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Guide to healthier rolls and better health in general


Sep 17, 2001
I have written this post for those people here who wish to maintain a healthier lifestyle, and for those who want to maximise their rolls, while also keeping their body at a decent health level. Yes we are all allowed to be silly every weekend, but it would be a great idea to do your body OTHER favours during the week, so that when every weekend comes, you are healthy and capable of flogging yourself with less risk of sickness, or ongoing problems.

I come from a very sporty lifestyle, those who know me or Roquen (girlfriend) know what sports we are into. I also spent some time as a fitness instructor, but other than that have zero qualifications as a doctor or nutritionist, so what I write below is just advice, and not gospel fact.

Below are some thoughts and ideas for people interested in living a little healthier, and also some stuff for people who want to rave harder and healthier.

A week of earlier nights - try to get a little extra sleep the night before you go out. Don't bother trying to adjust your sleep cycle, but ratherm go to bed earlier and get plenty of rest.

Eat well the days leading up to your night out, and eat a lot of food the day of the event. Try to eat a lot of fuits and vegetables, as well as some source of protein, such as red meat.

Vitamins and suppliments - there are plenty of other threads around here on preloading. But lets forget preloading for a minute here. EVERYONE with a lifestyle like us should be taking vitamins and antioxidants EVERY day - regardless of wether there is an upcoming event or not.

For anyone over 65kgs in weight, you should be taking:
2 antioxidants
1 vitamins C
and several oil capsules.

Oil? Yes oil. Oils, especially those with Omega 3, 6 and even 9, are hugely important to the function of daily life. We all know what Cancer is, yes? It is the breakdown of bodily cells at a micro level. A genetic fault, which we ALL have from day dot. Essentially we are born with cancer - called the aging process. Sometimes our cell mutations go wrong, and your lifestyle, diet and genetics decide how often and how soon these bad mutations occur.

Oils, especially naturally forming oils are the essential lubricant, if you will, for your cells. Oils keep your cells in pristine order, and reduce the effects of aging, and cell breakdown immensely.

One study on rats, who were GIVEN tumors, was that those who were injected with a special oil formula, totally lost their cancer!

OK, this doesnot mean go drink a litre of olive oil. rather, try to buy soe fish oil capsules and some vitamin E capsules, and have 2 of each every day, with meals, and not on an empty stomach. Having them on an empty stomach will generally make you burp, and it will smell like fish!!!

For those who want to take it to the next level, there is a fantastic bottle of oils you can buy called "Udo's Oil". It is a natural blend of teh best oils on the planet, which you can add to shakes, or salads etc.

By eating a lot of food the day you go partying, will at least give your body plenty of nutrition to keep you bouncing away all night, and hopefully have you feeling not TOO yuk in the belly the next morning.

However, some people, myself included, still feel a litte yuk in the tummy towards the end of a big night out on pills. You have an empty tummy, barring any drugs you have ingested, so chances are your tum tum is in need of some food to line it, and to calm it down.

I experimented with eating WHILE rolling, and I foudn ti made a lto of difference in how yuk my tummy felt the next morning. I ate a Banana at about 4:30AM at a rave, and it soothed my belly a lot. I left the rave at around 5:30. I then ate another banana on the train home, and again, it improved my sensation in my belly.

Quite often people feel a little yuk after pilling all night, but not all of this sensation is attributed to the drugs yo uhave taken. in fact, i have gone out straight, and on pills, and both times I felt just as yuk the next day. Two reasons:

Lack of sleep
Lack of food

While sleep may not be an option, food definitely is. It is true that because of how MDMA plays around with your seratonin, it causes mild anorexia, in other words, it makes you not very hungry. It does not matter, you may not feel like eating, but there is nothing better for you than to eat some healthy snacks. Make sure it is soft food.

here are some foods worth trying after clubbing/raving/pilling:

Oranges (careful if you have sliced and diced the inside of yoru mouth as the citric acid might be a little stingy)
Fruit salad
yoghurt (try the ski double ups)
up and go (yes they taste like cardboard but they are very helathy)
Uncle Toby's Oats

plus keep drinking lots of water. Strangely, heaps of people stop their intake of water as soon as they leave a club, because they think they have drunk heaps already. NO. chances are you will still be VERY dehydrated all day after your night out. Drugs will still be taking their toll on your body into teh next afternoon, so make sure you have a bottle of water with you at all times.

This leads me to one more thing: Water! If you are not drinking 2 litres of water a day, you are not giving your body its minimum needs. You must be kinder to your body, if you want to be able to smack it around, so to speak, on weekends. Like natural oils, water is very essential in daily function and cellular function. 2 litres of water a day is a ninimum, and is what you should be drinking IF you are not very active, that is, sitting ata computer all day, or in an office. If you are doing sports, consume water during the activity on top of the 2 litres for the rest of the day.

Drinking lots of water will NOT put weight on.

Finally, a lot of poeple would be interested to know that it is relatively easy to change your body's metabolism, and to lose, or gain weight as needed.

You MUST eat breakfast. A wholesome one at that. I know far too many people who dont eat breakfast, rather, they hurry off to work, coz they woudl rather sleep in an extra 30 mins instead, purely coz they go to bed far too late each night.

So, eat breakfast. then, have 4 smaller meals throughout the rest of the day. Thats, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. make all the meals wholesome. I didnt say healthy, I said wholesome. You CAN eat crap, if your metabolism allows you to.

By eating more regularly, you are kick starting your metabolism. Also, it would be of a lot of benefit to be physically active a bit between each meal. try to be up and on the go a bit more. Obviously gym and or sport healps a treat, but is not necessary.

By eating a breakfast, you are not only providing much needed nutrients to your body (remember you HAVE been a sleep all night and not eaten a thing), but having breakfast also reboots your metabolism for the day. People who dont eat breakfast are actually teaching their bodies to get fatter. By slowing down their metabolism from not eating regularly enough, you are causing your body to slowly metabolise the goodness from food, as it knows that it does not get fed regularly enough to do it quickly. With a slower metabolism, comes much slower fat burning and muscle building - not to mention slower access to free radicals and antioxidants.

If anyone is familiar with computers, your metabolism is like your system bus. Sure you may be strong and powerful, but things just wont hapen fast enough to have you working effiently to be healthier.

this has been a very generalised summary of some techniques to be healthier, that most people probably already know. If you have any specific questions abotu health, talk to the health moderators, or email myself or my girlfriend, Roquen.

Hope this helps get those who need and want a healthier lifestyle on track :)


I Don't post often in here.....But I just wanted to say Great Work
Pendulum....Very imformative...


Don't have time to read it now but I'll definately be back to take read it. Thanks man, heaven knows I need a healthier lifestyle ;)
Good advice there Pendulum! A lot of us could do with a slightly more healthy party plan...to get the most from what we have & recover asap:)
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Nice work Pendulum! I actually started going healthy during the week to cover my party weekends and liked it so much I now party a lot less :)

Something that works for me is a protein shake before crashing with a couple of 5-htp and the next day seems a whole lot brighter.