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Dipipanone (diconal) ?


Moderator: BDD, OD
Staff member
Jul 21, 2002
I recently obtained some pink dipipanone tablets from an overseas source (brand name diconal, wellconal). I have very little information about this drug, other than its a potent opiate agonist and dissolves readily in water, but does contain binders such as silicon dioxide (ouch....sand). The dosage is 10mg dipipanone and 30mg cyclizine. From what I've heard, diconal has a very distanct and pronounced rush when injected. I think it was popular in the UK, but is somewhat rare today. I am planning on taking this drug intravenously, and will prepare with .45 micron filter to counteract the sand. Does anyone have experience with dipipanone or diconal?
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Yeah, this is the first I've heard of this stuff!

I did a search on it (on medline/in medical journals)...seems to be a potent analgesic...history of abuse...seems to have a typical opioid profile in terms of effects. So while I can't offer any personal experience, from what I read it seems like it would have good recreational potential.

As they are tablets, I would suggest eating them or taking them sublingually as opposed to injection (not such a great idea to inject pills). Also, I wouldn't inject a drug that I was doing for the first time -- I'd want to gauge my reaction to the drug via a safer form of administration first.
^^^^The thing is, I only have 5 of these diconal tablets, so I want to make the most of them (and I have a high tolerance). I am planning on filtering it with a micron filter, so it should be relatively safe to inject. Just to be safe, i'll start with one pill. Also, from what i've heard about the rush associated with injecting diconal, it would be a waste to take them orally.
To update, I tried one pill IV, was pleased with the effect, and did two more (simultaneously) about 30 minutes after the initial injection. The high is long lasting and euphoric, even the rush seemed to be quite prolonged. Unwanted side-effects were minimal. I can see why there was such commotion made over this drug. Its interesting that these tablets are schedule I here in the US.