Mental Health Confidentiality, hospitals, being an adult living with your mother



I pray that this place is safe--

I weigh about 260 pounds, give or take, and took 360 mg of pure DXM robitussin because I am a fool. That was the only ingredient. Then, THEN I researched. Mid-trip. And found that my antidepressant is, in fact, an MAOI. Bupropion HCL SR 100 MG. I took one at about two o'clock yesterday evening, none today.

Then I start reading about seratonin syndrome.

I should give background here, and you're all going to call me stupid, and you are RIGHT RIGHT DING DING WINNER WINNER, but here we go.

I have bipolar type two and OCD. I live in Texas. I am currently on disability and have attempted suicide three times. Today? This was not an attempt. I felt great, and stupid.

But I don't want to die.

My concerns are twofold... Threefold... My concerns are many. Here we go.

One: If I willingly went to a hospital with the symptoms of seratonin syndrome, being 24, and told -them- exactly what I've taken and how I've taken it, they would legally not be allowed to tell my mother, correct? I could tell her it was just from a med change they did at the clinic I go to? A lie that would fall apart, but give me time to think, at least.

Two: Would I be arrested? The MAOI I took yesterday was my own. I have the bottle, the prescription, I get it through a medicaid funded clinic. The Robitussin was purchased with my own money, for myself. I drank it. Is this illegal? Would the hospital call the police? I have been in the hospital once for a suicide attempt that they KNOW about, and otherwise have absolutely no drug or criminal record.

Three: Would my disability be taken away from me, and with it, my home, if I went to the hospital? Because if my doctor is legally able/obligated to tell the govt about exactly how this happened, I would lose everything. And I'm almost rather take the risk and hope I luck out again.

Because I'm not GUARANTEED to die if I do not go to the hospital. But, with the fact that I took an MAOI not 24 hours before 360mg of DXM... I'm weighing my risks, and my options... My mother not knowing is the most important thing to me right now. I know, my priorities are in no order, but. I need to deal with this myself. I cannot put this on her.

Right now? I took the DXM about 4 hours ago, and I feel up there, but obviously, I can type. This took me longer to word than usual, but I'm not totally out there. I feel fine. No nausea, no diarrhea, no real physical symptoms to speak of.

I guess I'm just... Reaching out for a voice, here, anyone who's been down this road-- Besides the symptoms of potentially fatal seratonin whatevers that I can find via google, what am I on the lookout for that just screams 'okay your luck ran out get your butt to the hospital'? And just what world of hell am I in for if I -do- start experiencing negative symptoms, and having to go?

I reiterate, desperately, that right now, I feel fine save for the worry.
Not bumping, just updated for any who have read and might be concerned: Coming down, feel weird, but not sick. I wonder how many hours after the high wears off and I know I'm in the clear? Considering the small dose of the MAOI yesterday, the fact that I didn't take any today, and the relatively low dose of DXM, I think I might be okay. But I'm still monitoring everything super carefully.
Hi, so sorry you are dealing with this.

1) They won't tell your mother due to confidentiality hippa rules
2) You won't be arrested as you are going in for help
3) Your disability shouldn't be taken away if you have an axis I disorder bipolar/ocd. If you have a secondary axis I disorder like sa it will not be taken away. They cannot discriminate. I think this is true for Texas but I could be wrong.

They may ask you question about suicide or self harm being what you took on top of your scripted meds.

Glad you researched maois those can't be taken with most everything. Buproprion though isn't an maoi iirc.
It's not? I've found sites claiming it is, but either you're right or I'm incredibly lucky, because the high's worn off and I feel absolutely fine.

And don't be sorry that I'm going throug hthis.... It was a mistake I knew I was making when I made it. I deserve no sympathy for what I almost did to myself today. The high itself was very interesting, and someday I may go to it again in the name of self-exploration, but tonight, I'm just gonna sit back, be thankful for my luck, and continue monitoring and journalling any weird symptoms... I tend to be really sensitive to side effects, so what would be a wussy dose to some people is a big deal for me.

Thank you for replying <3 This info may help me at some point in my life. I'd LIKE to say that there's no way I'll put myself in a position where I'll NEED such information again, but... I'd rather be honest about the odds when it comes to what my future may end up holding. Rather know a thing and not need it than need a thing and not know it.
I could be wrong… I've taken it before myself. Hmmm
Really good to hear you are ok .. and didn't have to go in.. Best of luck moving forward … <3
I am glad that you are OK. One thing that I think could help to think about now that your mind is clear of both the impulse and the ensuing panic is to ask yourself what triggered you to do that and how you might handle the impulse next time. It's usually not the impulse that is the problem--might be boredom, need for adventure, a hard day, whatever--but there are many ways to address the impulse that don't threaten your health or well-being.<3