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Orgasms that drain you... badly.(Health issue)

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Jun 19, 2008
I have a feeling I am the only one with such an extreme case, but I figure I'll tell it anyway, for it's kind of scary...

When I ejaculate (I am a man), my energy level goes down, WAY down. On many levels. Here's how it works.

After a nice night...
Day one: I don't want to talk to anyone or look anyone in the eye. Self esteem is down the drain. I don't want to move, really. Little addictions (like food, internet) run high.

Day 7: beginning to like people again... I'm still lacking essential vibrance, though

Day 14: Feel about normal

Day 21: Life is pretty okay!

Day 28: I am me. I love me. I live life! Whee!

Day 60: I am TRUTH!!! (I am also very grounded at this point.)

Each time I splooge, I go back to day one. It's very strange. I am a fairly healthy person, underweight (120lb 5'10''), and a fairly sane person.

Fortunately, I have learned the art of the internal orgasm, and I do not lose any vitality with those. I don't want to sound crazy like Jack D. Ripper from Dr. Strangelove, but there really is something, a vital essence to these bodily fluids.
Has anyone else noticed the immense amount of energy latent in semen?

This also may belong in Healthy Living.
ab-so-fucking-lutely ~ (although not to the extent that you are experiencing it)

it is pretty sacred life-force energy

maybe you have a zinc defficiency in your diet ?

not sure, but i do experience similar

be interesting to see what other have to say
Interesting... I probably am not getting enough zinc, but how does zinc level relate to this?
bro sometimes ill get or give a booty call and after im done & shes done im just liikkeee "Get the fuck out" like i wanna recharge almost cause pplz in general drain me. I also got some anxiety type of thing but that may be unrelated.
yeah, a bit of en energy loss, but nothing that's as extreme as yours. If say I have sex twice or three times in a day, the rest of the day I kinda just feel like sitting around or napping. Goes away the next day. If I go for a week without an orgasm, I don't notice a huge difference in my actual mood or overall feeling though.
Don't really have anything worth while to contribute but the title of this thread gave me the worst mental picture. Like some poor bloke hooked up to a milking machine.
I have not had it as bad as you, but in the past when I was underweight (130 pounds 5'6"), I would get quite sluggish and almost depressed after an orgasm. The next day I would feel shittier than before.

This went away after I put on the pounds I desperately needed to put on to be healthy.

You NEED to gain weight. 120 and 5'10" is dangerously underweight. I can't believe nobody else has pointed that out. You need to eat everything around you. You are seriously in a very dangerous zone with that weight. no wonder an orgasm drains you that badly. You cannot be a healthy human at that height/weight.

and by the way, ejaculate has very little nutrients in it. Its mostly water and sugar with a minute amount of protein in it (on the order of less than 1 gram). Its nothing special energy wise (a tablespoon of honey has more energy than ejaculate).

What drains you is the opioid release in your brain that comes with the orgasm. This triggers a cascade effect in your body of hormonal release. Mainly we are talking about elevated levels of prolactin, which induce sleepiness and decrease nutrient shuttling. Its not losing the ejaculate itself that drains you, its the neurochemical/neurohormonal shift that occurs with the orgasm. So the internal orgasm method, apart from being dangerous and having a good possibility for internal bruising and damge, does not really do anything for you other than trick you into thinking you are saving your 'internal energy'.

Possibly the only thing that the 'internal orgasm' method does for you is decrease the intensity of the orgasm itself which would have a net effect of decreasing the levels of raised prolactin. At that point though you probably should just not orgasm. Who wants to go to the trouble of getting themselves off only to have a mildy/shitty orgasm?
I have not had it as bad as you, but in the past when I was underweight (130 pounds 5'6"), I would get quite sluggish and almost depressed after an orgasm. The next day I would feel shittier than before.

This went away after I put on the pounds I desperately needed to put on to be healthy.

You NEED to gain weight. 120 and 5'10" is dangerously underweight. I can't believe nobody else has pointed that out. You need to eat everything around you. You are seriously in a very dangerous zone with that weight. no wonder an orgasm drains you that badly. You cannot be a healthy human at that height/weight.


Dangerously underweight??? I'm 6' 1" or 6' 2" and I weigh 140, I would think 120 would just be skinny, and frankly I'm pretty healthy, eat a ridiculously healthy diet, and get moderate exercise on a regular basis.
yes what do you want me to tell you bro, you are also extremely under weight. You need to eat everything in sight to gain some pounds on you.

