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A theory of mine that could make drug use acceptable and safer


May 22, 2002
I had this theory recently, and I honestly think its fucking mint! Tell me what you think.
A car is a dangerous thing no doubt. In the hands of and uninformed unexperienced driver, the chances of them killing themselves or someone else are very high. This is why we have driving licences. Before you are let loose on the roads, you have to learn the theory about road safety, and also how to operate a vehicle in a responsible manner. When you have proved you can do this in an exam you are given a licence to drive.
Allow me to relate this to drug use.
Uninformed, unexperienced drug users fuck up. They neck 4 pills at once, drink 4 gallons of water, and die. Responsible informed drug users have a lot lesser risk of causing themselves damage. Sure there is still an element of danger there but, there is an element of danger in buttering a piece of toast, or driving a car.
I think that you should have to gain a drug licence before you are allowed to legaly buy that drug from a specific drug outlet store.
A moped is easier to drive than a 16 axle super truck. Similarly weed is easier to handle than heroin. If we made the tests for hard drugs harder to pass, you would end up only having extremely well informed people using drugs who are aware of all the dangers, and what to do if something goes wrong.
I think that if we brought in this system we could legalise all drugs and make people get licences before they bought them. This is a good way of letting people who REALLY want to do drugs do them in a way that means they wont get arrested, and it will make drug use safer as everone will be informed.
Well, what do you all think??
I believe what you are talking about is called a "perscription"... It's given by doctors who weed out who can use the drug safely and who it might send to the hospital...
First of all, where you got that being under the influence of marijuana is easier to handle than being under the influence of heroin is completely beyond me. I can bang $100 worth of heroin in an hour and nobody would know the difference. If I take 3 or 4 hits of marijuana from a pipe, I can hardly remember what my name is.
Second of all, did you steal this idea from another website... particularly one of two websites where I've posted this exact same idea, only with more detail?
Thirdly, I can tell you everything there is to know about drugs and then some. It doesn't mean I'm still not a reckless self-destructive drug addict who really doesn't care.
Yeah and a reckless driver can still get a licence and then cause a car accident. All theories are not perfect. This idea WOULD minimise ignorance related death (which IMHO is the cause of a lot of drug deaths), but as always there is always going to be minority of fuckwits that will kill themselves no matter what. It's an excellent idea from a Harm minimisation perspective. Hell, in a perfect world it would get trialed.
Love in Vein is right about the self destructive nature of people. Measuring that would be very difficult, and expensive. The battery of tests one must go through to determine such a thing would never be able to be done on a large scale.
Ok so people with their "licences" are eligable to purchase certain drugs. Where do you think the irresponsible drug user's will get their drugs? The same place as always of course...drug dealers. Nothing will change, it will just be easier for a select amount of people to get their drugs, and dealer's will sell less.
This is still a good idea if you forget about any "license" being issued by the government (not going to happen) and boil it down to the core idea. Which is, EDUCATION! If you think about it, it's in the best self-interest of drug dealers to sell only to people who understand basic drug safety. How many dealers would still be free and living large right now, but instead are rotting away in jail because they (or their underlings) sold a pill to a raver kid that was never told about dehydration, and so wound up in an emergency room puking out his dealers name along with the cheeseburger he ate for dinner.
Read this:
[ 30 December 2002: Message edited by: snap ]
This is still a good idea if you forget about any "license" being issued by the government (not going to happen) and boil it down to the core idea.
I actually do think it would be a good idea to have some sort of law requiring people to obtain a certificate or something before they're legally allowed to use drugs.
This would force people to study for a test and force them to learn about drugs.
And I think there would be a lot of benefit to it.
But as said before, it obviously would not be a perfect system by any means. However, even going around this board it's clear how little the majority of drug users actually know about what they're doing. And increasing the knowledge amongst drug users would definantly be benefitial to some extent even if there were still self-destructive users out there.
One of the problems I had related to drugs was that I had always been told that they'd rot my brain or I'd become an addict overnight. I was scared to even think of using drugs. Then I found out some of my friends were. They were doing okay. So I tried drugs. I was still okay for quite a while and decided that everything I had been taught was a lie. And maybe it wouldn't have changed anything, but I really wish I had been taught how drugs affect you over time. A lot of the things I had been warned about happened 5-6-7-8 years later. And nobody ever wanted to tell me that drugs WILL make you feel good and won't turn you into a failure overnight.
I always wonder had I known what the long-term effects would have been if I wouldn't have used excessively like I did.
