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Let's Talk About Speed Baby...


Jul 31, 2003
Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that make me, wannaaaaa talk about Speed :)

I was reading the Pink Speed Thread, and I was pretty amazed, with some of the peoples thoughts on it, a few bright people were smart enough to realize the truth... Coloured speed is done on purpose, I knew a few dealers who use to color there stash for events like raves/event's, Pink Champagne is just a great way to rip lil newbie users too, I've seen it happen, and I've giggled hard :p

I'm going to keep it low, because I don't want people thinking stuff, but I'm pretty familar with Speed, I've seen it all, done it all, and I'm happy I don't touch it anymore, though If you do, you will realise how much fun / gay it is :)

When I talk about Speed, I usually talk about it in its "cut" form, meaning pure cut with glucose, many dealers usually cut it up with anything, from Epson Salts (burning sensation), Tia Maria (Brown Colour), to pills from the cupboard :)

Now, lets talk about Pure, I'm not very cluey about the whole methyl grouping, though, let me talk a bit "streetish" to get my word across, any learned BlueLighter is free to help me correct my terminology, as this is a very good thread for people who want to understand the whole speed theory :)

  • Pure
  • Ox Blood
  • Crystal

The pure I use to "see", was a amber beer coloured substance that looked like curry paste, i've seen it different, more yellowish, and meth smelling, but this stuff i use to "see", was pretty crazy...

Now, when this stuff was cut, i would turn out to be a brownish/whitish colour, strong pungent smell, and a dab would freeze ur tounge off :) If the pure was consumed, ie. matched stick amount, u would be buzzin for a long time ;) This stuff could be cut, to about 4:1 and people would think its "base" ie. 1:1...

It was the best ever... when regulars consumed it, it was like they were having speed for there first time... A sight to see :)

Pure can also come in liquid form, clear liquid, which I believe is a liquidfied "crystal" version...

Ox Blood
Relatively new ground, I've seen this stuff around in Melbourne and Sydney, though, I've done research, it seem's OxBlood is a very strong smelling, gooey, pungent liquid, with nearly no crystalization occuring... This is mainly because OxBlood is like the "waste" product in the actual manufacturing of Pure... It's not a product which you would "cut" but you would orally consume it, my personal opinion is it aint great, it's all talked up... And it's what it is... "waste"

This is what is seen on most American sites, when you search for MethAmph, usually smashed up crystals, which is orally consumed, and it keeps ya up and going like pure, never seen, nor consumed, so I don't have much of a opinion....

Well that's the end of my little rant :)
Just to add:
If you want to know good gear, follow my steps.. for (cut product)
1. look at it, inspect the colour, the density...
your looking for typically a light brown/whitish...
2. A pugnent smell, u should be able to smell this a good 10cm away, smells like a weird meth smell, not like metholated spirits though, thats a very sharp smell....
3. Dab the substance if 1/2 looks good, put a dab on the tip of the tounge, if it goes cold quickly, then u know it's going well... Put a little closer to the middle of the tounge, now taste if its sweet/salty or what, too sweet may be that it's been jumped on hard (ie. more glucose on top)... So if someone claims its 3:1 and it tastes like sherbert... laugh at em...

Hope you guys find this useful from someone who has seen it, done it, in the pass, but has no association with this shit anymore, I've had great times on it, and many bad scattered days, I just cbf with all the negative sides of speed... cause if you speed, ur going to crash :/

take care :p
i'm not sure your advice is solid. I've bought incredibly shit speed that matched your description, there's NO KNOWING what your buying when it's that cut. The only way to have any clue is to cut it yourself to your own liking from the most pure source available.;)
If you want good speed, get the stuff sold in Australia as 'ice'. It's all just meth, and the clear crystals are going to be the closest thing you'll get to pure.
SteveElektro said:
If you want good speed, get the stuff sold in Australia as 'ice'. It's all just meth, and the clear crystals are going to be the closest thing you'll get to pure.

Not necessarily these days. Theres something its getting cut with more and more that looks exactly like rock, but breaks down from solid form at a lower temperature, and goes almost directly to vapour. It also is much harsher on the lungs, and leaves you feeling like shit if you have much of the stuff.

Not sure what the stuff is, but I'd sure like to know from a health perspective.
I'd be almost certain its MSM. Its getting more and more common to get a lot of MSM cut with your rock. The quantity and quality of meth seems to me has dropped a lot of late.

^^Even so, you're probably better off getting some clean meth cut with MSM that a bunch of brown stinky goop with who-knows-what in it.
I agree completely. The gooey sludge with god knows what other chemicals left in it compared to relatively pure meth crystals cut with a presumably fairly inactive chemical. I certainly know what I'd choose.
Brown sticky goop used to be 'the best base to have' before everyone turned into glass freaks with glass pipes and no fear of using them, and the market demand got large for crystallised meth, I reckon.

