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Datura Tripping?


Apr 8, 2003
Was wondering if anyone on here has tripped with datura before?

I have been reading up on Datura and it really interests me. Obviecely this drug is very powerful and should be only consumed by someone that thinks they can handle it.

Are experiences that I have read true that basicly once consumed you will shortly become tired, you sleep then when you wake up you take the next two days working out if you are sleeping or tripping.

To me this sounds very cool and very intence a safe setting would be needed and definatly a sober sitter.

Has anyone tried it? How much did you have and how did you have it as there are so many ways to do it? Did you enjoy it?
I would steer well clear of this if i were you. My brother and his friends tried it at a Sky show (Adelaide) a few years back. One of them ended up in hospital but curiously no one else felt anything. The guy just went completely nuts for about 24hrs, didn't recognise his parents, agresssive etc etc. i'm not sure how they took it but i seen the results and it wasn't pretty.
Yeah...I've tripped on datura on 5 occasions...the other 4 times being nothing that amazing...But the first time, HOLY SHIT!! Most notable thing is that your sense of time is shattered. Nothing is in order. Imagine a period of time being a film reel, and someone rearranges all the frames and puts them in some crazy fucked up order...that's what it's like...So the time between sleep and awaken just blend so as that you are pretty much in a very vivid dream world...Hell, I thought I was melting into a mirror, started thinking my head was a radio tuner, saw little grey men by the hundreds drag me into the ground, etc....And the worst thing is, like a dream, you don't know you're in it. If you do choose to do it, and want to realise what's going on around you, I find a bit of speed does the trick...Stops you slipping into a full on delerium.....

Had my most manageable and comfortable datura trip with goey I must say....


Peace Out

Dirty Deed
I have not ingested Datura - though I used to be of the same opinion as the original poster. I was intrigued, interested, a little wary, but figured that I'd try Datura eventually. Since then, I've read MANY trip reports for Datura, and I can honestly say that positive experiences are rare. A significant proportion of trip reports mention hospitalisation, due in many cases IMO to people being delirious for 3+ days without eating or drinking anything.

The original poster quotes "you sleep then when you wake up you take the next two days working out if you are sleeping or tripping" - a majority of the trip reports I've read suggest more that you spend 2-3 days in enormous confusion because the drug is so strong that you forget you've had it, and only in retrospect can you realise that you were tripping. I personally have decided against trying Datura in the forseeable future - the risks far outweigh any benefits I anticipate from using this plant. The drawbacks - 3 days of delirium plus up to a week of hypersensitivity to light and blurred vision from pupil dilation, dehydration and confusion - do not appeal to me in the slightest.

BigTrancer :)
My advice is to sit in on a session before trying datura. I'm willing to bet you won't do it. I wasn't so fortunante, being so incredibly stupid as to think the absolutely fucked couple of days following my first ghastly trip were due to either picking at the wrong time of the year or having the wrong variety.

Let me say now there is no right variety. It's all poison, particularly the leaves of any tree, and the coloured flowers of smaller tree varieties.

Although different in action, the major component scopolamine works on the same important messanger system -acetylcholine- as do many nerve gases and organo-pesticides. Scopolamine is actually an antidote to many of these poisons as it is an antagonist, where nerve gas, insecticide etc, are usually acetylcholine-esterase inhibitors (the enzyme which breaks down acetylcholine for recycling) or agonists. Either one of the three possible conditions of
  1. Over Stimulation of acetylcholine receptors
  2. Inhibiting breakdown enzyme
  3. Understimulation of receptors (action of datura's scopolamine)
    if severe enough can result in a painful death. In the case of datura, this pain may be more manifested as mental and physical torture.

    If you look I'm sure you'll find an account or two the horrifying experiences I had with the drug. Not to mention the equally harrowing events from sitting in straight on a few sessions. Serious madness 8(
People don't stress, I am as what BT said just interested currantly, much more research will be done.=D
drugs are very multi-faceted. why not experiement with synergies or substances you already are familiar with??
doof hard....no amount of research can truly prepare you for a full on datura trip....

I've talked to ppl who've had like hundreds of trips in their life, and even most of them are like "..But I'll never do datura, man"

Datura is a gateway to hell....It will open you up to the darkest side of your being....and don't ask me why...but do not ever consume datura on a full moon, or during the preceding hours before 3-5am.....Unless you would like to meet lady datura, or meet the little grey men......I've seen demons fight each other on this shit for christ sake...Datura should only be considered if you can accept that perceptual/consensus reality is just one surface of the greater whole.....

Peace Out
an aquaintance of mine i once knew was a fairly big tripper. nice guy, bit wierd but generally pretty cool. then he took datura. now he is in a mental ward of a public hospital on medication 24 hours a day, and has been for the last 12 months.
word has it, that when he was picked up by the police at 4am in the morning, he'd been wandering the streets stabbing wheelie bins with a pocket knife, thinking he was a jedi knight, the knife was a light saber, and the wheelie bins were storm troopers......
See that's the kinda thing I'm talking about - everyone knows a Datura horror story or ten. How often do you hear of someone saying that they've had a positive rewarding experience? I'm sure there are some, somewhere, but they're not in the majority by a long shot.

BigTrancer :)
I remember a Terrance Mckenna quote stating that the Datura experience was not for humans to experience.