In theory, I think that would work, I was kinda thinking the same thing only it was more like instead of license it was like a certificate saying that you learned how a drug works and the effects of whatever drug before you get to use it. Honestly, I don't touch drugs I don't know anything about. My boy will roll any pill he comes across and that's him, he is a fairly reponsible user but times like oh last week (all he remembers is lots of weed, alcohol, shrooms and a bunch of mystery pills) makes me wonder. But of course he did save a couple for me to check out (I have access to test kits and shit) but those got lost. Anyhow, I think anyone who learns about the drug and doesn't, say drive under the influence, knowing fully well that the drug delays reaction time and shit, can do what they want. Just don't harm others in the process.
Oh btw, I found my motor skills weren't delayed at all when I've been smoking weed. Alcohol on the other hand, which is legal and I think that's bullshit(it's bullshit that alcohol is legal and weed isn't, if you think about it they're similar in the effects) my motor skills are totally fucked given I drink enough. I can drive high(and really, I'm not slow, I just think I am, everyone else says I'm moving normal and shit where my high is causing me to not think that) just won't drive drunk, cuz I know I can't.
Oh btw, I found my motor skills weren't delayed at all when I've been smoking weed.
You kind of bring up a good point. For various reasons, different drugs affect everyone differently. There are certain effects that everyone will experience. But the entire experience is unique for everyone as well. So it's always good to be aware of how drugs affect you, and not simply go by broad generalizations.
In my case, marijuana seriously impairs my ability to drive. Not so much that my reaction time is delayed. But I cannot concentrate or stay focused on driving. I get paranoid and my mind races and my attention is diverted to my thoughts and away from my driving.
I think that you should have to gain a drug licence before you are allowed to legaly buy that drug from a specific drug outlet store.
Liscencing drug use, and acknowledging what chemicals/materials were included in it's definition of "drugs" is just as rediculous as the drug war itself.
A moped is easier to drive than a 16 axle super truck. Similarly weed is easier to handle than heroin. If we made the tests for hard drugs harder to pass, you would end up only having extremely well informed people using drugs who are aware of all the dangers, and what to do if something goes wrong.
First of all, where you got that being under the influence of marijuana is easier to handle than being under the influence of heroin is completely beyond me. I can bang $100 worth of heroin in an hour and nobody would know the difference. If I take 3 or 4 hits of marijuana from a pipe, I can hardly remember what my name is.
Exactly. Liscencing the ability to legally use drugs makes about as much sense as requiring a liscence to have access to the internet. And where do u draw the line? Caffiene? ALchohol? Tylenol? These things are all drugs. No one is going to fucking tell me what I can and cannot do with my body.
If I were to compare marijuana to alchohol, for me personally, I'd tend to surprise most. Being a natural born alchoholic, alchohol gives me distinct stimulant qualities; my vision is sharper, my motor control is increased, and my critical thinking skills are enhanced (my headspace is somewhat limited, obviously). However when smoking weed, My headspace is increased tenfold and all my other senses are completely numbed. I cant even drive in normal traffic when im high (and I wont)! Maybe I shouldnt be allowed to have a weed liscence? Maybe I shouldnt be allowed an alchohol liscence cuz I can drive drunk? Maybe I shouldnt be allowed either?
This sounds like some stoner idea some stoned teenager thought up while getting stoned.
I don't think weed is necessarily 'easier to handle' than heroin. It really depends on the person. I know far more people who are addicted to weed than people addicted to heroin. And don't tell me 'oh but weed is harmless! it's a safe drug!' -- because addiction is never harmless or safe.
Not trying to be an ass, but that is the worst idea i've ever heard.
Samir(in a middle eastern accent): Yes, that is a terrible idea
I'm a stoner/drug addict I think the whole "drug license" is retarded, who the fuck do you think would agree to that...nobody well maybe the government so they can put a tax on it,I think if we educate people on drug use and drug aid like these sites, we will in the long run save more lives then just presenting the drugs to stupid little fuckers who have no idea what they are taking they just want to do it to look cool and hopfully they will beable to handle the drug cause if not, they are diggin there own grave, then again so is everyone else who does any kind of drug for the first time, the drugies who know more have a higher chance of living another day. Look at the reality, some people can handle shit others can't and you can't really do anything about that everyone is different!
First stop and remember what kind of information the government is disseminating on the drugs you'd propose to be a part of this deal. (If you need help try freevibe.com)
And tell me if that's enough information for a user to be able to take these drugs with a reasonably low amount of risk.
That is why your plan will not work.