• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Grapefruit Juice as a Potentiator

man...i really cant find white gfj...or am i just gonna have to buy white GF'S?
it should potentate diphenhydramine hcl too,
since from what i've read it is metabolized by CYP2D6/CYP3A4.
but fuck that stuff.

grapefruit juice definitely works for potentating dxm/codeine in a way, but the diarrhea after dxm is horrendous.
Does grapefruit juice potentiate all benzos or just the ones listed?

I'm curious about diazepam in particular.
Do you think wine could possibly have similar properties?

Me likes wine a lot :D
I'm curious about the grape fruit juice. I get my Methadone prescribed to me on Wednesday and hopefully this will work a good as people say it does. Should i dissolve my dones in the GFJ or should i drink a shit ton of GFJ then take the dones 30 minutes later?
Just want to add a little personal experience.

I work in a drugstore, and have to change garbage bags where the pharmacist and his crew work. I often see him make methadone and mix it with Tang powder, to give it a little taste I guess, or make it more potent.

Would "Tang" contain the same potentiators as grape fruit or is it only for the taste? Because I see people drinking it on place, and they seem not to like it really, looks like it taste bad also!
Will it work with wine? No. Wine is an inebriating substance so it may augment the feeling from opiates or interact with, but not really potentiate. Personally I almost never adulterated my opiate buzz with booze because I can get booze any time but not so much percocet =-) I think of potentiation as something achieved by a substance with no active ingredients that's more or less mundane on its own.

I have no experience with methadone but if it were me I'd choose to slam 16-32oz of WHITE gfj about a half hour before taking the dose. I would just be concerned that something could go wrong with soaking the (wafers? WTF? Heh, I'm a noob) drug in juice. Furthermore drinking the juice in advance is a proven thing.

The pharmacist is likely mixing with just Tang and no potentiators. A pharmacist's job is to reduce harm and avoid potential interactions so it would seem counterintuitive for one to load up the drug with goodies to make it hit harder.

Also just to re-stress this, this works with WHITE grapefruit juice. From what I gather the ruby red might offer some benefit if you drink about a gallon but is largely worthless. ALSO just as a heads up - it took me FIVE stores to find a place with white grapefruit so plan ahead if you're looking to amp up your buzz like this. I'd suggest strongly that you go straight to a supermarket since I paid $3.49 for one quart at a convenience store.
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I didn't believe any of this until i read in in a medical textbook a few months ago. I just wish that they found a way to pill whatever does this and sell it as a supplement or something, i would rather pop a couple supplements than drink a ton of GFJ....the stuff gives me heartburn and tastes kinda icky...
pirat3, what you're looking for is 6',7'-dihydroxybergamottin. There's a commercial product on the market, it may or may be bullshit, I dunno, but it's called SciFit Liquid DHB. It's supposedly just 50mg of pure 6',7'-dihydroxybergamottin per serving, the main CYP3A4 inhibiting furanocoumarin found in grapefruit.
How much grapefruit juice would you need to drink to optimise the effect of 300mg of codeine phosphate? Also should I drink it before I take the codeine? (and if so, how long before?)

please dont anyone try taking 300mg of codeine unless ur tolerance is sky high - even then proceed with caution
It's always wondering me how opiate naive i am, abusing meth, amp and alpha-ppp for 3 years intravenous, i have never done more then 160 mg of codeine and it was kicking my ass.
Maybe it's more stronger opiates you have used before, they tend to escalate the dose even you you use them rarely.

What? 300mg is a normal recreational dose for non-tolerant...
What? 300mg is a normal recreational dose for non-tolerant...

i would disagree with that , i would NOT recommend taking 300mg unless you had built up a tolerance .

this is a harm reduction forum. if opiate naive people take 300mgs of codeine they are likely to throw up - and feel very ill and itchy - im sure you agree with me on this my friend?

300mg is not a normal recreational dose for the non tolerant in my opinion.

start at 120mg and work your way up from there - over a period of days...
imo there isnt much point going much above 300mg as a MAX dose.

codeine has a ceiling doseage limit , the liver and cyp-2d6 can only convert so much of the stuff into morphine. if you wanna get higher switch to a stronger opiate...

Vomiting and itching are requisite parts of recreational opioid use, I thought...
Uh, never said I was going to combine them. Just wanted to know if GFJ potentiated all benzos.

ok got ya but grapefruit juice is generally used to potentiate opiates not benzos.

to be honest it wont do much with opiates either.

if u wanna potentiate benzo-s then there are other ways - the effective methods usually involve other drugs - and with the sensible user who wishes to survive - caution
