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Meth advise please


Jul 7, 2003
Hi, I've never taken meth before.
Questions :
Whats the best way to take it ?
How much should I need to take ?

[Edit: Pricing queries removed. Please read the Posting Guidelines. BigTrancer]
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please don't ask on prices

edit your post before the moderators get their hands on it.

as far as meth goes...i'm not terribly experienced in it but what i know is:

if you crush up the crystals and snort it, its very jittery, probably a lot like speed.

if you ingest it, it lasts a lot longer but be careful to know exactly how much you should ingest (i can't help you with that).

if you smoke it, its supposed to be much more of a euphoric high with a feeling of clarity. some people say its a lot like being on a pill. if you wan't to smoke it theres plenty of ways to do it but the easiest would be to put a single crystal about twice the size of a pinhead on a piece of foil and burn it through the bottom of the foil. suck the smoke off the crystal with a straw held near the crystal. that way would probably waste a lot of smoke so i would suggest doing a search on "crystal smoking" or something like that. you can make a cheap crack pipe out of a light bulb i've read (crack is smoked that same way that crystal meth is). you can just put it in a cone and smoke it through a bong but i'm told that you loose a lot of smoke like that.

i've been told that 3 small crystals is enough to last you all night (a good 8 hours). start off with a single crystal and see how you feel. you'd be suprised how much smoke you get from one small crystal. have more if you feel like it but don't forget to give it time to come on.

also, be extremely careful! crystal meth is extrememly addictive. if you just have a small amount such as 3 crystals for the night the comedown shouldn't be too bad but remember that the more you have the worse you will feel on the comedown. DO NOT think that another toke of meth will make you feel better because you won't be able to get to sleep for another 8 hours at least and again you are adding to the comedown when you're finally off the stuff. if you have an amount such as a point, try and share it with some mates or make sure you smoke the amount i said then control yourself not to have anymore. try to have a joint on the comedown, it will make you feel a lot better and you will most likely be able to sleep. if you can't get your hands on a joint of weed then just ride out the comedown and DON'T have any more until another night.
I'd suggest searching this forum, the wider Bluelight forums in general, and The Vaults of Erowid for heaps of helpful information about crystal meth. There are many ways to take it, all of them have their risks and merits.

Methamphetamine can be habit-forming, as mentioned above. As a general trend I think of the 'addictiveness' (or your likelihood of wanting to do this drug again) of this kind of drug as being pretty well related to the intensity of the experience and with shorter duration ingestion methods - i.e., in terms of the 'ways to take meth' and their 'addictiveness', imho eating < snorting < smoking < injecting etc.. However, everyone's mileage will vary in terms of their own personality, self-control, life priorities and finances.

BigTrancer :)
one thing for you to think about Kman.. the comedown can last u up 2 a week... look forward to it buddy lol
I really suggest that you EAT it. Let me tell you why.

Snorting is harsh on the nose, throat, mouth and teeth, and also is a shitty high IMO -- compared to the other ways of doing meth. Very jittery.

Smoking is definitely fun, but a very addictive way of doing meth. If you don't think you will have a problem, you could go for this....but be careful. Also, it causes tooth and mouth damage.

Eating the meth is the least addictive way of doing it, it builds tolerance the least quickly, and it is far less harmful to the body. It also lasts a nice long time and provides and awesome body high.
i say smoke it... but thats me... buy yourself a crack pipe from a bong shop or somewhere. and put a vert small amount in the bottom.... burn it and inhale.... dont put the lighter to close or it burns too fast i think....... yeah
my 2c
Assuming you don't IV (and I wouldn't advise starting to), I'd say snorting.

I find smoking meth to be wasteful, unsatisfying and compulsive. It's virtually impossible to get a decent hit in one toke, so I end up smoking more and more, chasing a high that's never going to come. Besides the novelty of the process, I think smoking it is pretty crap. Also, it is easy to just sit on your arse smoking it all night, leading me to seriously question it's efficiency as a method of administration. Frankly, I wouldn't be all that surprised if I was told that 50% of the drug is destroyed/wasted in the process.

Eating gives a pretty good feeling, but can be hard on your stomach (it gives me stomach aches if I eat quite a bit) and it tends to drag on, without giving a real peak. Try it though, and if you like it, go with it.

