I was drifting down off the pot I felt myself coming back up ever so slowly on the Nabilone. From the information I've read and people I've talked to, the correct dosage to get stoned off of these alone is 2-3mg. Notably, it was much more sedative then pot alone. I also woke up approimately 3 hours after I went to sleep and 5 hours after I took it, which is odd considering I never wake up in the night (thanks to my daily pot regiment), I also remember having dreams which is something I don't do when I smoke pot alone.

Anyways just thought I'd report back, as I will do again tomorrow as I think I'll try out 2mg tonight by it self and see how it goes.
To get a good idea of the medical rx list for the medical effects of Cesamet (nabilone) go here:

www.rxmed.com/b.main/b2.pharmaceuti...phs/CPS- (General Monographs- C)/CESAMET.html

Okay so I believe though I am not sure that the oral bioavilability of Cesamet (nabilone) is around 15%-20%. In other words it is not very strong orally. 80%-85% of the amount taken is eliminated in feces and urine. Its comparable to the oral bioavilability of Morphine which 100mg taken orally, only 10%-20% is absorbed and the rest is eliminated in feces and urine. However in the case of Morphine, if the same amount was sniffed up the nose, the bioavilabilty is slightly better, actually much better. While Morphine intravenously (IV) is MUCH, MUCH more active than either sniffed morphine or oral which is the lest active. IV use of Morphine ensures that 100% gets in your blood/body.

Would rectal use of Cesamet (nabilone) increase its bioavilability? Sine its oral bioavilability is only 15%-20%.
big bump (4 years).

i'm getting an Rx for Cesamet next week. Marinol works no where as well as the real thing, so i'm going to give Cesamet a whirl since Sativex isn't available in the U.S. yet. I think it's cheaper than Marinol which costs $1700 for a months supply 60, 10mg capsules. So i'll post an experience report after I get it. Just wondering what you guys/gals think who have tried it? What dose do you take?
I tried 1mg or so. It was ok, helped cure my restless stomach, but other than that, didn't really get me high or anything.
Yes! Nabilone is the shiiit, you start to get a good body stone at 4mg, 7mg is my favorite dose, makes you very hungry, makes you very red eyed, makes you fucking chewed.
psychedelic nod said:
^^ double post.

ok tell us all.

The mods joined 2 different threads.

At 5:30 pm a body high started from my right arm and quickly effected my entire body. By 6:30 I was in a state which most would consider stoned while attaining a medical conference on the mentally ill mind you, however I maintained my self quite well. Overall effect lasted til 11pm when i slept soundly and awoke refreshed. Did notice some dry mouth and eyes seemed a tad dryer.

My friend however reactly more negatively probably due to his minor experiences with cannabinoids. While he was stoned he had a dry mouth and was hungry (he s on a diet) so he did not like the effect quite as much.

I'll try 4-5 mg at a later date and report.
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