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🍄 Gardening 🍄 [Salvia Subthread] Growing / Cultivation


Dec 3, 2006
Hey Hey,
Was just wondering, is it still legal to buy salvia divinorum cuttings in the UK?
And as a newbie I don't know if its cool to ask this (so sorry if not) but if its legal I can't see the problem- Anyone know and good websites or shops?

And how hardy is the plant, is it easy to keep?

Actually the same goes for those cool little mushroom tubs that you spray I used to love those we would have two or three boxes cycling at any one time and I have only just run out and can't find them anymore.
Yeah Salvia Divinorum cuttings are still legal along with Salvia but given Salvia's strong effects and its growing popularity it may not be legal for too much longer. I suggest you stock up on your cuttings now because you won't find any seeds. They are relatively easy to look after.
Ok cool thanks, I think I read that getting them to root is a bit tricky but after that they just have the needs of a regular house plant (I know thats a bit vague) and that they are mostly grown from cuttings.

How does the X5, X20 thing work, is a particular part of the plant more pokie or different strains or conditions its grown under?
5x, 20x etc means that the leaf has been enhanced. basically, if you just grow the plant the leaf will be 1x.
Well, if you get your plant to grow tell me how, my baby died slowly and painfully, via immolation amongst other causes.
Cuttings root easy, just stick em in a glass of mineral water for a couple of weeks until they get lots of clear roots growing from the stem, and transfer to a large pot with quality compost. Then keep them in a warm humid area, and make sure you keep well watered.
WooHoo! just did a RHS search and there are at least 4 nurseries that currently stock and will mail order Salvia Divinorum and I would assume fully fledged plants... Sweet!

divinorum said:
5x, 20x etc means that the leaf has been enhanced. basically, if you just grow the plant the leaf will be 1x.

How has it been 'enhanced' is it a process that can be home done? cos salviax1 is only worth having wet if quidding IMHO.
It can be done at home. It basically just means a simple extraction is done on the salvinorin, and reabsorbed onto less leaf than it was initially. So, 19 grams of leaf's salvinorin put onto 1 gram of leaf is 20x.


One example. There are better guides with nice pictorials on the net, though I don't have them bookmarked.

Also, it's not hard to grow once you get past the initial phase. Basically, you need to provide them with quite a bit of humidity in the beginning. You ween them off, and they're just fine with a spray now and then. Soon enough, they'll really take off.
Has anyone grown salvia d.?

Most websites seem too sketchy for me to buy them

any help would be cool... thanks
Most websites seem too sketchy for me to buy them

any help would be cool... thanks

Dude, there is literally thousands of websites explaining how to grow Salvia and how to attend to its needs.

Here is one of the many links:


Sourcing discussion is not allowed here, but let me say this: Salvia Divinorum is legal and cheap to grow, lots of trusted vendors out there...

Plus, where would you get your seeds to grow it?... from a sketchy online vendor again...

some info for this freshly cultivated subthread.

Soil for Salvia species-

Organic Potting Mix (Compost)
Bark and Twigs
Coco coir (as a soil admixture and a top dressing)
Pumice (at the bottom for drainage)

Water when the top of the soil becomes dry (Once a week at the least). Mist often in addition to watering (Bi-weekly at the least).

Use fish emulsion, seaweed extract and other organic fertilizers 1-3 times per month during the growing season.

Salvia divinorum requires diffused, mottled indirect sunlight and part shade for most of the day, but likes a bit of direct sunlight at dawn and/or dusk or in cooler periods or climates.

Effects from Salvia divinorum are best obtained by picking leafs directly from the plants, quickly preparing and immediately chewing 7-33 large leafs.

To harvest Salvia divinorum snap large leaves off at the base of the leaf near the main stem of the plant.

Remove the main vein in the stem and then rolls the leaf halfs into a "cigar", chew this "cigar" and hold the chew wad of leafs in your mouth for about an hour.