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Urges and triggers - what do you do?


Sep 3, 2015
What do you guys do when an urge or trigger starts happening? For me I hear certain songs that I used to love but then I ruined them because I would also do my drugs to them, now I hear them and it makes me remember crushing and snorting in an almost nostalgiac way, if that's how you spell it. It sucks but I just ignore all those songs and make sure to change the station. Was curious what other people do because today it felt like every song was one of those songs on the radio home from work today.
Good question, I try to reach out but the inside of me still wants to drink as my anxiety creeps up on me. In the past I used to just exercise or would take it as a shit day and not cave in but these days I'm weaker and cave in right away :(
Exercise is great for cravings. Any physical activity at all will get the blood pumping and endorphins flowing. Also chocolate or any sweets help too. It's funny how we attach the positive memories to our addiction instead of remembering all the negative aspects. Get a hobby and stay busy don't leave any time to reminisce on old habits.
I agree, I'm trying more and more. Its like I hear a song and think back to a good memory and then attach the crushing and snorting of the drug to that same memory. Crazy, I know... Damn I hate these drugs. Always curious what it would be like if I never tried one so never knew how it felt. Who knows
Good. Keep on trying man! If there's one thing I do know is it gets easier with time. Everybody makes mistakes man fuck were only human. Don't beat yourself up for it. Instead, be proud of where you are now. Look back on all that shit and think damn Im proud I overcame that. Focus on one day at a time. Remind yourself daily of how thankful you are to have survived. Eventually it will fade more and more. To the point where you can listen to those songs again and not crave.
Thanks Nati for the words. You are right, not worth getting upset about it now. Means a lot since I can tell you know where you are coming from, I'll remember that. Thanks again.
I work in a hospital, and every time I smell alcohol prep pads, which is daily, I think back to using them to prep myself for a heroin shot. It usually passes within a few minutes but it can really transport me out of the present back till the time that I used to be doing that on the regular. It's amazing how these little things can trigger us. Music is one too I guess, that more for other drugs than for dope, but the smell of isopropyl alcohol always brings me right back to banging dope.
Yeah dude not to say relapse is ok or to give a reason to whimp out but it's normal to fuck up. And to reiterate what I said up there were only human. I read in a NA pamphlet the average addict relapses 6 -7 times before finally cleanings up. Don't stress yourself out counting how many days clean you have. In the past that has ALWAYS been my downfall. Like wow I've been clean for a month I'm proud of myself I think I deserve to use.. Take it one day at a time. I really can't stress that enough.

As for cravings..
Maybe look into a naloxone/Naltrexone.. (not sure which they prescribe for cravings)
It has definitely shown to work. It is hella convenient too. Once a month injection leaves your opiate receptors blocked and unusable. It's a huge weight knowig even if you wanted to use. You physically cannot. Major downside being if you were to ever get seriously injured no opiod painkillers will work either.