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Cocaine How long after smoking crack can you go to sleep?

burn out

Nov 11, 2006
I just smoked some crack but I would like to go to bed in a couple of hours. I have heroin to come down with but I would like to avoid using a ton of heroin.

Also, what is the risk of combining the two?
A bit of weed and a couple of Valium usually gets me straight to sleep after a crack binge.
For me I can fall asleep in an hour.

Basically what Dave1985 said.

The risk of mixing opiates with cocaine is that opiates block the vagus nerve which makes the fast heart rate from uppers worse. Not sure if it makes it more dangerous. Also both opiates and uppers lower the seizure threshold.
My experience with smoking crack is very limited as I never much got anything out of it since the two times I have tried smoking, I had already been shooting coke for hours.

However, I know that with IV coke, there's usually a nice hour or two (depending on the length of the binge) where you'll feel pretty tweaked out and shitty, lying awake and smelling that wonderful coke seep out your pours. However, if you've just taken one or two hits/shots (a mighty feat btw..) you can probably level out after thirty minutes or so and go to sleep.

As for benzo's, I've found that they help somewhat with the crash, but you got to be carefull not to overdo it. IME, drugs like Xanax or clonazepam usually take a while longer to kick in or make a dent in cocaine induced stimulation than they would if you were to take them without having used stimulants before hand. The way I usually would do it was to wait about 1/2 an hour after my last shot of cocaine, and then take my normal dose of Xanax (which if I was intolerant to, would be .5-1mg). I'd then feel reliefe within about twenty minutes and be able to fall asleep.

Also, weed does work for some, but for others (like myself), it's truly a horrifying tool to use when coming off of cocaine or any other stimulant, as it can increase paranoia.
I only took few hits but here I am still stimulated more than three hours later. although I havent actually tried to sleep. I should also mention that I seem to have an odd response to stimulants. Speed keeps me awake for days and yet I can sleep while high on MDMA. ANd tobacco keeps me awake all night even if I just smoke on cigarette in the morning. HAs anyone heard of that?
Other question: How is the IV coke/crack rush different from the crack rush? I had originally wanted to try to IV coke but my dealer only had crack so I went with that. I was going to cook it down with vinegar and shoot it, but then I realized I would have an easier time controlling my dose if I smoked it so I decided to do that. I am actually kind of proud of the crack pipe I built and so I am wondering if I should even bother IVing it? What do you guys think, is it wise to IV crack or should one simply stick to smoking it?
What do you guys think, is it wise to IV crack or should one simply stick to smoking it?

Starting to smoke cocaine is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. It pretty much marks the beginning of a rapid decline for most people who aren't already in terrible shape to begin with.

Shooting coke is one of the few things worse than smoking coke.
Don't worry I am not going to get addicted, I am already strung out on heroin right now and if I had to chose I would much rather buy heroin so worst comes to worst I remain a heroin addict. The only reason I got this crack is because I just wanted to try the combo of coke and heroin one time.
i used to do a lot of freebase which is crack but cleaner and stronger and i could sleep an hour after a few hits
Having heroin or another strong opiate around is key after crack/IV coke binge.. No matter how much I shoot, when I'm done and wanna sleep or just chill... I just take a big shot of H and, whamo..it's like I never touched any coke. Without dope to come down with... I'd rip my hair out from the coke crash after a long session.
Cocaine not matter in what form it is, whether hard or soft is such an insidious drug. All my worst experiences in purchasing drugs were when I was getting coke/crack. The times I've been ripped off have nearly always been when I was getting coke/crack. I think the drug is extremely euphoric (the good stuff, anyways) but I hate it with a passion. You start off with $40 worth and by the next morning you are penniless because you ended up spending over $400. It's just not worth it.

Benzos are the best thing for a come down, especially a strong sedative-hypnotic one. Weed can help also, but I personally don't like smoking weed. Alcohol is not a good idea because the mixture of the two is dangerous.
to the guy that flamed the guy saying hes not gona get hooked on crack - i totaly kno what the dude saying and when i was using H everyday i bought a rock about 4 times over 3 years and only got into it for about a mont when i bought a load of powder n rocked it up myself. it didnt take over me and i had my times with it and went back to my DOC herion before going onto methadoone maintence. id say its easyer to have your time wiith things like crack if your allready hooked on your DOC. dont just jump on someone cause you have seen a more probable outcome as it dosent allways happen!

and yeah anytime i even thought about getting a pipe session you had to have some brown or vallies or both foor the comedown!
Myself, after a crack sesh I would usually remain anxious/pissed off from the crash for about 20 minutes, and then not have a problem sleeping. Substances affect different people differently though. Kinda backwards though, inretrospect. I could handle myself just fine with some rock, but give me powder and I lose my fucking mind.
i find that crack doesn't really affect my sleep too much. i can usually be asleep within an hour of smoking crack...that's how long it usually would take me anyways.
It did take me a few hours to sleep but I slept well after that, completely unlike with speed. I still have a lot of crack leftover and I took one hit today. I really don't think I am going to get addicted because every penny I spend on crack, means I get to use that much less heroin. In fact, even if DO get addicted that wouldbn't be the worst thing in the world right now because it would mean I would be forced to use significantly less heroin which is exactly what I need to be doing. I also just dont feel like any stimulants could have the same hold over me as downers. I just dont like high doses of stimulants or binging them for long periods. The one hit of crack I took today was all I wanted for instance.