Crushing the shit out of it and snorting it is good. While it can be hard on the nose, you can have as little or as much as you want in the one go.
A large amount at once will give you a decent rush when it kicks in, you'll feel alot more charged than when you smoke or eat it.
im relitivly new to meth i tried eating it(eg rubbing it on my gums)
and smoking it wasn't bad but i found it was pretty wastfull.
and i tried snorting small piles.
and fuck i realy liked snorting a bit and then eating the sudden rush was awsome then it just carried on with eating but yeah try different methods c wich one is best 4 u.
i also found that i didn't crush the meth up and it didn't extremely hurt?
junglism said:
i also found that i didn't crush the meth up and it didn't extremely hurt?

Crush the living shit out of it for all its worth.... youre going for maximum surface area for absorbtion.

And to the question... what way to start:

Dont smoke it. Snort or swallow it. It will stay funner for longer. :)

Smoking it is the most potent, but after a few too many weekends out it loses a the euphoric tinge far faster and more permanently.
Just to reiterate the potency of crystal meth, I'm not a regular speed user... when it comes to straight speed (the sort that most people are used to), my tolerance is pretty low. Whenever I get whizz, I get it as weak as possible (I'm talking fuckin whizz-fizz weak here) and if it's too strong I get a friend to cut it with glucose or epsom salts.

Much to my body's displeasure, I seem to keep bumping into crystal and always seem to take too high a dose.

So this weekend just past I thought, five crystals couldn't possibly keep me up more than 8 to 10 hours... I mean... lookie... they're so small. :\

Uh... 24 hours... and a very unpleasant come down.


Be careful...

PS. Method of consumption was always eaten
im not sure the last times ive taken meth iv got to sleep fine lol
i went halves in a pnt with a friend 1 nite stayed up for 6-7 hours or so and decided we wanted to go for a drive at 5 in the morning nd once we got there. we snorted a bump each and we drove home and both went to sleep
i havent had a problem gettin to sleep
oh yeah we awoke at 2 oclock and fuck was it unpleasent ...body felt so shit aching..... made ourselfes eat ait by that after noon felt bake to normal was a ok .....i did all the right thing kept in the right frame of mind stayed with a too sketchy friend
junglism: if you could go to sleep, unless you have very high tolerance and was extremelly tired, you gear was most likelly very weak.

My suggestion as always would remain smoking it. Get a proper crack pipe and a jet lighter. Burn the shit out of it and inhale slowly so you get more smoke. Yes, if you burn the shit out of it, you will destroy some, but from experience its very little and worth it because you vaporise more per toke. When you breathe out, you should breathe out a *THICK* cloud of smoke - 3 times thicker than if it was mull or something. That's a decent hit and one should send you to the highest mountain on this planet. 2 will set you for the evening. 3 is too much. Give it a couple of hours and you'll want more - but hey, considering you've only smoked less then quarter of a point, why not have another one - and then another one - and you'll soon find out, if your crystal is good, 1 point will easily last you the whole night. :)
You guys have been great..thats heaps....and I wont mention the price of the war again. Should I just take one crytsal @ a time, then wait and see what happens before the next ? Want to maximixe the high, so dont want to reload too late. I'll be eating....so does that mean just swallow the crytsal or crush it up..rub in gums etc.......I'm excited :)
a) what the fuck kind of unitary measure is a "crystal"? crystals vary greatly in size!

b) before considering any of the above, what it comes down to is whether you are getting unadulterated meth or not. crystal is able to smoked and IV'd properly. cut meth (which is in my opinion the best way to have it) is geared towards insuffiliation and ingestion. true, insuffiliation will take a greater toll on you, but hey, its more of a rush, and who sad drugs wouldn't hurt you? ingestion is arguably the msot euphoric form of administration but it is very inefficient. it also remains in your system longer though, which may sound good at first, but once the initial buzz dies, your just left awake.

as for the comedown, different people are affected differently. my advice is to have some form of comedown medicine. whether this in the form of another (hopefully benign) substance like alcohol or G, a benzo, or simply a good movie.

hope you have gathered a broad base for making your decision!

EDIT: get some basic manual scales. if adulterated differing agents have differing densities. for instance i usually cut mine with glucose. when i was at a friends house all that was avilable was baking soda. what i thought was point was only half when weighed. besides, what good are advised dosage ranges if you cant use them?
ok, I now know what meth looks like thanks to erowid.org Sorry to you Barons. Will be supplied tonight and will dine. Supose I will just guess how much to take and see what happens.
If you've read a sufficient amount at Erowid and here, then your guess should be fairly educated as to what dose you're intending to take. I would ask the person who you're getting the gear from how strong it is, and maybe even what dose they'd suggest for a first-timer or someone unfamiliar with speed. Then you can compare their suggestion with what you've read at Erowid/BL and make an informed decision on what dose you feel comfortable trying.

BigTrancer :)