Hmmm, I'll see if I can find the actual quote and its source.
I have to say...first time doing datura was scary...but the other times I did it was quite rewarding...And it helped me strengthen my mind....These days I don't use datura because it doesn't have much affect on me anymore....I find, once you confront your inner fears that datura opens you up to, you can control it more.....I found after LSD...it actually straightened my mind, I felt not sober, but more clear headed than I ever did before...Plus I find datura kills of a lot of natural toxins from your brain (by fighting them off really)....I find the feeling to be like that sense of calm after one cries in a sense......Datura though in general should be avoided. But do not disregard it's spiritual properties. There is a reason shamans used this stuff......

POSTS: 250
JOINED: Sep 2001

31-07-2003 03:14 (#1147988)
drugs are very multi-faceted. why not experiement with synergies or substances you already are familiar with??

I was once a sitter for three dudes on this stuff........

8o 8o 8o holy FUCK!!!!

I never want to trip sit anyone on this stuff ever again, let alone take it myself.

We're talking, Pissing themselves, forgeting who each other is, ripping the posters off all the walls in fits of rage, talking to parking meters, throwing cutlery around the place and at people, eventually ended up in a hospital situation where they were restrained (strapped down on hospital beds) for three days. One guy was particularly strong and broke the straps on his bed.

I'm sure doofhard will come to a conclusion with his own research, but my recommendation would be to avoid it at all costs.
A How-To Guide for the Safe Consumption of Datura.

First of all, I would like to mention that there are many varieities of Datura such as; D. Metoloides (Commonly used by certain South American tribes for religious practices), D. Stramonium (a.k.a Jimson Weed. Stramonium is a crude chemical with narcotic and hypnotic properties) and D.Innoxia (a.k.a Angels Trumpet). As Datura innoxia is the most common variety due to its ornamental value, I will be only dealing with this variety. I would also like to mention that all forms of Datura are poisonous, potentially lethal and any form of psychaedelics should not be used by individuals with any form of psychological imbalances.

Before any consumption begins, obviously you will need to prepare your Datura. The safest form of consumption is orally so I will explain how to make Datura tea which is very simple to prepare. You can however eat Datura raw or smoke it, but the results of such methods are so volatile, I would strongly advise against such practices.

First of all, you need to procur your Datura. This can be a matter of growing it yourself or proccuring it from a domestic garden where it is grown ornamentally for its long, white and distinctally trumpeted flowers (Hence the name, Angels Trumpet). I would advise a first time user to only pick two or three mature flowers. Then you simply boil it in about a pint(600ml) of water. While the flowers boil, you should notice the colour of the water turning a yellow-brown. When the colour of the water is as dark as it will get (usually a colour similar to mustard), remove and strain the flowers. The tea is ready for consumption now. It does not matter what you contain this liquid in, but I suggest chinese tea cups for a more ritualistic context of use.

Before any ingestion, you should be made aware of your surroundings and the people your with, for these factors correlate with the overall Datura experience. The Datura user should pick a safe and comfortable surrounding, like a camp site or a friends place. I would also advise to be around people you can trust and rely on as Datura consumed alone can be incredibly disorientating and/or scary.

Once the surroundings have been well established, it is finally time to Ingest the Datura Tea (once it has cooled off). Datura tea must be administered gradually to the blood stream for safe consumption, else the user may overload the circulatory system with too much poison which will result in temporary or permanent blindness, severe psychological imbalance, or in extreme cases: death. So the best way to drink Datura tea is about a mouthful every 10 minutes to begin with. You can shorten the intervals after two-three mouthfuls to whatever suits you, but never take more than a mouthful between intervals. When shortening intervals, you should take note in the colour of your finger tips. If your circulatory system is getting too saturated with Daturas relative toxins, your finger tips will start turning reddish-purple. If this happens, don't be alarmed, just wait until the colour changes back to normal and you can begin the intervals of ingestion again (advisably lengthened intervals). The fisrt onset of Datura is a intoxicating sensation, like being drunk. This will be apparant after about twenty-thirty minutes of consumption. Pyschaedelic effects won't be apparent until at least about an hour or two and it won't peak for several hours after the initial onset.

At first, the hallucinations are very tame, like an average dose of Pcylocibin or LSD. But gradually, it intensifies to a point were the user becomes variably dissassociated with their surroundings. For example, the most common hallucination for a Datura user is talking to people (or in some cases, animals or beings from "outer space") that aren't there. If a user reaches this point, they are totally dissassociated with reality. The User will not know they are under the influence of Datura and will continue a dialogue with these imaginary beings. Also lycanthropy (man turning into wolf) and seeing a spirit known as Lady Datura are another common hallucination, usually during a full moon.

The End
another good method to stop ingesting too much is to concentrate your tea as much as possible.then drink the above amount till the user begins to trip.then use an eye dropper and just keep dropping every minute or so until u reach a comfortable place.let this go on for a bit as often using such small amounts can really increase the effect of your trip.
if u feel comfortable and wish to get to the next level just keep dropping it on your tongue. The reason this method works so well is that the user feels the full effects at a gradual increase and can build up to the desired point but can stop before going to far.
still pretty freaky shit. Ive had three friends hospitalised here in auckland from the stuff. A close friend remembers distinctly the nurse providing him with a pencil and pad with which he drew amazing pictures of wildlife for many hours. He was later informed that he was never given either the pencil or the paper!!! the second friend just watched the tv that wasnt there for the majority of his trip as he was strapped to his bed and could not get up.
so all in all very scary stuff, acid or cactus may prove more enjoyable and kinder on the mind so be rember to be careful if thats what you decide to do.