I would think you would want to shoot for 165-175 depending on your skeletal frame and the OP would want to shoot for 150-160 depending on his frame. Thats not going to be anything phenomenal but you will at least not be able to see your ribs and shoulder bones and such because they will have a bit of muscle over them.
yes what do you want me to tell you bro, you are also extremely under weight. You need to eat everything in sight to gain some pounds on you.

I would think you would want to shoot for 165-175 depending on your skeletal frame and the OP would want to shoot for 150-160 depending on his frame. Thats not going to be anything phenomenal but you will at least not be able to see your ribs and shoulder bones and such because they will have a bit of muscle over them.

Listen I can absolutely gorge myself for extended periods of time and not gain a pound. Muscle isn't gained by eating either. And since all my exercise is walking/biking I could care less about muscle mass on my upper body really. I think some people are just meant to be super skinny.

The recommended BMI puts me 5 pounds underweight, thats barely under.
You said you eat ridiculously healthy and yet now you gorge yourself. Muscle gain is definitely aided by what you eat (i.e. MEAT). Your shortchanging yourself if you think youll stay the same size throughout your life.
Try exercise. I noticed a huge difference when I hit the gym a couple times a week. You'll be surprised how much it can help you sexually.
Listen I can absolutely gorge myself for extended periods of time and not gain a pound. Muscle isn't gained by eating either. And since all my exercise is walking/biking I could care less about muscle mass on my upper body really. I think some people are just meant to be super skinny.

The recommended BMI puts me 5 pounds underweight, thats barely under.

hey I'm not attacking you. I'm just telling you like it is. If you're over 6 foot and only a buck forty, you are a VERY skinny dude that probably can not excel in anything that requires physical strength. All things being equal, a physically stronger man is happier than if he was not physically strong. Men are built to be strong powerful animals. We are built for short periods of incredibly intense muscular contraction. Diverging from this model will induce a negative impact to your well-being.

If you don't believe this, then set aside 4 months to eat 3,500 calories a day and practice compound lifts (OH press, Bench Press, deadlift, SQUAT, Row, pullups) 4 times a week. You will gain about 20 pounds and you will feel better than you ever did in your life. Trust me.

This goes for the OP as well. I'm not trying to insult ya'll. I was also quite underweight myself. I'm just giving you my wisdom on becoming happier (I've seen it in more people than just myself).
DHYANA, show a little understanding. Some people, like me, will gorge, and not gain weight. That said, I don't gorge myself as often as I used to, and I eat very healthfully. I take a multivitamin every day, eat fruit and vegetables and seeds and nuts and fish oil daily. So.

Oh, and by the way, semen has LOTS of vitamins and minerals. Do your research. It's got like 4 meals worth of protein or something.

And I don't think I'm an unhealthy weight... I just travel lightly.

Exercise is a little hard nowadays, being a college student with homework and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (this is recent).

Plus, internal bruising from internal ejaculation? Good grief, do some research! And I'm not tricking myself when I do it. The psychological change after ejaculation is very noticable, and when I have a dry orgasm, the change simply does not occur.

That aside, I wonder what it is that I'm losing in my semen that it takes me so long to build up...
Besides chi.
Weight Watchers Weight Ranges For Adults (in pounds)


Minimum for all adults
(BMI = 20)

Maximum for all adults
(BMI = 25)
4'8" 56" 89 112
4'9" 57" 92 116
4'10" 58" 96 120
4'11" 59" 99 124
5'0" 60" 102 128
5'1" 61" 106 132
5'2" 62" 109 137
5'3" 63" 113 141
5'4" 64" 117 146
5'5" 65" 120 150
5'6" 66" 124 155
5'7" 67" 128 160
5'8" 68" 132 164
5'9" 69" 135 169
5'10" 70" 139 174
5'11" 71" 143 179
6'0" 72" 147 184
6'1" 73" 152 189
6'2" 74" 156 195
6'3" 75" 160 200
6'4" 76" 164 205
6'5" 77" 169 211

Healthy weight and height chart

So calm down guys, no ones attacking anyone, disagreement of views
There is some truth to the idea that ejaculation can "drain you", although the mechanism is usually not nutritional or energetic. As in, the energy it takes to create your semen is not the issue. Nutritionally, semen does contain several metals at higher concentration than normal bodily fluids, such as zinc, selenium, and magnesium.

As was correctly pointed out by DHYANA, it is the hormonal and neural effects of ejaculation that are responsible for the "drain"--which some people are barely aware of, and others extremely aware. Everyone's body is different. One person can manage several ejaculations per day, and someone else may need 1-2 weeks to fully recover.

I've found myself that I experience real mood changes during abstinence, usually positive. If I wait at least 3-4 days between orgasms, I have more energy, confidence, and mental acuity.
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