BigTrancer ;)
gospeedgo said:
This is what is seen on most American sites, when you search for MethAmph, usually smashed up crystals, which is orally consumed, and it keeps ya up and going like pure, never seen, nor consumed, so I don't have much of a opinion....

take care :p

I might be getting mixed up here, I'm also fairly in experienced with speed and the like, but the ONLY stuff I see is Crystal.

Maybe I've just been lucky with peoples preferences or something.
BigTrancer said:
Brown sticky goop used to be 'the best base to have' before everyone turned into glass freaks with glass pipes and no fear of using them, and the market demand got large for crystallised meth, I reckon.

BigTrancer ;)
Nah, I'm sure any big speedfreaks here will agree with me when I say that the waxy beige rock was the shit, an interesting point to note is that the old waxy beige burnt clear, we used to smoke it now and again, long before clear crystal invaded the scene.
Just as a sidenote, I think I tried some of that waxy beige rock (it was like ear wax/chalk kind of stuff i can recall) a couple years ago and it was damn good stuff. Some dude had a big chunk of it and cut us bits off when we brought some. He just said "this looks like a gram" to some bit he cut off for us and it ended up being roughly 2 to 2.5X a gram :) He was some random from a party and well, never have seen or heard of meth like this since. We had to slice off each bit when we were chopping and then do the usual chopping like a chef to make it snortable. Can't recall how it felt, I think it burned a fair bit (as most/all good meth seems to do).

But I do remember, if it's the same stuff, it was very very good. Nice euphoria and lasted a while.
^^ Sounds like the same gear dude, and yeah, it was heavier than it looked so it's not surprising you got so much of it when he tried to eye it.
There used to be heaps of it around Melbourne, before the artist formerly known as Ice as emerged in a big way.
I was getting it in abundance over a two year period, and quality and appearance was very consistant. The same gear was available through multiple sourcres too, so I suspect it was fairly common in Melbourne at the time.
As far as it being very painful to snort, you're damn right, that shit used to absolutely slaughter your nose!
I still get shudders when I recall my first line of that gear!
Yeah I think sticky good might've been the wrong term, I was borrowing gospeedgo's description - the stuff I was referring to looked like caramel coloured chunks of slightly powdery wax, which turned into beige/light brown powder under a razor.

BT :)
i was going to start a thread about it but it seems appropriate here.
i was wanting to know if it was just me or is it getting very hard to get good smokable meth (ice) in melbourne at the moment.
i've had a friend that was sold half a gram of crushed up moth balls in a very quick deal.
the best i have been able to fin was a week ago and it was very strange indeed.
the meth was a very white sticky powder that stcuk to the knife blade when put into the pipe.
when the meth was vapourised the meth became a very viscous liqiud that took about a half hour to recrystalise.
but apart from this oddity it was qulity stuff IMO..
can anyone shep any light to me about this meth i bought.
never seen it before.
another thing, it seemed to feel much more addictive. the half gram between me and a friend was gone within a night. we just couldn't put it down.
p.s. im steering clear of the meth again for another 6months now so i don't get addicted again.
i was wanting to know if it was just me or is it getting very hard to get good smokable meth (ice) in melbourne at the moment.

If you are intent on finding this sort of info through this board than at least phrase it in such a way so as to not contravene the guidleines. Instead of asking a question, why not just pose your situation in a more appropriate way?

Example: I'm finding there is no good crystal around at present in *** city after it being everywhere 2 months ago....

That way if someones situation is radically different they can respond accordingly with something like: " not for us mate, tons around".

That's about as specific as this board should get with such matters. No exact locations, No comparing quality for price No sources...etc..etc....

After 37 posts or more on this board, I think you know what's OK and what's not dfi ;)

In an attempt to provide answer to your good question on the speed you received; It sounds like the speed may have been contaiminated with a high boiling point solvent. This would explain the relatively long recrystallise period as upon removing the heat source if any solvent remained, it would take longer to evaporate from heat remaining in the glass.

Some branched, long chain hydrocarbons could be used for this purpose.
im not trying to find anything through this board phase_dancer... im sorry i didn't phrase what i was trying to say,
to put it better.
after alot of good quality meth being around a month or so ago i am finding it increasingly hard to get ahold of.....
sorry if my previous post was not appropriate.
but i was not asking for sources or anything else, just a general opinion between people of my beautiful city....
Sorry if that came across too heavy handed dfi. It's just that it is often hard to fairly justify closing one post (even if it was more specific or obvious than your question was) if another post with virtually the same question rephrased gets allowed.